All posts by Melinda Olson

October 25-16, 2018 Coeur d'Alene Resort

Eastside Seedling Characteristics and Quality for Optimum Field Performance

Joint annual meeting of the Western Forestry and Conservation Nursery Association and the Intermountain Container Seedling Growers’ Association

Thursday, October 25

  • 8:30   Welcome and Introductions
  • 8:40The Role of Nurseries to Meet Dry Forest Restoration NeedsOwen Burney, New Mexico State University, Mora, NM
  • 9:15Rapid Root Growth Potential Testing of Inland Conifer Species with Aeroponic Mist ChambersAndrew Nelson, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
  • 9:50Seed Increase and Harvest for Native Forbs and GrassesNathan Robertson, USDA Forest Service, Coeur d’Alene Nursery, ID
  • 10:25   Break
  • 10:50Optimizing Successful 5-Needle Pine Reforestation: Genetic Considerations in Sowing, Growing and Deploying Blister Rust Resistant SeedlingsMary Frances Mahalovich, USDA Forest Service, Moscow, ID
  • 11:25Challenges and Opportunities for Maintaining Ponderosa Pine Forests in the Southwestern U.S.Tom Kolb, University of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, AZ
  • 12:00   Lunch (included with registration)
  • 1:00   Field Tour – Coeur d’Alene Nursery (transportation provided)
    The USDA Forest Service’s Coeur d’Alene Nursery was established in 1960 on 222 acres. The nursery’s mission is to provide quality seedlings for publicly owned lands and to develop the best possible methods for producing quality seedlings. To fulfill this mission, the nursery maintains 130 acres of seedbeds and 17 greenhouses. The nursery also cleans, tests, and stores seed, and provides seedling quality testing. The nursery’s 28 permanent employees have a combined 500 years of nursery experience.
  • 5:30   Evening Event (included with registration)

Friday, October 26

  • 8:30Woods Evaluation of Container Red Alder Grown with Bonzi® Plant Growth RegulatorNabil Khadduri, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Webster Nursery, Olympia, WA
  • 9:05Reforestation in Harsh Sites in MexicoArnulfo Aldrete, Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillo, Mexico
  • 9:40Seedling Performance Metrics: A Standardized Monitoring ApproachAbbie Acuff, PotlatchDeltic, Lewiston, ID
  • 10:15   Break
  • 10:50What Do You Do After The End of the World? A Climate Adaptation Case Study from Northern New MexicoCollin Haffey, The Nature Conservancy, Santa Fe, NM
  • 11:25   Monitoring Plant Stress from Multiple Levels — Lloyd Nackley, Oregon State University, North Willamette Research and Extension Center, Aurora, OR
  • 12:00   Lunch (included with registration)
  • 1:00Stratification and Scarification Strategies for Whitebark Pine SeedEmily Rhoades, USDA Forest Service, Coeur d’Alene Nursery, ID
  • 1:35iFertigate and So Can You! Introducing a Mobile App for Calculating Fertigation FormulasDaniel Drummond, Southern Regional Extension Forestry, Athens, GA
  • 2:10Growing Container Seedlings in a Biochar-Amended SubstrateJeremy Pinto, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Moscow, ID
  • 2:45   Adjourn
8:00 am to 12:00 pm, November 7, 2018 Holiday Inn, Springfield, OR

What to do When You Meet Someone Suspicious in the Woods: Intervention and Contact Guidelines for Forestry Personnel

Workshop 1: What to do When You Meet Someone Suspicious in the Woods: Intervention and Contact Guidelines for Forestry Personnel

8:00 am to 12:00 pm, November 7, 2018
Holiday Inn, Springfield, OR

  • What are the basic factors for safe encounters in the woods? These actions will help keep you safe in uncertain situations: tactical plans, communication, proper tactics, physical condition and positive mental attitude.
  • What are the warning signs of a potential attack? Recognizing the signs of posture, verbal threats, disobeying instructions and positioning.
  • How should you respond to a potential attack? Avoid the mistakes of rushing when not required, relaxing too soon, not practicing, not utilizing cover and assuming a tough guy attitude.
  • What are the guidelines for maintaining your safety in attack situations? Follow the guidelines of not being afraid to be afraid, knowing your capabilities and knowing what the other person is capable of.
  • How do you assess a threat? What are the early signs of a potential attack? How can you analyze the threat? When to escalate your level of resistance. Avoiding over reaction and under reaction.
  • What to do if the situation arises to a physical confrontation and how to respond to danger.
  • Who do you call before, during and after? Maintaining communications with local law enforcement.
  • Dealing with dumping and squatting on your ownership.
Different workshop, same day, same location. Details below…

Workshop 2: Building Interpersonal and Group Communication Skills for Resolving Difficult Situations and Conflicts in Natural Resources

1:00 to 4 PM, November 7, 2018
Holiday Inn, Springfield, OR

Do you cringe at the idea of approaching a neighbor regarding shared expenses? Would you rather eat the costs instead of talking to a contractor about a service that did not meet expectations? Do you want to skip watershed or forest collaborative meetings when you know the topic will be heated? Why talk to people you disagree with in the first place?

As much as we would like to avoid uncomfortable conversations, it is often crucial for progress. Today more than ever it is important for us as foresters, members of organizations, or just citizens in our communities, to be able to engage in open and productive discussions over difficult or controversial issues. This class will help you develop practical skills, and give you some tools and processes that will help you and any organizations you participate in to work through difficult scenarios. Bring your real-life challenges, we will work on them!

Topics Covered will Include:

  1. Reframing Conflict as an Opportunity
  2. Understanding Conflict Styles
  3. Active Listening Principles and Skills
  4. Conflict in Group Settings
  5. Collaborative Leadership Skills
  6. Setting Meetings up for Success
1:00 to 4 PM, November 7, 2018 Holiday Inn, Springfield, OR

Building Interpersonal and Group Communication Skills for Resolving Difficult Situations and Conflicts in Natural Resources

Workshop 2: Building Interpersonal and Group Communication Skills for Resolving Difficult Situations and Conflicts in Natural Resources

1:00 to 4 PM, November 7, 2018
Holiday Inn, Springfield, OR

Do you cringe at the idea of approaching a neighbor regarding shared expenses? Would you rather eat the costs instead of talking to a contractor about a service that did not meet expectations? Do you want to skip watershed or forest collaborative meetings when you know the topic will be heated? Why talk to people you disagree with in the first place?

As much as we would like to avoid uncomfortable conversations, it is often crucial for progress. Today more than ever it is important for us as foresters, members of organizations, or just citizens in our communities, to be able to engage in open and productive discussions over difficult or controversial issues. This class will help you develop practical skills, and give you some tools and processes that will help you and any organizations you participate in to work through difficult scenarios. Bring your real-life challenges, we will work on them!

Topics Covered will Include:

  1. Reframing Conflict as an Opportunity
  2. Understanding Conflict Styles
  3. Active Listening Principles and Skills
  4. Conflict in Group Settings
  5. Collaborative Leadership Skills
  6. Setting Meetings up for Success
Different workshop, same day, same location. Details below…

Workshop 1: What to do When You Meet Someone Suspicious in the Woods: Intervention and Contact Guidelines for Forestry Personnel

8:00 am to 12:00 pm, November 7, 2018
Holiday Inn, Springfield, OR

  • What are the basic factors for safe encounters in the woods? These actions will help keep you safe in uncertain situations: tactical plans, communication, proper tactics, physical condition and positive mental attitude.
  • What are the warning signs of a potential attack? Recognizing the signs of posture, verbal threats, disobeying instructions and positioning.
  • How should you respond to a potential attack? Avoid the mistakes of rushing when not required, relaxing too soon, not practicing, not utilizing cover and assuming a tough guy attitude.
  • What are the guidelines for maintaining your safety in attack situations? Follow the guidelines of not being afraid to be afraid, knowing your capabilities and knowing what the other person is capable of.
  • How do you assess a threat? What are the early signs of a potential attack? How can you analyze the threat? When to escalate your level of resistance. Avoiding over reaction and under reaction.
  • What to do if the situation arises to a physical confrontation and how to respond to danger.
  • Who do you call before, during and after? Maintaining communications with local law enforcement.
  • Dealing with dumping and squatting on your ownership.
October 23-24, 2018 - Coeur d'Alene

Forest Road Surfacing: Basic Design Principles and Applied Practices

Thursday, November 8:

8:30  Introduction, Expectations, and Workshop Overview

9:00Common Road Surfacing Issues

  • The What, Where, and When Factors: Geology, Soils, Aggregate, Road Prism and Maintenance.
  • How They Make a Difference in Costs, Water Quality and Safety?

10:00  Break

10:30Soils Engineering – Relating Basic Properties to Road Surface Design

  • Soil Classification
  • Soil Moisture Content and Density

Noon  Lunch (included with registration)

1:00Soils Engineering – Relating Mechanical Properties to Road Surface Design

  • Potential Soil Strength vs. Actual Soil Strength
  • Geosynthetics
  • Subgrade Stabilization

2:30  Break

3:00How to Access Local Rock Sources

  • Geology Considerations
  • Rock Source Suitability
  • Rock Classification Methods
  • Aggregate Production and Development

5:00 Adjourn

Friday, November 9:

8:00Does the Rock Meet My Needs?

  • Gradation
  • Durability
  • Dust Abatement
  • Recycling Aggregate
  • Use of RAP

9:30   Break

10:00Commonly Used Aggregate Design Methods

  • AASHTO 1993 – Rut Equation
  • USDA Forest Service – STP
  • OR Dept. of Forestry Surfacing Guidance
  • Using What Has Worked in the Past

Noon   Lunch (included with registration)

1:00Surfacing Design Example Problems

  • Year-round Haul
  • Seasonal Haul
  • Restricted Haul

2:30   Break

3:00Road Surfacing BMPs and Sediment Reduction

  • Mechanics of Sediment Production from Forest Roads
  • Mitigating Surfacing Erosion
  • BMPs

4:00  Summary and Q&A

4:30  Adjourn

December 4-5, 2018 Wilsonville, OR

2018 PNW Forest Vegetation Management Conference: Vegetation Management in the Wildland Urban Interface

Click on the green presentation titles below to view a PDF of the presentation.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

December 13, 2018 Centennial Hotel Conference Center, Spokane, WA

Setting Stands up for Success – From Seed to PCT: Applied Early Stand Silviculture in the Inland Northwest

8:00Introduction and WelcomeMark Kimsey, Intermountain Forestry Cooperative, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID.

8:05Starting With the Best Seed: Genetic Testing and Seed Production To Improve Dry Side Disease Resistance and ValueJeff DeBell, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA

8:30What’s New in Nursery Technology, Seedling Production, Seedling Failure, and Quality Assurance and ControlDiane Haase, Reforestation, Nurseries and Genetics Resources, USDA Forest Service, Portland, OR

8:55Developing Successful Operational Chemical Site Preparation PrescriptionsBill Pittman, Stimson Lumber Company, Coeur d’Alene, ID

9:20   Break

9:50The Importance of Seedling Quality for Successful Reforestation in the Inland NorthwestAndrew Nelson, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID

10:20The Balance of Canopy Opening and Site Preparation to Successfully Regenerate Moist Mixed Conifer ForestsTerrie Jain, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Moscow, ID

10:45Panel: What Works and What Doesn’t at the Operational Level

  • Adam Robertson, PotlatchDeltic Corporation
  • Julie Donohoe, Idaho Dept. of Lands
  • Patrick Marolla, Hancock Forest Management
  • Scott McLeod, Washington Dept. of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA

11:45   Lunch

1:00Site-species Effects on Maximum Stand Density IndexMark Kimsey, Intermountain Forestry Cooperative, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID

1:30Economics of Pre-commercial ThinningGreg Latta, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID

2:00   Break

2:15Why and How we Conduct Early Stand Silviculture

3:00 – 3:30   Meeting wrap up – group discussion

January 17, 2019 Valley River Inn, Eugene, OR

2019 Western Region COFE Seminar – Improving Forest Harvesting Operations


Click on any presentation title below to view a pdf of the presentation.

8:15   Introduction to WR.COFE & SeminarJeff Wimer, Chair, WR.COFE & Forest Engineering, Resources and Management Dept., College of Forestry, Oregon State University

SESSION 1: Logging – Steep Slope

8:30   Tethered Cut-to-length in Western Oregon: A Multi-objective Case StudyPreston Green, Graduate Student, Forest Engineering, Resources and Management Dept., College of Forestry, Oregon State University

9:00   Tethered logging in Southwest Oregon: A Research PerspectiveWoody Chung, Forest Engineering, Resources and Management Dept., College of Forestry, Oregon State University

9:30   Tethered Logging in Southwest Oregon: A Landowner PerspectiveBrennan Garrelts, Lone Rock

10:00   Peterson Cat update

10:10   BREAK (Refreshments Provided)

10:40   Pape’ Machinery Update

10:50   Grapple Yarding Through the YearsAustin Weber, Weber Logging and Construction Inc.

SESSION 2: Workforce Issues

11:20 Planning the 2020 Workforce: Growing Our Forest Contract CapacityRex Storm, Associated Oregon Loggers

11:50   Triad Machinery Update

12:00   LUNCH (Provided)

12:40   ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ticket Raffle, OSU Student Scholarship Awards – Jerry Sedlak Memorial Scholarship

13:10   Blount International Update

SESSION 3: New Technology

13:50   Modern Machinery Update

14:00   BREAK (Refreshments Provided)

14:20   Fire Fighting on Federal LandMike Robinson, Coos Forest Protective Association

SESSION 4: Technological Innovation in Forestry

14:50   Computer Vision for Real-Time Tree Detection and MeasurementWoody Chung

SESSION 5: Roads

15:20   Rock EconomicsScott Hoffine, Roseburg

15:50   Road Construction in Forest Activities: The Safety Issues Related to Road ConstructionLarry Fipps, Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration

16:20   Wrap-Up and EvaluationJeff Wimer

January 24, 2019 Vancouver, WA

Mapping the Course: Timberland, Forest Products Processing, and Fiber Issues for 2019

January 24, 2019

7:00Networking buffet style breakfast

8:302019 Stressors and Opportunities for North American Forest Industry

Kevin Mason

Kevin Mason is the Managing Director of ERA Forest Products Research, which provides economic and investment research on the forest-product industry to over 150 clients in Canada, United States, Europe and Asia. The firm’s clients are primarily institutional money managers, but also include leading forest-products companies and governments.

Starting his career in finance, Mr. Mason progressed through various banking and consulting positions, providing services to Canadian and U.S. companies involved in a variety of industries ranging from biotech to retail. In 1997, he joined ERA Forest Products Research and proceeded to attain the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. His focus at ERA has been to enhance and expand the company’s analysis of global industry dynamics and to provide investment coverage on various Canadian, U.S. and European companies.

9:00Outlook for Sawlog and Pulpwood Prices in Western US and Western Canada

Håkan Ekström
Wood Resources International

Håkan Ekström, a native Swede, is the principal of Wood Resources International LLC (WRI), an internationally recognized consulting firm providing forest market analysis and wood price reporting for the forest industry worldwide since 1987. WRI publishes two quarterly market reports North American Wood Fiber Review and Wood Resource Quarterly.

He has worked in various capacities relating to wood products utilization, international forest products marketing, global wood supply/demand and price forecasting for the past 30 years. His international experience is extensive, including visitation of more than 25 countries to study forest products industry and forest resource developments on-site.

9:30Comparing the Competitiveness of North America’s Softwood Forest IndustryBrooks Mendell, FORISK


10:30Strategic Issues for US PNW Timberlands in 2019

Court Stanley
Port Blakely

Court Stanley currently serves as the President of Port Blakely Companies Forestry Divisions. In his role he oversees the working forests in Washington, Oregon (US Forestry) and New Zealand (NZ Forestry). Court was promoted into the role of President in August 2006. Prior to that, Mr. Stanley served in multiple leadership roles within Port Blakely including Chief Forester, Senior Vice President, and Vice President of Port Blakely Tree Farms LP. Court has over thirty years of experience in the forestry industry. He brings significant expertise and leadership to the executive team at Port Blakely.

Prior to joining Port Blakely, he was a forest engineer for Goldbelt, a Native American corporation in Southeast Alaska. Court grew up in Bellevue, Washington. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Forest Engineering from the University of Washington. He is also a graduate of the Washington Agriculture and Forestry Education Leadership Program (Class 21).

11:00Softwood Log and Lumber Markets in Asia

Bob Flynn
International Timber for RISI

Robert (Bob) Flynn is Director, International Timber for RISI, the leading information provider for the global forest products industry. Bob has 40 years’ experience in the forest industry, including 9 years as a forester for Champion International in Oregon. He has spent the past 30 years as a consultant to the international forest industry, with a focus on analysis of timber supply and demand trends outside of North America; international trade of logs, woodchips, biomass and other forest products; and advising clients on international timberland investment. He joined RISI in April 2006, and has published six reports on China’s timber supply and demand; two global comparisons of planted forest economics and investment attractiveness for tree farm development; two profiles of India’s forest products industry; an analysis of the impact of Russia’s log export tax on Asian log markets; annual reports on international trade in woodchips and biomass; two reports on South American plantation forestry and bioenergy markets; and has co-authored an analysis of Southeast Asia’s timber supply trends and expected impacts on global forest products markets. In addition to authoring multi-client studies, he has reviewed timberland investment projects in Latin America, Oceania and Russia for investors, and he maintains RISI’s database of global forest ownership that includes 1,350 companies in 82 countries. He holds a BA degree in geography from the University of Texas, a BS degree in forest management from Northern Arizona University and an MS in economics from the University of Oregon.

11:30US PNW Pulp Mill Sector

Larry Davis
Cosmo Specialty Fibers

With over 38 years of diverse experience in forest industry, Larry Davis is currently Director, Fiber Resources at Cosmo Specialty Fibers in Cosmopolis, Washington. Previously, Larry held leadership positons at Rayonier, International Paper, and Champion International. His roles included Region General Manager, Land Marketing and Sales, Business Development, Region Land Manager, Technical Services, and Strategic Planning. Larry has also served as Division Forester for Forest Resources Association and has worked on forest-related projects across the U.S., as well as internationally. Larry holds an MS in Forest Economics from Mississippi State University and a BS in Forestry from Louisiana Tech University.


1:00The British Columbia Interior Forest Industry in a Post-Mountain Pine Beetle WorldWalter Matosevic, Residual Fiber, Canfor Pulp

1:30Coastal British Columbia “A Region with Uncertainty”Jim Girvan, MDT Management Ltd

2:00Japanese Market for Pellets

John Stirling
Pacific Bioenergy

John Stirling has been an integral part of developing the biomass industry in both Canada and USA since 2006 and recently joined Pacific BioEnergy Corporation as President in September 2018. John is responsible for the company’s global strategy, including developing the company’s growth and productivity initiatives, maintaining and forming new business and industrial partnerships, overseeing domestic and international affairs, and providing local functional support.

With an MBA – Operations & Finance, BS Mechanical Engineering and BA in Economics, John has held both President and CFO roles at various wood pellet manufacturing plants within Canada and the USA, following an executive level career in the areas of corporate finance, business development, marketing and project management.


3:00Public Lands Log Supply Contribution in Age of High Log and Housing Demand

Travis Joseph
American Forest Resource Council

Travis Joseph was born and raised in Springfield, Oregon but spent eight years in Washington D.C. working for the U.S. House of Representatives. He was a senior legislative aide to an Oregon congressman, a senior policy advisor on the House Natural Resources Committee, and the Director of Northwest Policy for the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

Travis returned to Oregon to pursue his passion for healthy public forestlands and creating economic opportunities in rural communities. As President and CEO, Travis manages the budget, staff, communications, government relations, and overall strategy of the Association.

Travis earned his bachelor degree in history and international studies from the University of Oregon and a master’s degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science in environment and development.

3:30US PNW Sawmill Sector

Ashlee Cribb

Ashlee Cribb is vice president of structural products and marketing at Roseburg Forest Products, located in Springfield, Ore. Ashlee’s responsibilities include sales and operations leadership of the softwood plywood, lumber, laminated veneer lumber and I-joist business segments for Roseburg. Her professional experience spans several industries, including wood products, chemicals, adhesives, minerals, textiles and packaging. She joined Roseburg in January 2017 as the business director for solid wood products and became a vice president in 2018. Ashlee previously worked at Georgia-Pacific, holding various positions, including business manager for wood adhesives and vice president of the industrial packaging business. Ashlee has an MBA from Washington University, St. Louis and a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. She currently represents the industry as a board member of the APA, the Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau and the Wood Based Composites Center.


Jan. 23, 2019 Vancouver, WA

Optional Workshop – Growth Rings: Professional Development and Communication Skills

Course offered by the Western Forestry & Conservation Association (WFCA) and the Forisk Continuing Education Program (FCEP)

9:00 AM

  • How to Deliver a Presentation in a Variety of Settings
    This session includes an overview of what forestry communicators have gotten right and wrong (“the good, the bad, the ugly”). Then we review how to deliver a talk (presentation) under a range of circumstances.
  • How to Answer Questions After a Presentation
    Encouraging and answering questions from the audience completes a presentation. This session includes a framework and approach for handling Q&A and includes a group activity to practice this key communication skill.
  • How to Make Comments in a Public Setting (and How to Make an Effective “Pitch”)
    This session provides a framework for organizing, supporting and delivering a key point in real time at a meeting or conference. We also discuss the components of delivering an effective pitch, of having a plan to maximize the success and receptiveness of what you might propose to executives or customers.

Noon Lunch (included with registration)

1:00 PM

  • How to Give (and Receive) Feedback
    In this session, we review the importance of clearly communicating and reinforcing expectations. Session includes examples from sports and forestry, and a hands-on small group activity, along with guidance for “both sides of the table.”
  • How to Take Notes at Work, Time Management and Setting Priorities
    Being effective is, in great part, a function of how we manage our time and focus our energy. This session is about time management, setting priorities and capturing information during meetings and conferences. The way we take notes and organize information either reinforces or confuses priorities and calendar management.
  • How to Stay Current and Informed Inside and Outside of the Forest Industry
    How do successful forest investors and managers stay current? This session reviews key forestry data sets along with recommendations and examples of what to read. The discussion reinforces the habit of reading to stay informed, current (and Interesting).

3:00 Adjourn

Click on any of the green titles below to view a PDF of that presentation. 8:00   Welcome and Introduction – Patrick Whalen, 2019 IERC Chair and Inland Empire Paper 8:05   Lessons Learned from Ten Years of Tending the Woodrat – Tyler Nelson, Idaho Dept of Lands 8:45   Cone Collection: Timing and Selection … Continue reading 2019 Inland Empire Reforestation Council Meeting

2019 Inland Empire Reforestation Council Meeting

Click on any of the green titles below to view a PDF of that presentation.

8:00Welcome and IntroductionPatrick Whalen, 2019 IERC Chair and Inland Empire Paper

8:05Lessons Learned from Ten Years of Tending the WoodratTyler Nelson, Idaho Dept of Lands

8:45Cone Collection: Timing and Selection of Crop TreesRich Schaefer, Alpha Services

9:30   Break

10:00Gallons Per Acre: How Much Does it Really Matter? The Ins and Outs of Aerial Application RatesCorey Fransen, Wilbur Ellis

10:452019 Silvicultural and Harvesting Cost Survey Results – Dan Opalach, Forest Biometrics Research Institute

11:15Competition and Site Interactions Experiment: Understanding Vegetation Management Treatment ResponsesMaxwell Wightman, Vegetation Management Research Cooperative, Oregon State University

Noon   Lunch

1:00Beyond Averages, Transforming Your Regen Plots into Useful InformationBruce Ripley, Hancock Forest Management

1:45Incorporating Competing Vegetation and Seedling Quality Into an Early Seedling Performance ModelAndrew Nelson, University of Idaho

2:15   Break

2:30Using UAVs to Conduct Surveys, Herbicide Applications, and Aerial Seed Deployment in Forests and RangelandsMatthew Aghai, DroneSeed

3:00Panel Discussion: The Real Life Nuts and Bolts of Forestry Operations:

  • Bill Pittman, Stimson
  • Ben Rost, Hancock
  • Chance Brumley, Potlatch Deltic
  • Phil Anderson, WA State Dept of Natural Resources
  • Julie Donohoe, Idaho Dept. of Lands

4:30   Adjourn and reception

April 11-12, 2019 Springfield, OR

Slope Stability and Landslide Management in the Pacific Northwest

April 11, 2019


9:00Slope Movement and Mechanisms
Types of Slope Movement and Instabilities.

  • What is a landslide?
  • What drives landslides to occur?
  • How to identify landslide features in the field.
  • Rock-fall and rockslides.
  • Translational and rotational failures.
  • Debris flows and rapidly moving landslides.
  • How to recognize landslide types.

10:30   Break

10:45Slope Movement and Mechanisms, (continued)
Slope stability concepts

  • Assessing driving and resisting forces.
  • Reviewing geologic conditions.
  • Examining soils and topography.
  • Evaluating surface and groundwater conditions.
  • Methods of slope stability analysis.
  • Natural slopes versus engineered slopes.

Noon   Lunch

1:00Identification of Landslide Features using Remote Sensing Data

  1. Basic Features of Landslides
  2. Identifying Landslide Features using Aerial Photography
  3. Identifying Landslide Features using Contour Maps/Digital Elevation Models
  4. Identifying Landslide Features using LiDAR
  5. Available State Resources and Landslide Inventories
  6. Class Mapping Exercise

2:30Slope Stabilization Methods

  1. Drainage
  2. Use of Vegetation (Bioengineering)
  3. Surface Protection
  4. Unloading
  5. Buttressing and Shear Keys
  6. Installing Earth Retention Structures
  7. MSE Walls
  8. Reinforced Steep Slopes
  9. Soil Nails
  10. Scaling, Containment, and Rockfall Mitigation

3:30Slope Stabilization Case Studies

  1. Examples of Slope Stabilization Using Retaining Walls
  2. Examples of Slope Stabilization Using Geosynthetics
  3. Examples of Slope Stabilization Using Earthworks
    • Shear keys and buttresses
    • Unloading
  4. Examples of Slope Stabilization Using Drainage

4:30   Adjourn

April 12, 2019

8:30Landslide Hazard and Risk Assessment

  1. Definitions and Elements of Landslide Hazard and Risk
  2. Risk-reduction Strategies (objectives for landslide mitigation)
  3. Considerations for Harvest Layout.
  4. Applications

10:00   Break

10:15Introduction to Soil Mechanics

  1. Soil and Rock Mechanics
  2. Basic soil and rock properties
  3. How are soil properties measured?
  4. The influence of water

Noon   Lunch

1:00Application of Slope Stability Analysis

  1. Coulomb Wedge
  2. Infinite Slope
  3. Bishop’s Method
  4. Consideration of Water, Seismic, and Reinforcement
  5. Back-Analysis

2:30Activity – Applying Slope Stability Analyses with Computers
Activity – Applying Slope Stability – Exercises (with answers)

Exercise Worksheet (Excel)

  1. Coulomb Wedge
  2. Infinite Slope
  3. Bishop’s Method

4:30   Adjourn

April 25, 2019 Vancouver, WA

Forest Biomass and the Bioeconomy: Using Forest Residues for Profit, Carbon Sequestration and Soil Restoration

Click on any of the green titles below to view a PDF of the presentation slides.

8:00Welcome and introductionDeborah Page-Dumroese and Nate Anderson, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service

Moderator: Melissa Pingree

8:10Case study: Project Planning for Biomass Utilization – Green Diamond Resource CompanyMike Alcorn, Green Diamond

8:30Efficient and Cost Effective Forest Biomass Operations: How can Biomass Logistics and Supply Chain management be improved?Han-Sup Han, Northern Arizona University

9:15Value-added Products and Markets: What Can be Done With all That Woody Biomass? Jim Dooley, Forest Concepts

10:25   Exhibitor Talk

10:35   Break

10:50Biochar as a Forest Industry Co-product: Is There Space For New Products in Traditional Manufacturing Operations?Nate Anderson, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service

11:15 Economics of Equipment and Biochar Valuation: What Makes and Loses Money in the Bioenergy and Bioproducts Market?Kamalakanta Sahoo, Forest Products Laboratory, USDA Forest Service

11:35   Exhibitor Talk

11:45   Lunch (included with registration)

Moderator: Nate Anderson

1:00Building Soil Organic Matter With Biochar: What Are The Important Connections Between Carbon Sequestration, Soil, and Forest Health?Deborah Page-Dumroese, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service

1:30Case study: Making Biochar and Bioenergy at a Fixed-Location Biochar PlantGrant Scheve, Rogue Biochar

1:50Forest to Farm: What are the Connections Between Biochar From Forest Biomass and Adding Value in the Agricultural Sector?Jim Archuleta, USDA Forest Service

2:10   Exhibitor Talk

2:20   Break

2:45Connections to Natural Soil Carbon: Can Prescribed Fire Help Restore Charcoal to Forest Soils? Tom DeLuca, University of Montana

3:05Revitalizing Rural Economies With Woody Biomass, Bioenergy and Possibly Biochar: What are the Trends and Opportunities?Marcus Kauffman, Oregon Department of Forestry

3:25Case study: Mobile Pyrolysis and Fuel Treatment to Reduce Fire RiskDarren McAvoy, Utah State University

3:45Make Your Own Biochar: What Technologies are best for Small Scale Production? (kilns, pits, and boxes)Kelpie Wilson, Wilson Biochar Associates

4:05   Exhibitor Talk

4:15   Wrap-up

4:30   Reception with speakers and attendees

April 30, 2019 Holiday Inn • Wilsonville, OR

2019 Scaling for Non-Scalers: Understanding the Scaling Process, Log Rules, Sorts, Grades and Accountability

9:00Scaling Bureaus: How they operate and their role in log marketsTom St. Laurent

  • How bureaus fit into the log buying and selling process
  • Represent both the log buyers and sellers
  • Apply log scaling rules
  • Provide qualified scalers
  • Serve as independent third parties

9:30What does a log scaler do?Mike Belfry

  • How scalers fit into the log transaction process (only measure volume, not value)
  • What is their relationship to log buyers and sellers
  • Different points in log transport where scaling can occur
  • What is log volume and how is it calculated?
  • What are the specific measurements and data collected on a typical log?
  • Log documentation
  • Understanding gross and net volume
  • Why did my load scale out at a lesser volume? Reasons for volume deductions

10:30   Break

11:00Northwest Log Scaling Rules: Applying uniformity and standardization within the Doug-fir processing areaTom St. Laurent

  • Function and role of the rules
  • What they cover
  • How they are maintained and revised

11:30Special requests: Using procedures in addition to the NW Log Scaling RulesTom St. Laurent

  • Why special requests are made
  • Common examples
  • Documenting special requests

Noon   Lunch

1:00Understanding log grades and sortsMike Belfry

  • What is the difference between grades and sorts?
  • Why do sorts vary from company to company?
  • What is the difference between a good #2 sawlog and a rough #2 sawlog
  • What is the pulp sort?
  • What is a cull?

2:00   Break

2:15Log accountability: Tracking the log load from landing to millMike Belfry

  • How is data collected? Load receipts, weight reports, sample scales, sample expansion, log tags, scale tickets and certificates
  • Understanding the paperwork: Examples will be provided of load receipts, scale tickets and certificates and each form will be reviewed in detail.
  • What are the standard procedures for documentation and changes?
  • How is the data stored, disseminated and then accessed by clients?

3:45Catch-all short topicsMike Belfry and Tom St. Laurent

  • Difference between westside and eastside scaling
  • Understanding cubic measurements
  • Deciphering overrun and underrun
  • Volume conversion factors
  • Using taper factors and actual taper
  • Scaler cost and value

4:15   Adjourn

May 7, 2019 Olympia, WA

Fundamentals and Best Practices for Forest Inventories

8:00Building Blocks of Sound Inventory Design

  1. What is a working forest inventory? The evolution over 30 years from strata averages and yield tables to individual stand structures within strata.
  2. Why you should be cruising for inventory versus harvest. Your cruising objective is to capture silvicultural growth capacity and setup the ability to re-merchandize as markets change.

8:30Sample Designs – Strata

  1. Stratifying the whole forest – What are the right classifications and levels of strata?
  2. Breaking the strata into unique stand polygons –Why we need unique stand identification.
  3. Sampling stands within each strata for cruising – Getting the right distribution, intensity and frequency of sampling and working with riparian buffers and setasides.

10:00   Break

10:20Sample Design – Plots

  1. Distributing your plots across the entire stand –Why this makes a difference.
  2. Including small tree frequencies to define density.
  3. How large tree frequencies define silvicultural options and asset values.
  4. Defining clumpiness with systematic spatial plot patterns to quantify the impact on yield capacity.
  5. Determining the right plot frequency and distribution within each stand.

12:00   Lunch

1:00Sample Design – Trees

  1. Sampling all trees of all species and sizes within each stand makes a difference.
  2. Applying a combination of prism-sweep and fixed area plot designs for sampling.
    • Tally frequencies by species and size class, never by species alone.
    • When and why to record tree condition and vigor class in cruise design.
    • Methods for selecting large trees height samples – why this makes a difference.
    • Estimating live crown length and percent defect in large trees.
    • When and how to measure taper.
    • When and why to measure age
  3. How to use a 1/20th acre fixed area circular plot for standing dead trees.
  4. Sampling down woody material using a minimum 100-foot transect line.

2:00   Break

2:20Cruise Compilation Methods

  1. Compiling each stand cruise versus compiling by strata – within and between stands.
  2. Height estimation methods – why tree heights vary with silviculture.

3:30Expanding the Cruise to Un-sampled Stands

  1. Assigning a stand structure to un-sampled stands from an average tree list generated from sampled stands – when and why these methods are important to understand and use.
  2. Do’s and don’ts of cruise expansions–methods, timing, frequency and assumptions.

4:15Year-end Updates and Reporting – Getting the Sequence and Components Right

  1. Incorporating all new harvest units, deletions,acquisitions and boundary adjustments in a GIS stand polygon layer.
  2. Updating the GIS road network and road class buffer widths.
  3. Updating the GIS stream courses and riparian buffer widths.
  4. Updating all administrative, silvicultural and operational costs.
  5. Running reports for year-end harvest volume and value reports.
  6. Growing stands for one year from the previous year for annual growth reporting.
  7. Updating the inventory with all new cruises from all sampled stands within current year – identifying the actual impact of new information.
  8. Producing forest-wide reports of new current standing forest inventory.

5:00   Adjourn