All posts by Melinda Olson

This registration link is for exhibitors and additional booth staff only. If you’d like to register as a regular attendee, please go to the PACT 2015 website and register through their registration page. Exhibitor registration includes: – Registration for the primary attendee – 10′ wide by 6′ deep exhibit space – Table – Electricity – … Continue reading PACT 2015 Exhibitor and Additional Attendee Registration

PACT 2015 Exhibitor and Additional Attendee Registration

This registration link is for exhibitors and additional booth staff only. If you’d like to register as a regular attendee, please go to the PACT 2015 website and register through their registration page.

Exhibitor registration includes:

– Registration for the primary attendee

– 10′ wide by 6′ deep exhibit space

– Table

– Electricity

– Pipe and Drape

Additional booth staff will need to register for the conference under the “additional staff registration” option through the registration link.

Agenda April 13, 2015 1:00 PM Understanding the types of forest growth and yield models with an emphasis on FVS, ORGANON and FPS. Why are model classifications important? Understanding the ramifications from using the various models. Compare and contrast model parts and components, strengths and weaknesses. Data requirements for each model. Basic mechanics of the … Continue reading Forest Growth and Yield Models: What Makes Them Work and What Makes Them Fail?

Forest Growth and Yield Models: What Makes Them Work and What Makes Them Fail?


April 13, 2015

1:00 PM

Understanding the types of forest growth and yield models with an emphasis on FVS, ORGANON and FPS.

5:00 PM



April 14, 2015

8:00 AM

Model Evaluation: Why are you using one particular model and does it give you the answers that you need? Where models succeed and where they are suspect.




12:00 PM


1:00 PM

How do I localize a model for my area? When is it necessary to do a calibration?

  • What is the difference between evaluation and calibration? Basic adjustments will be covered for FVS, FPS and ORGANON.

2:30 PM

Working through the process: Selecting the best model for
unfamiliar areas and little data.




Final Take-Home Message

4:30 PM


Agenda 8:00     Instructor introduction and course overview 8:15     Timber Market Frameworks: What are We Trying to Answer? What are the Tools of the Trade? 8:45     Defining “Operable” and Analyzable” Markets: Group exercise on drafting geographic wood and timber markets. How do we account for size, location, operations, and data collection? 9:30    Break 9:45     Detailing Wood … Continue reading Analyzing Forest Products Markets and Forecasting Log Prices in the PNW

Analyzing Forest Products Markets and Forecasting Log Prices in the PNW


8:00     Instructor introduction and course overview

8:15     Timber Market Frameworks: What are We Trying to Answer? What are the Tools of the Trade?

8:45     Defining “Operable” and Analyzable” Markets: Group exercise on drafting geographic wood and timber markets. How do we account for size, location, operations, and data collection?

9:30    Break

9:45     Detailing Wood Demand and Competition: Assessing the location, size, type, status, and risk of existing wood-using facilities.

10:45     Screening Wood Bioenergy Projects: How do we screen bioenergy projects for analysis of local wood markets?

11:30     Lunch

12:15     Analyzing and Forecasting Stumpage and Delivered Prices: Identifying, organizing, and analyzing basin-specific stumpage and delivered prices. Group exercise on estimating future prices.

2:15     Break

2:30     Estimating Supply Chain Issues: Evaluation logging capacity, transportation and rail lines, and port access.

3:30     Compiling and Communicating Final Results: Confirming final results and recommendations, producing final deliverables, and communication technical information and results.

4:00     Session adjourns

The course includes two 15-minute breaks, lunch, hard copies of all course materials, and electronic copies of supplementary reference materials and copies of the book “Wood for Bioenergy” (Forest History Society).