Western Mensurationists 2016 Annual Meeting

Start Date: June 19, 2016
Location: Skamania Lodge, WA

Agenda as of 5/12/2016


Sunday June 19, 2016

06:00-08:00 PM Registration & Welcome Party

Day 1 – Monday June 20, 2016

07:30-08:30 AM Registration & Breakfast

08:30-10:30 AM Our Clients: The consumers of mensurational tools, what tools are being used and where are the gaps and limitations

  1. Mike Clutter (Forest Investment Associates) – Perspectives from a Timberland Investment Management Organization
  2. Tim Robards (New Forests) – Perspectives from Timberland Investment Management Organization
  3. Angus Brodie (WADNR) – Perspectives from the Washington Department of Natural Resources
  4. John Paul McTague (Rayonier) – Perspectives from a Real Estate Investment Trust

10:30-10:45 AM Break

10:45-11:45 AM Sampling: General sampling discussion

  1. Tzeng Yih Lam (National Taiwan University) – Development of 3P Sampling for Rapid Assessment of plant diversity
  2. Zane Haxtema (Scientific Certification Systems) – Five Years of Sequential Sampling in Western Forests
  3. Mike Clutter (Forest Investment Associates) – Inventory folks are from Mars and acquisition / divestiture folks are from Venus: What do inventory processes and estimates have to do with timberland transactions?

11:45-01:00 PM Lunch

01:00-02:30 PM Growth models: General growth model discussion

  1. Doug Maguire (Oregon State) – CIPS
  2. Aaron Weiskittel (U of Maine) – Forecasting Douglas-fir response to silviculture: Evaluating alternative approaches and growth model projection uncertainty
  3. Erin Smith-Mateja (USFS) – What’s happening with FVS?
  4. Sean Canavan (Greenwood Resources) – International modeling efforts

02:30-03:00 PM Break

03:00-03:45 PM Student Session 1: What are the students up to these days?

  1. Meghan Foard (U of Idaho) – Reconstructing historical stream flows in multiple reaches of the Columbia River basin using tree ring records
  2. Ting-Ru Yang (National Taiwan University) – Relative SDI for seven mixed species vegetation zones in Taiwan
  3. Andre Luiz Faria (Oregon State) – Identifying constraints on site carrying capacity for Douglas-fir: maximum stand density following nitrogen fertilization

03:45-04:45 PM Biomass: General biomass discussion

  1. Temesgen (Oregon State) – Biomass equations for PNW forests
  2. Brian Clough (U of Minnesota) – Model-based approaches to account for allometric model uncertainty in national forest biomass stock assessments: applications for the US National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
  3. Dehai Zhao (U of Georgia) – New biomass models for Loblolly Pine

05:00 PM Adjourn

06:30 PM Dinner


Day 2 – Tuesday June 21, 2016


07:00-08:30 AM Breakfast

08:30-09:30 PM Student Session 2: What are the students up to these days?

  1. Colin Kirkmire (U of Montana) – Effects of overstory retention and understory vegetation on small tree Growth Rates in the Inland Northwest
  2. Jarred Saralecos (U of Montana) – Characterizing trends in forest site productivity using high-resolution climate products
  3. Joonghonn Shin (Oregon State) – Strategies to improve diameter distribution modeling using LiDAR data as auxiliary variables
  4. Christian Kuehne (U of Maine) – Temporal and spatial variability in stand structure and individual tree growth for 10 years following commercial thinning in spruce-fir forests of northern Maine

09:30-10:00 AM Break

  • 09:45 AM Photo Opportunity

10:00-11:30 PM Sampling: Boots off the ground

  1. Dave Shear (Eagle Imaging) – Sampling young plantations with high resolution imagery
  2. John Kershaw (U of New Brunswick) – Diameter prediction via copulas in LiDAR
  3. Francisco Mauro (Oregon State) – Univariate and Multivariate small area estimation of forest attributes using LiDAR in South Western Oregon
  4. Gretchen Moisen (USFS) – FIA: Observing our observations of changing forests

11:30-12:00 PM Business Session

  • Next Year’s Meeting – Eleanor McWilliams (Vancouver, BC)
  • Best Speaker award
  • Past Chair award

12:00 PM Adjourn