All posts by Melinda Olson

Thursday, June 23 6:00 PM Welcome Barbeque: Pearrygin State Park site # 139, Winthrop WA – Mark Kimsey, NWFSC President Friday, June 24 7:00 AM Group Breakfast 8:30 Geology, Geomorphology and Soils of the North Cascades – Carl Davis, Retired USFS Soil Scientist 10:00  The Tripod Fire: History of the Burn, Fire Behavior – Tom Leuschen, … Continue reading Northwest Forest Soils Council Summer Field Tour 2016

Northwest Forest Soils Council Summer Field Tour 2016

Thursday, June 23

6:00 PM Welcome Barbeque: Pearrygin State Park site # 139, Winthrop WA – Mark Kimsey, NWFSC President

Friday, June 24

7:00 AM Group Breakfast

8:30 Geology, Geomorphology and Soils of the North Cascades – Carl Davis, Retired USFS Soil Scientist

10:00  The Tripod Fire: History of the Burn, Fire Behavior – Tom Leuschen, Retired USFS

11:00 Fire History of Various Plant Series of the Wenatchee National Forest – Dave Peterson PNW Lab, Wenatchee

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Vegetation Recovery of the Tripod Fire – Dave Peterson PNW Lab, Wenatchee

2:00 Terrain Influences on Patterns of Vegetation Recovery – Caitlin Littlefield, Univ of Washington

3:00 Soil Carbon: Signature of Fire History – Bernard Bormann, Univ. of Washington and Peter Homann, Western Washington University

4:00 Wildland Fire Interface: Ecologically Fire Wise – Heide Anderson, Methow Conservancy

7:00 Group Potluck

Saturday, June 25

7:00 AM Group Breakfast

8:00 Burned Area Emergency Rehab – Tripod BAER Assessment
– Soil Burn Severity
– Vegetation Mortality mapping
– Fire, Erosion and Runoff
– Engineering Issues

Mel Bennett, Retired hydrologist USFS and Luke Cerise, Soil Scientist OKW National Forest

10:00 Monitoring BAER Road Projects – Pete Robichaud, Rocky Mtn. Research Station

11:00 Monitoring BAER Mulching – John Bontrager, Univ. of Idaho

11:30 Native Plant Issues with BAER Treatments – Therese Ohlson, Retired Ecologist USFS

12:00 Group Lunch and Adjourn

Monday, June 13th   9:00 AM – 11:15 AM            Oregon Department of Forestry’s Schroeder Seed Orchard – Tour of orchard and facilities, spray equipment demonstrations 11:15 AM – 12 Noon           Travel allowance – Schroeder Orchard to OSU Extension Center 12 Noon – 1 PM                   Lunch (provided) … Continue reading NWSOMA 2016


Monday, June 13th


9:00 AM – 11:15 AM            Oregon Department of Forestry’s Schroeder Seed Orchard – Tour of orchard and facilities, spray equipment demonstrations

11:15 AM – 12 Noon           Travel allowance – Schroeder Orchard to OSU Extension Center

12 Noon – 1 PM                   Lunch (provided)

1:00 PM – 1:45 PM               Chal Landgren, Oregon State University – Christmas Tree Fertilization Methods

1:45 PM – 2:45 PM             Beth Whillhite, United States Forest Service – Insect lifecycles, emerging pests in seed orchards

2:45 PM – 3:00 PM                Break

3:00 PM – 3:30 PM              Christine Buhl, Oregon Department of Forestry – “I’ve got pests! Who do I call?”

3:30 PM – 4:00 PM             Dan Cress, Regenetics Forest Genetics Consulting – Tree nutrition, Insecticides and Issues with Gibberellins: Several Answerable Yet Unanswered Questions

4:00 PM – 4:45 PM           Jim Rockis, Reliable Source Seeds and Transplants – Seed orchard establishment and seed extraction techniques in the eastern U.S.

4:45 – 5:15 PM                    Wyatt Williams, Oregon Department of Forestry – 2016 Asian gypsy moth eradication project: protecting forest and agriculture from a new invasive pest

6:00 PM – 8:00 PM                 Evening Social (dinner provided) – McMennamins Old Church and Pub (Steamboat Room) in Wilsonville, OR



Tuesday, June 14th


8:00 AM – 9:00 AM                3rd Cycle Breeding – Lead by: Bill Marshall, Cascade Timber; Don Kaczmarek, Oregon Department of Forestry; Sara Lipow, Roseburg Forest Products

9:00 AM – 9:30 AM                Dave Silen, Holiday Tree Farms, Inc. – Silen Seed Orchard, Christmas Trees and Neighbor Relations: A Second Generation Perspective

9:30 AM – 9:45 AM                Janet Prevey, United States Forest Service – How do trees know when to flower?

9:45 AM – 10:00 AM              Break

10:00 AM – 12 Noon              Round Table Discussion

12 Noon – 1 PM                         Lunch (provided)

1:00 PM – 1:30 PM                 Travel allowance – OSU Extension Center to IFA Nurser

1:30 PM – 3:30 PM                  Field Tour @ IFA Nursery in Canby, OR

June 15-16, 2016 Red Lion at the Park, Spokane, WA June 15 (Wednesday) 9:00     The Whole Picture: Tree Vigor, Forest Ecology and Stand Dynamics —  Karen Ripley, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA 9:30     Aerial Surveys: Techniques and Products — Ben Smith, USDA Forest Service, Westside Forest Insect and Disease Service Center, Sandy, OR … Continue reading Forest Health: Identification and Management of Forest Insects and Diseases

Forest Health: Identification and Management of Forest Insects and Diseases

June 15-16, 2016 Red Lion at the Park, Spokane, WA

June 15 (Wednesday)

9:00     The Whole Picture: Tree Vigor, Forest Ecology and Stand Dynamics  Karen Ripley, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA

9:30     Aerial Surveys: Techniques and Products Ben Smith, USDA Forest Service, Westside Forest Insect and Disease Service Center, Sandy, OR

10:00   Why are My Trees Dying?  Diagnostic Tools and Methods for Forest Managers  Holly Kearns , USDA Forest Service, Sandy, OR

10:30   Break

11:00   Assessing Fire Damaged Trees Melissa Fischer, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Colville, WA

Defoliating Insects and Pathogens: Hosts, Habitats and Management Strategies

11:30   Douglas-fir Tussock Moth Tom Eckberg, Idaho Dept. of Lands, Coeur d’Alene, ID

Noon   Lunch (included with registration)

1:00     Western Spruce Budworm Amy Gannon “Presentation not listed per request from author”, Montana Dept. of Natural Resources, Missoula, MT

1:30     Needle Diseases Brent Oblinger , USDA Forest Service, Bend, OR

2:00     Balsam Woolly Adelgid Glenn Kohler, Washington Dept. of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA

2:30     Break

Stem Problems: Recognition, Importance and Management

3:00     White Pine Blister Rust — Holly Kearns, USDA Forest Service, Sandy, OR

3:30     Dwarf Mistletoe in Oregon and Washington Betsy Goodrich, USDA Forest Service, Wenatchee, WA

4:15     Stem Decays Brennan Ferguson, USDA Forest Service, Wenatchee, WA

June 16 (Thursday)

Root Diseases: Identification, Importance and Management

8:00     Root Disease Overview and Annosus Root and Butt Rot  Kristen Chadwick, USDA Forest Service, Sandy, OR

8:30     Laminated Root Rot Kristen Chadwick, USDA Forest Service, Sandy, OR

9:00     Armillaria Root Disease – Brennan Ferguson , USDA Forest Service, Wenatchee, WA

Bark Beetles—Identification, Hazard Assessment and Management

9:30     Fir-engraver  Melissa Fischer , Washington Department of Natural Resources, Colville, WA

10:00   Break

10:30   Douglas-fir Beetle and the Antiaggregation Pheromone MCH Sandy Kegley, USDA Forest Service, Coeur d’Alene, ID

11:00   Bark Beetles in Ponderosa Pine Glenn Kohler , Washington Dept. of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA

11:30   Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreaks in Lodgepole Pine  Amy Gannon “Presentation not listed per request from author” , Montana Dept. of Natural Resources, Missoula, MT

Noon   Lunch (included with registration)

Forest Health Wrap Up

1:00     What Can We Expect From Climate Change?  Dave Shaw, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR

1:30     Managing Your Forests for Forest Health Dave Shaw, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR

2:00     Adjourn

Agenda as of 5/12/2016   Sunday June 19, 2016 06:00-08:00 PM Registration & Welcome Party Day 1 – Monday June 20, 2016 07:30-08:30 AM Registration & Breakfast 08:30-10:30 AM Our Clients: The consumers of mensurational tools, what tools are being used and where are the gaps and limitations Mike Clutter (Forest Investment Associates) – Perspectives … Continue reading Western Mensurationists 2016 Annual Meeting

Western Mensurationists 2016 Annual Meeting

Agenda as of 5/12/2016


Sunday June 19, 2016

06:00-08:00 PM Registration & Welcome Party

Day 1 – Monday June 20, 2016

07:30-08:30 AM Registration & Breakfast

08:30-10:30 AM Our Clients: The consumers of mensurational tools, what tools are being used and where are the gaps and limitations

  1. Mike Clutter (Forest Investment Associates) – Perspectives from a Timberland Investment Management Organization
  2. Tim Robards (New Forests) – Perspectives from Timberland Investment Management Organization
  3. Angus Brodie (WADNR) – Perspectives from the Washington Department of Natural Resources
  4. John Paul McTague (Rayonier) – Perspectives from a Real Estate Investment Trust

10:30-10:45 AM Break

10:45-11:45 AM Sampling: General sampling discussion

  1. Tzeng Yih Lam (National Taiwan University) – Development of 3P Sampling for Rapid Assessment of plant diversity
  2. Zane Haxtema (Scientific Certification Systems) – Five Years of Sequential Sampling in Western Forests
  3. Mike Clutter (Forest Investment Associates) – Inventory folks are from Mars and acquisition / divestiture folks are from Venus: What do inventory processes and estimates have to do with timberland transactions?

11:45-01:00 PM Lunch

01:00-02:30 PM Growth models: General growth model discussion

  1. Doug Maguire (Oregon State) – CIPS
  2. Aaron Weiskittel (U of Maine) – Forecasting Douglas-fir response to silviculture: Evaluating alternative approaches and growth model projection uncertainty
  3. Erin Smith-Mateja (USFS) – What’s happening with FVS?
  4. Sean Canavan (Greenwood Resources) – International modeling efforts

02:30-03:00 PM Break

03:00-03:45 PM Student Session 1: What are the students up to these days?

  1. Meghan Foard (U of Idaho) – Reconstructing historical stream flows in multiple reaches of the Columbia River basin using tree ring records
  2. Ting-Ru Yang (National Taiwan University) – Relative SDI for seven mixed species vegetation zones in Taiwan
  3. Andre Luiz Faria (Oregon State) – Identifying constraints on site carrying capacity for Douglas-fir: maximum stand density following nitrogen fertilization

03:45-04:45 PM Biomass: General biomass discussion

  1. Temesgen (Oregon State) – Biomass equations for PNW forests
  2. Brian Clough (U of Minnesota) – Model-based approaches to account for allometric model uncertainty in national forest biomass stock assessments: applications for the US National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
  3. Dehai Zhao (U of Georgia) – New biomass models for Loblolly Pine

05:00 PM Adjourn

06:30 PM Dinner


Day 2 – Tuesday June 21, 2016


07:00-08:30 AM Breakfast

08:30-09:30 PM Student Session 2: What are the students up to these days?

  1. Colin Kirkmire (U of Montana) – Effects of overstory retention and understory vegetation on small tree Growth Rates in the Inland Northwest
  2. Jarred Saralecos (U of Montana) – Characterizing trends in forest site productivity using high-resolution climate products
  3. Joonghonn Shin (Oregon State) – Strategies to improve diameter distribution modeling using LiDAR data as auxiliary variables
  4. Christian Kuehne (U of Maine) – Temporal and spatial variability in stand structure and individual tree growth for 10 years following commercial thinning in spruce-fir forests of northern Maine

09:30-10:00 AM Break

  • 09:45 AM Photo Opportunity

10:00-11:30 PM Sampling: Boots off the ground

  1. Dave Shear (Eagle Imaging) – Sampling young plantations with high resolution imagery
  2. John Kershaw (U of New Brunswick) – Diameter prediction via copulas in LiDAR
  3. Francisco Mauro (Oregon State) – Univariate and Multivariate small area estimation of forest attributes using LiDAR in South Western Oregon
  4. Gretchen Moisen (USFS) – FIA: Observing our observations of changing forests

11:30-12:00 PM Business Session

  • Next Year’s Meeting – Eleanor McWilliams (Vancouver, BC)
  • Best Speaker award
  • Past Chair award

12:00 PM Adjourn

Monday July 18th 1:00 – 5:00pm  Registration Open 1:00 – 5:00  Auburn University Forest Nursery Management Cooperative Meeting 6:00 – 8:00  Social (with food)   Tuesday July 19th 6:00 – 8:00am  Breakfast Buffet 7:00 – 8:00  Late Registration 8:00 – 8:30  Welcome/Housekeeping 8:30 –  9:00  Vanessa Casanova, PhD Southwest Ag Center, Tyler TX Applied Research … Continue reading Southern Nursery 2016 Annual Meeting

Southern Nursery 2016 Annual Meeting

Monday July 18th

1:00 – 5:00pm  Registration Open

1:00 – 5:00  Auburn University Forest Nursery Management Cooperative Meeting

6:00 – 8:00  Social (with food)


Tuesday July 19th

6:00 – 8:00am  Breakfast Buffet

7:00 – 8:00  Late Registration

8:00 – 8:30  Welcome/Housekeeping

8:30 –  9:00  Vanessa Casanova, PhD Southwest Ag Center, Tyler TX Applied Research Manager “Why we should be concerned about safety”

9:00 – 10:00  Steve Grossnickle – Key note–Why Seedlings Survive: influence of plant attributes

10:00 – 10:10  Vendor Introductions

10:10 – 10:30  Break

10:30 – 11:00  Tom Byram “Genetic implications for seedling quality and performance.”

11:00 – 11:30  Phil Doughtery  “Nutritional priorities in early seedling growth”

11:30 – 12:00pm  David South “Should we, once again, lower the “optimal pH” range for bareroot seedlings?”

12:00 – 1:00  Lunch

1:00 – 1:30  Tim Schinke “What goes into a good artificial growing media

1:30 – 2:00  Alex Mangini “Protecting our seedlings in the first years after outplanting (Pine tip moth Regen weevils)”

2:00 – 2:30  Christian Brodbeck “The use of unmanned aerial vehicles, (drones) in agriculture”

2:30 –  2:40  Vendor Introductions

2:40 –  3:00  Break

3:00 – 3:45  Q&A Panel Discussion – Quality Seedlings  —  S. Grossnickel,  D. South,  Chase Weatherly, Arborgen, James West & Drew Hinnant, NCFS, Mike Coyle, IFCO

3:45 – 4:30  Heinz Reinstorf BCC  “Development of new and more advanced container systems for forest nurseries”


Wednesday July 20th

Field Trip

Visit Bareroot Nursery – Campbell Global – Jasper TX

Visit Container Nursery –  International Forest Company – Evans, LA


Thursday July 21st

6:00 – 7:30am  Breakfast Buffet

7:45 – 8:00  Review first 2 days and housekeeping

8:00 – 8:30  Dan Bremer “The challenges of using contract labor in 2016 –

8:30 – 9:00  Bob Karrfalt– New seed storage science and technology for better seed efficiency

9:00 – 9:30  Paul Jackson – Evaluation of longleaf pine fertilization treatments in the nursery nine years after outplanting

9:30 – 10:00  Panel Discussion – Seedling Quality – A perspective from planting contractors – Jerry Arter Superior Forestry, Cory Martin  & Charlie Pritchett, Pritchett Forestry

10:00 – 10:30  Break

10:30 – 11:15  Panel Discussion What can we do to improve our soil health?   3 nursery managers Suggestions? – (Doug Sharp, Doug Shelbourne , Gene Birckerstaff ArborGen Nursery mgr.)

11:15 – 12:00pm  Business Meeting

Wednesday, September 14, 2016 8:00       Continental breakfast 8:30       Welcome and Introductions – Diane Haase, USDA Forest Service, Portland, OR 8:40       Integrated Pest Management at Lucky Peak Nursery – James Danielson, USDA Forest Service, Boise, ID 9:15       Any New Herbicides for Forestry Nurseries? – Tim Miller, Washington State University, Mount Vernon, WA 9:50       Break 10:15     … Continue reading Integrated Pest Management for Nursery, Reforestation, and Restoration Programs

Integrated Pest Management for Nursery, Reforestation, and Restoration Programs

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

8:00       Continental breakfast

8:30       Welcome and IntroductionsDiane Haase, USDA Forest Service, Portland, OR

8:40       Integrated Pest Management at Lucky Peak NurseryJames Danielson, USDA Forest Service, Boise, ID

9:15       Any New Herbicides for Forestry Nurseries?Tim Miller, Washington State University, Mount Vernon, WA

9:50       Break

10:15     New Chemistries for Forest Weed ControlEd Fredrickson, Thunder Road Resources, Redding, CA

10:50     Emerging Insect Pest Threats to SeedlingsRobin Rosetta, Oregon State University, Aurora, OR

11:30     Load buses / Lunch (in transit)

1:00       Field Tour – Lava Nursery

Lava Nursery, Inc. began operations in October 1976. The nursery currently farms 50 acres of bareroot seedlings (4 million annual seedling production) and 22,000 ft2 of greenhouses (1.0 to 1.5 million annual seedling production depending on container sizes). Lava also has a subsidiary nursery in Woodland, WA (Lewis River Reforestation) which produces about 6 million seedlings annually.

3:00       Visit nearby orchard harvest operation

4:00       Return to hotel

6:00       Evening Social at Edgefield


Thursday, September 15, 2016

8:00       Continental breakfast

8:30       Water Management and Pest Control Kas Dumroese, USDA Forest Service, Moscow, ID

9:05       Load-Scale Weight Monitoring for Irrigation ManagementJean Kysar, Lewis River Nursery, Woodland, WA

9:40       Open Discussion: Current Pest Issues – Anthony Davis, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID

10:15     Break

10:50     Pathology Smorgasbord: Biocontrol, Pathogen Movement, and Recent Fumigation ResultsJerry Weiland, USDA Agriculture Research Service, Corvallis, OR

11:25     Preparing Seeds to Minimize Damping-Off RisksVictor Vankus, USDA Forest Service, Dry Branch, GA

12:00     Lunch

1:00       Evaluating Dominus® Soil Biofumigation as an Alternative to Methyl BromideNabil Khadduri, WA DNR Webster Nursery, Olympia, WA

1:35       Meaningful Pathogen Assay Results in a Confusing WorldMelodie Putnam, Oregon State University Plant Clinic, Corvallis, OR

2:10       Soil Solarization for Management of Pathogens and WeedsJennifer Parke, Oregon State University Dept. of Crop and Soil Science & Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology, Corvallis, OR

2:45       adjourn

Sponsored by: Oregon Forest Resources Institute, Western Forestry and Conservation Association, Washington Forest Protection Association, and Oregon Forest Industries Council. Same agenda in both locations: April 13, 2016, Springfield, OR or April 19, 2016, Grand Mound, WA 8:30 The Theory and Design of Managing for Visual Quality in PNW Working Forests – Gordon Bradley, University … Continue reading Managing Visual Quality and Operational Considerations for Harvesting in the Doug-fir Region

Managing Visual Quality and Operational Considerations for Harvesting in the Doug-fir Region

Sponsored by: Oregon Forest Resources Institute, Western Forestry and Conservation Association, Washington Forest Protection Association, and Oregon Forest Industries Council.

Same agenda in both locations:

April 13, 2016, Springfield, OR or April 19, 2016, Grand Mound, WA


The Theory and Design of Managing for Visual Quality in PNW Working Forests – Gordon Bradley, University of Washington, (emeritus)

1. Why concern ourselves with visual resources?

  • Focus group findings and public concern
  • 2. The Basics of Visual Resources Management
  • Sources of visual resource management information
  • Sustainable Forestry Initiative: Objectives, Measures and Indicators
  • Principles of visual resource management
  • Landscape design techniques
  • Applications to various landscape situations

10:00 Break


3. Visual Preference Research Findings

  • Clearcutting and visual quality
  • Partial cutting and visual quality
  • Green-up and visual quality
  • Visual preference for alternative harvest practices

4. Case Study Examples and Review of Visual Resource Management Concepts

Noon Lunch


Safety Regulations, Unit Layout Considerations, Logging Systems and Working With Loggers – Loren Kellogg, Oregon State University, (emeritus)

2:15 Break


Oregon Public Perceptions of Forestry – Mike Cloughesy, Oregon Forest Resource Institute, Portland, OR


Washington Case History: Managing Visual Quality on Hancock Timber Resource Group Timberlands – Robert Bass, Hancock Timber Resource Group, Orting, WA

Oregon Case History: Speaker TBA


Blending Silvicultural Systems with Visual Management – Doug Maguire, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR

4:30 Adjourn

Wednesday, October 12, 2016   9:00     Scaling Bureaus: How they operate and their role in log markets – Tom St. Laurent How bureaus fit into the log buying and selling process Represent both the log buyers and sellers Apply log scaling rules Provide qualified scalers Serve as independent third parties 9:30     What does a log … Continue reading Scaling for Non-Scalers

Scaling for Non-Scalers

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


9:00     Scaling Bureaus: How they operate and their role in log markets – Tom St. Laurent

  • How bureaus fit into the log buying and selling process
  • Represent both the log buyers and sellers
  • Apply log scaling rules
  • Provide qualified scalers
  • Serve as independent third parties

9:30     What does a log scaler do? Mike Belfry

  • How scalers fit into the log transaction process (only measure volume, not value)
  • What is their relationship to log buyers and sellers
  • Different points in log transport where scaling can occur
  • What is log volume and how is it calculated?
  • What are the specific measurements and data collected on a typical log?
  • Log documentation
  • Understanding gross and net volume
  • Why did my load scale out at a lesser volume? Reasons for volume deductions

10:30   Break

11:00   Northwest Log Scaling Rules: Applying uniformity and standardization within the Doug-fir processing area – Tom St. Laurent

  • Function and role of the rules
  • What they cover
  • How they are maintained and revised

11:30   Special requests: Using procedures in addition to the NW Log Scaling Rules – Tom St. Laurent

  • Why special requests are made
  • Common examples
  • Documenting special requests

Noon   Lunch

1:00     Understanding log grades and sorts – Mike Belfry

  • What is the difference between grades and sorts?
  • Why do sorts vary from company to company?
  • What is the difference between a good #2 sawlog and a rough #2 sawlog
  • What is the pulp sort?
  • What is a cull?

2:00     Break

2:15     Log accountability: Tracking the log load from landing to mill – Mike Belfry

  • How is data collected? Load receipts, weight reports, sample scales, sample expansion,     log tags, scale tickets and certificates
  • Understanding the paperwork: Examples will be provided of load receipts, scale tickets and certificates and each form will be reviewed in detail.
  • What are the standard procedures for documentation and changes?
  • How is the data stored, disseminated and then accessed by clients?

3:45     Catch-all short topics – Mike Belfry and Tom St. Laurent

  • Difference between westside and eastside scaling
  • Understanding cubic measurements
  • Deciphering overrun and underrun
  • Volume conversion factors
  • Using taper factors and actual taper

4:15     Adjourn

Matching Site Conditions and Crop Trees Tuesday, March 1, 2016 8:00  Welcome & Opening – Julie Donohoe, Idaho Department of Lands and 2016 Chair, Inland Empire ReforestationCouncil 8:15  Reclaiming N. Idaho Mine Disturbed Sites Through Reforestation – Ed Pommerening, Consulting Forester, Pinehurst, ID 9:45  Break 10:15  Matching White Pine to Inland Sites: History, Blister Rust and Yields … Continue reading 2016 Inland Empire Reforestation Council

2016 Inland Empire Reforestation Council

Matching Site Conditions and Crop Trees

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

8:00  Welcome & Opening – Julie Donohoe, Idaho Department of Lands and 2016 Chair, Inland Empire ReforestationCouncil

8:15  Reclaiming N. Idaho Mine Disturbed Sites Through Reforestation Ed Pommerening, Consulting Forester, Pinehurst, ID

9:45  Break

10:15  Matching White Pine to Inland Sites: History, Blister Rust and Yields Don Patterson, Stimson Lumber, Newport, WA

11:00  Species Selection GuidelinesDan Miller, Precision Forestry, Moscow, ID

11:45  Lunch

12:30  IERC Business Meeting

1:00  Communicating a Positive Forestry Message to the Public Koshare Eagle, Koshare Eagle Consulting, Olympia, WA

2:00  Break

2:30  Insect Concerns in Regenerated Stands: Not Just the Usual SuspectsTom Eckberg, Idaho Department of Lands, Coeur d’Alene, ID

3:15  Updates on New Surfactants: Changing Familiar Products into Better Formulations Carl Sostrom , Wilbur-Ellis, Spokane, WA

3:45  Vendor Recognition & Closing

4:00  Adjourn & Social

The development of a US forest carbon project involves many of the same tools, data, and analytical processes as are needed in other complex forestry projects. These include a complete forest inventory, growth and yield models, volume and biomass equations, and the use of a harvest scheduling model. However, in the application of each of these items, there are subtle (or not so subtle) differences when the aim is the development of a carbon project. In two days, this workshop will focus on forest inventory and modelling considerations specific to the development of a US forest carbon project. The approach taken will be to identify and discuss the needs of a hypothetical project, with consideration given to recommendations on tools to use and approaches to take. Particular points will be made in clarifying differences between the needs of a carbon project and those of a similar project that is focused on more traditional industrial forestry goals. Attendees will gain insights into the process of developing a forest carbon project, with recommendations and specific suggestions on approach.

US Forest Carbon Projects

March 10, 2016

10:00  Background on Carbon Projects – Dave Walters, Landvest, Eugene, OR
• What are the various types of carbon projects? What are the options when selecting a carbon project?

• How are carbon projects structured and what are the protocol requirements? What is necessary to bring a project to the marketplace?

• Overview of the US carbon marketplace. Where are existing carbon projects, what is their scale and sale price?

• Opportunities and tradeoffs in managing private timberlands for carbon.

11:00   Carbon Project Development Timeline and Key Steps – Dave Walters
• Scoping: Is the project worth spending money on?

• Information Gathering: What kinds of information are required by the project protocols?

• Analysis: What type of analysis is needed to validate the project?

• Submission and Processing: How to prepare a project for the marketplace.

Noon  Lunch

1:15  The Carbon Inventory: What does your inventory need to look like? – Dave Walters

• Project Requirements: Building an inventory system to match project protocol requirements. Measuring biomass instead of board feet.

• Design Considerations: What type of plots, how many and where, what do you need to measure, and what information needs to be collected.

• Processing: Calculating biomass using project protocol requisites.

• Documentation: Doing what you say you will do and recording every step.

3:00  Break

3:15  Growth and Yield Modelling: Modelling your forest out 100 years – Dave Walters

• Project Requirements: Modeling and projection conditions for submitting your project.

• Which model to use: Review of approved models and alternatives.

4:30  Adjourn

March 11, 2016

8:30  Growth and Yield Modelling, Continued
• What do you need the model to do? It is not your typical analysis.

• Pros and cons of approved models.

• Documentation for verification

10:00  Break

10:15  Harvest Scheduling – Dave Walters
• Merging your regular business model with long planning horizons.

• Approaches and tools for scheduling

Noon  Lunch

1:15  Forest Carbon Verification: Lessons Learned From the Verification of Over 50 million Tonnes – Zane Haxtema, Senior Verification Forester, SCS Global Services, Seattle, WA

2:00  Legal Considerations and Potential Pitfalls When Developing a Carbon Project – Greg Fullem, Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, Portland, OR

3:00  Break

3:15  Recap and Take Home Messages

3:45  Adjourn

March 15, 2016 8:00  Course welcome and introductions Priority skills for career development and profitable business management Six skills for “getting smart” in forestry and forest business A day in the forestry life: land management vs. wood procurement vs. analyst 1: Conducting basic financial analysis in forestry Key tools and metrics for forest finance and … Continue reading Financial and Business Management Skills for Forestry and Natural Resource Leaders

Financial and Business Management Skills for Forestry and Natural Resource Leaders

March 15, 2016

8:00  Course welcome and introductions

Priority skills for career development and profitable business management

  • Six skills for “getting smart” in forestry and forest business
  • A day in the forestry life: land management vs. wood procurement vs. analyst

1: Conducting basic financial analysis in forestry

  • Key tools and metrics for forest finance and economics
  • How evaluate the economics of forest management (marginal analysis)
  • Case example: identify the forest rotation that maximizes value
  • Case example: assess the returns of forest management activities (i.e. fertilization)

2: Understanding basic tax rules and ownership structures

  • Key terms and tax rules critical to forest managers and owners
  • Explaining and comparing REITs, C-corps, TIMOs, LLCs and MLPs

3: Understanding the language of business

  • o Defining and reviewing financial statements (includes forestry case example)

Noon Lunch (included with registration)

1:00 Session continues

4: Putting forestry risks in perspective

  • Reviewing the data on forestry risks
  • Developing a plan to communicate risks to clients and managers

5: understanding market and forestry data

  • Overview of key forestry data sets and key things to know
  • How do successful forest investors and managers stay current?
  • Discussion: includes recommendations and examples of what to read

4:00 Adjourn for Day 1

March 16, 2016

8:00 Session continues

6: communicating with a range of individuals, executives and organizations

  • The good, the bad, the ugly: what forestry gets right and wrong
  • How to give a talk
  • How to conduct an interview
  • How to make a recommendation to managers or clients
  • Group exercise with facilitated feedback

12:00 Adjourn

Title: Forest Health: Identification and Management of Forest Insects and Diseases Location: Spokane, WA Start Date: 2013-03-13 End Date: 2013-03-14 AGENDA Wednesday, March 13, 2013 9:00 The Whole Picture: Tree Vigor, Forest Ecology and Stand Dynamics — Karen Ripley, Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA 9:30 Current Assessment of Western US Forest Health … Continue reading Forest Health: Identification and Management of Forest Insects and Diseases

Forest Health: Identification and Management of Forest Insects and Diseases

Title: Forest Health: Identification and Management of Forest Insects and Diseases

Location: Spokane, WA

Start Date: 2013-03-13

End Date: 2013-03-14

Link to PDF version of conference materials

Wednesday, March 13, 2013
9:00 The Whole Picture: Tree Vigor, Forest Ecology and Stand Dynamics — Karen Ripley, Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA
9:30 Current Assessment of Western US Forest Health — Iral Ragenovich, USDA Forest Service, Portland, OR
10:00 Aerial Surveys: Techniques and Products — Keith Sprengel, USDA Forest Service, Westside Forest Insect and Disease Service Center, Sandy, OR
10:30 Break
11:00 Assessing Fire Damaged Trees — Karen Ripley (invited)
11:30 Why are My Trees Dying?  Diagnostic Tools and Methods for Forest Managers—Elizabeth Willhite, USDA Forest Service, Sandy, OR
Noon Lunch (included with registration)
Defoliating Insects: Hosts, Habitats, and Management Strategies
1:00 Western Spruce Budworm — Connie Mehmel, USDA Forest Service, Wenatchee, WA
1:30 Douglas-fir Tussock Moth — Connie Mehmel, USDA Forest Service, Wenatchee, WA
2:00 Black Pine Leaf Scale on Ponderosa Pine — Mike Johnson, Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Colville, WA
2:30 Break
Stem Problems: Recognition, Importance and Management
3:00 Dwarf Mistletoe in Oregon and Washington — Angel Luis Saavedra, USDA Forest Service, Wenatchee, WA
3:30 White Pine Blister Rust — Holly Kearns, USDA Forest Service, Sandy, OR
4:00 Stem Decays — Greg Filip, USDA Forest Service, Portland, OR
4:30 Insects and Pruning Wounds — Mike Johnson, Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Colville, WA
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Root Diseases: Identification, Importance and Management
8:00 Laminated Root Rot— Kris Chadwick, USDA Forest Service, Sandy, OR
8:30 Armillaria Root Disease — Amy Ramsey-Kroll, Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA
9:00 Annosus Root and Butt Rot — Kris Chadwick, USDA Forest Service, Sandy, OR
Bark Beetles: Identification, Hazard Assessment and Management
9:30 Douglas-fir Beetle — Beth Willhite, USDA Forest Service, Sandy, OR
10:00 Break
10:30 Protecting Douglas-fir with the Antiaggregation Pheromone MCH — Connie Mehmel, USDA Forest Service, Wenatchee, WA
11:00 Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreaks in Ponderosa Pine — Tom Eckberg , Idaho Department of Lands, Coeur d’Alene, ID
11:30 Mountain Pine Beetle in Lodgepole — Andy Eglitis, USDA Forest Service, Bend, OR
Noon Lunch (included with registration)
1:00 Western Pine Beetle – Andy Eglitis
1:30 Fir Engraver and Pine Engraver Beetle — Sandy Kegley, USDA Forest Service, Coeur d’Alene, ID
2:00 Climate Change and Insect and Disease Interactions — Nancy Grulke, Western Wildland Environmental Threat Assessment Center, USDA Forest Service, Prineville, OR
2:30 Assessing Forest Health Risk — Greg Filip, USDA Forest Service, Portland,
3:00 Managing Your Forests for Forest Health — Dave Shaw, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 
3:30 Adjourn
Portland, OR USA December 18, 2012 AGENDA Tuesday, December 18, 2012 9:00 Conference Welcome 9:10 Overview of Asian Markets and Fiber Supply ― Hank Ekstrom, Wood Resources International LLC, Seattle, WA. This presentation will cover the demand for imports of logs, woodchips, wood products and pulp in the key Asian markets of China, Japan, South Korea … Continue reading Forest Export Markets: Opportunities in Japan and China

Forest Export Markets: Opportunities in Japan and China

Link to PDF version of conference materialsPortland, OR USA
December 18, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012
9:00 Conference Welcome
9:10 Overview of Asian Markets and Fiber Supply ― Hank Ekstrom, Wood Resources International LLC, Seattle, WA. This presentation will cover the demand for imports of logs, woodchips, wood products and pulp in the key Asian markets of China, Japan, South Korea and India. Market share of US exporters will be discussed relative to supplies from competing regions such as Russia, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.
9:40 The Impact of Russian Log Exports on Asian Markets ― Paul Owen, Vanport International, Boring, ORWhat are the implications of Russia being accepted into the World Trade Organization? Will Russia slash or eliminate log export tariffs making their logs more affordable to China? Theoretically, that action could undercut North American log exports and China could lean less on the US and Canada for logs.
10:10 Break
10:40 Logs Exports Under an Uncertain Chinese Economy: Understanding Key Economic IndicatorsJohn Perez-Garcia, Center for International Trade in Forest Products, University of Washington, Seattle, WAThis presentation will address two strategic business questions: Under what conditions will China continue to import US softwood logs?  What is the likelihood that these conditions will continue into the future?  The answer lies in an examination of the important factors in log trading and a focus on key economic indicators to discern possible future trends . . . all with a focus on China.
11:15 Moving Logs to Asia: Shipping Logistics, Options and Port Capabilities – Tom Leeds, Pacific Lumber & Shipping, Seattle, WA
Noon Lunch
1:00 The US as a Brand Name in Chinese Forest Products Markets ― Xu Fang, American Softwoods China Office, Shanghai, China.  In-person Interview by Eric Hansen, Wood Science and Engineering Department, College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
1:30 How to Finance Your Exports and Mitigate Risk: Tools for Both Pre-shipment and Post-shipment Finance ― Bryan Hicks and Tony Liebo, Wells Fargo HSBC Trade Bank, Seattle, WA
2:00 Break
2:20 Managing Phytosanitary Issues in Log Exports– Cindy Cooper, aPlant Services, WA Dept. of Agriculture, Olympia, WA. Each year Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) trade measures play an increasingly critical role in shaping the flow of U.S. global trade. China has previously acted to suspend log shipments from S. Carolina and Virginia due to the presence of pests. PNW log exporters will need to stay ahead of this curve.
2:45 Timber in an Uncertain Global Economy – Dr. Bill Conerly, Conerly Consulting, Lake Oswego, ORDr. Bill Conerly will address the demand for Northwest timber, including domestic uses and the export markets in Asia. Along the way he’ll explain the best practices for handling the tremendous uncertainty about the global economic outlook.
3:15 Adjourn