Integrated Pest Management for Nursery, Reforestation, and Restoration Programs

Start Date: September 14, 2016
Location: McMenamin’s Edgefield, Troutdale, OR.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

8:00       Continental breakfast

8:30       Welcome and IntroductionsDiane Haase, USDA Forest Service, Portland, OR

8:40       Integrated Pest Management at Lucky Peak NurseryJames Danielson, USDA Forest Service, Boise, ID

9:15       Any New Herbicides for Forestry Nurseries?Tim Miller, Washington State University, Mount Vernon, WA

9:50       Break

10:15     New Chemistries for Forest Weed ControlEd Fredrickson, Thunder Road Resources, Redding, CA

10:50     Emerging Insect Pest Threats to SeedlingsRobin Rosetta, Oregon State University, Aurora, OR

11:30     Load buses / Lunch (in transit)

1:00       Field Tour – Lava Nursery

Lava Nursery, Inc. began operations in October 1976. The nursery currently farms 50 acres of bareroot seedlings (4 million annual seedling production) and 22,000 ft2 of greenhouses (1.0 to 1.5 million annual seedling production depending on container sizes). Lava also has a subsidiary nursery in Woodland, WA (Lewis River Reforestation) which produces about 6 million seedlings annually.

3:00       Visit nearby orchard harvest operation

4:00       Return to hotel

6:00       Evening Social at Edgefield


Thursday, September 15, 2016

8:00       Continental breakfast

8:30       Water Management and Pest Control Kas Dumroese, USDA Forest Service, Moscow, ID

9:05       Load-Scale Weight Monitoring for Irrigation ManagementJean Kysar, Lewis River Nursery, Woodland, WA

9:40       Open Discussion: Current Pest Issues – Anthony Davis, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID

10:15     Break

10:50     Pathology Smorgasbord: Biocontrol, Pathogen Movement, and Recent Fumigation ResultsJerry Weiland, USDA Agriculture Research Service, Corvallis, OR

11:25     Preparing Seeds to Minimize Damping-Off RisksVictor Vankus, USDA Forest Service, Dry Branch, GA

12:00     Lunch

1:00       Evaluating Dominus® Soil Biofumigation as an Alternative to Methyl BromideNabil Khadduri, WA DNR Webster Nursery, Olympia, WA

1:35       Meaningful Pathogen Assay Results in a Confusing WorldMelodie Putnam, Oregon State University Plant Clinic, Corvallis, OR

2:10       Soil Solarization for Management of Pathogens and WeedsJennifer Parke, Oregon State University Dept. of Crop and Soil Science & Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology, Corvallis, OR

2:45       adjourn

About the Conference
Joint annual meeting of the Western Forestry and Conservation Nursery Association and the Intermountain Container Seedling Growers’ Association