2019 Inland Empire Reforestation Council Meeting

Location: Coeur d'Alene Resort, Coeur d'Alene, ID
Click on any of the green titles below to view a PDF of that presentation.
8:00 Welcome and Introduction – Patrick Whalen, 2019 IERC Chair and Inland Empire Paper
8:05 Lessons Learned from Ten Years of Tending the Woodrat – Tyler Nelson, Idaho Dept of Lands
8:45 Cone Collection: Timing and Selection of Crop Trees – Rich Schaefer, Alpha Services
9:30 Break
10:00 Gallons Per Acre: How Much Does it Really Matter? The Ins and Outs of Aerial Application Rates – Corey Fransen, Wilbur Ellis
10:45 2019 Silvicultural and Harvesting Cost Survey Results – Dan Opalach, Forest Biometrics Research Institute
11:15 Competition and Site Interactions Experiment: Understanding Vegetation Management Treatment Responses – Maxwell Wightman, Vegetation Management Research Cooperative, Oregon State University
Noon Lunch
1:00 Beyond Averages, Transforming Your Regen Plots into Useful Information – Bruce Ripley, Hancock Forest Management
1:45 Incorporating Competing Vegetation and Seedling Quality Into an Early Seedling Performance Model – Andrew Nelson, University of Idaho
2:15 Break
2:30 Using UAVs to Conduct Surveys, Herbicide Applications, and Aerial Seed Deployment in Forests and Rangelands – Matthew Aghai, DroneSeed
3:00 Panel Discussion: The Real Life Nuts and Bolts of Forestry Operations:
- Bill Pittman, Stimson
- Ben Rost, Hancock
- Chance Brumley, Potlatch Deltic
- Phil Anderson, WA State Dept of Natural Resources
- Julie Donohoe, Idaho Dept. of Lands
4:30 Adjourn and reception
Conference Photos
46th Annual Meeting
From Science to Seed
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Coeur d’Alene Resort
The meeting agenda and registration information can be found at: https://www.webpages.uidaho.edu/ietic/2meetings.htm.
The IETIC Steering Committee will meet on 3/7/19. You can register for both IETIC meetings using the link above.