About Us

The mission of Western Forestry and Conservation Association is to promote forest stewardship in western North America. The association’s objectives are to:

  •  Promote the science and practice of forestry for the sustainable production of goods, services and uses of forest resources.
  • Promote the dissemination of forestry research and technical information to those interested in the social, environmental and economic values of western forests.
  • Promote cooperation and understanding of management issues among federal, provincial and state governments, universities, forest-related industries and others with professional and technical involvement with forest resources.

The association was founded in 1909 and member companies and organizations are located in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Alberta. Nicole Jacobsen is the executive director.

WFCA provides high quality professional continuing education for natural resource managers in the western United States. These events range from workshops and field trips to conferences on the science and practice of forest management. WFCA often co-sponsors events with outside groups interested in the goal of forest management.



Nicole has a Bachelor’s from University of Washington in Forest Resources, a Master’s in Natural Resource Management from University of Idaho, and a Master’s in Soil Environmental Science from Virginia Tech. Nicole has recently completed her dissertation focusing on curriculum design for undergraduate and professional continuing education and expects conferrence of a Doctorate in Education in fall 2023.

Nicole has worked for the USDA Forest Service and Fish & Wildlife Service in fire research and management, for the Dept. of Defense as an Ecological Program Manager, and most recently in the Habitat Conservation Plan Section of the WA DNR Forest Resources Division.

When not working, Nicole enjoys spending time on Pacific beaches with her son and adopted dogs.


Melinda is the Administrative Assistant for the Western Forestry and Conservation Association (WFCA).

Melinda was born and raised in Hillsboro, Oregon. She studied Graphic Design at the University of Idaho and has over 10 years of clerical and customer service experience. Prior to her current position Melinda worked as the counseling secretary at a local high school.



Ruscena Wiederholt is an ecologist and science writer based in the sunshine and alligator-filled landscape of South Florida. She regularly writes pieces on climate change, sustainability, and the environment. When not glued to her laptop, she likes traveling, dancing, and doing anything outdoors. Find her on LinkedIn or on her blog site.



Allison Vessell is a dedicated environmental enthusiast and a senior Environmental and Natural Resources student at Georgia Highlands College. With a passion for preserving and protecting our planet’s natural resources, she is driven to make a meaningful impact on the world of forestry.