2018 PNW Forest Vegetation Management Conference: Vegetation Management in the Wildland Urban Interface

Start Date: December 4, 2018Location: Holiday Inn Portland South - Wilsonville, OR
Click on the green presentation titles below to view a PDF of the presentation.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
- 7:00 Registration Opens
- 8:30 Opening Remarks: Mike Cloughesy, Oregon Forest Resources Institute
- 8:45 Why do we Manage Forest Vegetation? – Bruce Kelpsas, Retired, Forest Consultant
- 9:15 Subscriber Function of the Oregon Department of Forestry E-Notification System – Joe Touchstone, Oregon Department of Forestry
- 9:45 Break
- 10:15 Effects of Vegetation Management on Biomass Stock of Four Coniferous Species in the Pacific Northwest – Carlos Gonzalez-Benecke, Vegetation Management Research Cooperative, Oregon State University
- 11:15 H2B Visas: What Does it Take to Bring Staff in From out of Country? – Sergio Mejia, Highlanders Forest LLC
- 12:00 Lunch
- 1:15 The Future of Herbicide use in Forestry? A look at the Litigation, Politics and Policy of Vegetation Management – Katie Fast, Oregonians for Food & Shelter
- 2:00 Nutrient Limitations on Intensive Biomass Production in PNW Plantations – Rob Harrison, University of Washington
- 2:45 Break
- 3:15 Vegetation Control and Minimizing Risks to Non-target Soil Resources – Matt Busse, Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service
- 4:00 The Effects of Organic Matter Removal and Vegetation Control Treatments on Douglas-fir Soil and Site Productivity – Kim Littke, University of Washington
- 4:45 Suppliers Update: George Severson, Alligare
- 5:15 Hospitality and Networking Session
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
- 8:00 Facilitated Discussion: Moderator: Mark Gourley, Forester
This is a two hour “Plain English” discussion lead by foresters where each will comment problem weeds, sites for spraying or other means of vegetation control. The panel will give info on operations on their land. This session is an interactive discussion with a question and answer discussion amongst all attendees. Topics covered include: herbicide application timing, tank mixes, when and why to use adjuvants and surfactants, efficacy of mixes on target vegetation, application rates, ways to treat hard to kill species, planting timing, and all aspects of reforestation.- Tim Truax, Roseburg Resources
- Joe Newton, Lone Rock
- Jake Thiemans, Hancock
- Chris Whitson, Port Blakely
- 10:00 Break
- 10:15 Silvicultural Herbicides and Their Effects on Water Quality and Aquatic Organisms: An Overview – Ashley Coble, NCASI
- 10:45 Ecophysiology and Vegetation Management: Understanding Treatment Responses – Maxwell Wightman, Vegetation Management Research Cooperative, Oregon State University
- 11:15 Environmental Fate of Herbicides – George Beck, Alligare LLC
- 12:00 Lunch
- 1:00 Identifying Sensitive Neighbors when Planning a Spray Project – Mark Wall, Roseburg Resources
- 1:45 Federal Worker Protection Standards for Forestry- What Changed in 2017 and 2018? – Carol Black, Washington State University
- 2:45 Break
- 3:00 How to Manage Drift for Common Forestry Herbicides – Carol Black
- 3:30 Quantifying Black Bear Damage to Western Conifers – Jimmy Taylor, USDA National Wildlife Research Center
- 4:00 Adjourn
About the Conference
The conference will be held at the Holiday Inn Portland South at 25425 SW 95th Ave. in Wilsonville, OR. The hotel can be reached at: 503-682- 2211 or hiportlandsouth.com.