All posts by Melinda Olson

Thank you for submitting your abstract for the 2016 Gene Conservation conference. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Amanda at 503-226-4562 or

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Thank you for submitting your abstract for the 2016 Gene Conservation conference. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Amanda at 503-226-4562 or

9:00      Scaling Bureaus: How they operate and their role in log              markets – Tom St. Laurent o How bureaus fit into the log buying and selling process o Represent both the log buyers and sellers o Apply log scaling rules o Provide qualified scalers o Serve as independent third parties 9:30      What does a log … Continue reading Scaling for Non-Scalers: Understanding the Scaling Process, Log Rules, Sorts, Grades, and Accountability

Scaling for Non-Scalers: Understanding the Scaling Process, Log Rules, Sorts, Grades, and Accountability

9:00      Scaling Bureaus: How they operate and their role in log              marketsTom St. Laurent
o How bureaus fit into the log buying and selling process
o Represent both the log buyers and sellers
o Apply log scaling rules
o Provide qualified scalers
o Serve as independent third parties

9:30      What does a log scaler do?Mike Belfry
o How scalers fit into the log transaction process (only measure volume, not value)
o What is their relationship to log buyers and sellers
o Different points in log transport where scaling can occur
o What is log volume and how is it calculated?
o What are the specific measurements and data collected on a typical log?
o Log documentation
o Understanding gross and net volume
o Why did my load scale out at a lesser volume? Reasons for volume deductions

10:30      Break

11:00      Northwest Log Scaling Rules: Applying uniformity and standardization within the Doug-fir processing areaTom St. Laurent
o Function and role of the rules
o What they cover
o How they are maintained and revised
o How to use volume tables

11:30      Special requests: Using procedures in addition to the NW Log Scaling Rules Tom St. Laurent
o Why special requests are made
o Common examples
o Documenting special requests

Noon      Lunch

1:00      Understanding log grades and sortsMike Belfry
o What is the difference between grades and sorts?
o Why do sorts vary from company to company?
o What is the difference between a good #2 sawlog and a rough #2 sawlog
o What is the pulp sort?
o What is a cull?

2:00      Break

2:15      Log accountability: Tracking the log load from landing to millMike Belfry
o How is data collected? Load receipts, weight reports, sample scales, sample expansion, log tags, scale tickets and certificates
o Understanding the paperwork: Examples will be provided of load receipts, scale tickets and certificates and each form will be reviewed in detail.
o What are the standard procedures for documentation and changes?
o How is the data stored, disseminated and then accessed by clients?
3:45      Catch-all short topicsMike Belfry and Tom St. Laurent
o Difference between westside and eastside scaling
o Understanding cubic measurements
o Deciphering overrun and underrun
o Volume conversion factors
o Using taper factors and actual taper

4:15      Adjourn

Thursday, January 14, 2016   0700 – 0815    Registration and Continental Breakfast (Included with registration) 0815 – 0830    Introduction to Western Region COFE & Seminar Jeff Wimer, Chair, WR.COFE & OSU FERM Department SESSION 1: STEEP SLOPE TETHERED ASSIST 0830-0900       Protecting the Logging Workforce: Development of Innovative Logging Techniques for a Safer Working Environment Kevin Boston, … Continue reading Western Region Council on Forest Engineering Seminar

Western Region Council on Forest Engineering Seminar

Thursday, January 14, 2016


0700 – 0815    Registration and Continental Breakfast (Included with registration)

0815 – 0830    Introduction to Western Region COFE & Seminar Jeff Wimer, Chair, WR.COFE & OSU FERM Department


0830-0900       Protecting the Logging Workforce: Development of Innovative Logging Techniques for a Safer Working Environment Kevin Boston, Oregon State University

0900 – 0930     Building a Dual Purpose System Steep Slope Machine Bruce Skurdahl, Summit Machinery

0930 – 1000     New Zealand Cable-Assist in the Pacific Northwest Frank Chandler Jr., C & C Logging

1000 – 1010    Blount / Oregon Cutting Systems update

1010 – 1040    BREAK (Refreshments Provided)

1040 – 1050    Peterson CAT update


1050 – 1120    Wayne Stone Logging – Extreme Downhill Show Jason Colter, Student, Oregon State University

1120 – 1150    Skyline Tension Monitoring Systems Why, What, and How? Brian Tuor, Cable Logging Specialist

1150 – 1200    Triad Machinery / Link-Belt update

1200 – 1240    LUNCH (Provided)

1240 – 1310    ANNOUNCEMENTS, Ticket Raffle, OSU Student Scholarship Awards –  Jerry Sedlak Memorial Scholarship – Loren Kellogg

1310 – 1320    Pape’ Machinery update


1320 – 1350    3D Laser Vest Richard Gabriel, Spectrum Geomatix


1350 – 1420    FE Licensure Update Oregon State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying

1420 – 1430    Vendor Update

1430 – 1500    BREAK (Refreshments Provided)

1500 – 1530      Federal Forest Management Affects All Oregonians, Especially Private Timberland Owners Bob Ragon, Douglas Forest Operators

1530 – 1600    State Historic Preservation Office Jason Robison, Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe

1600 – 1630    Oregon Department of Forestry Riparian Rule Analysis Terry Frueh, Oregon Department of Forestry

1630 – 1645    Wrap-Up and Evaluation Jeff Wimer

9:00 Sawmilling Overview A. What are the Basic Manufacturing Processes? Follow a log along the manufacturing processes from delivery to the mill, through sawmilling and kiln drying, and on to the planer and shipping. B. What does a Successful Sawmill Manager Pay Attention to? An introduction to key sawmill performance metrics and a sample sawmill … Continue reading Sawmilling 101: Introduction to Softwood Sawmill Operations and Financial Performance

Sawmilling 101: Introduction to Softwood Sawmill Operations and Financial Performance

9:00 Sawmilling Overview

    • A. What are the Basic Manufacturing Processes? Follow a log along the manufacturing processes from delivery to the mill, through sawmilling and kiln drying, and on to the planer and shipping.
    • B. What does a Successful Sawmill Manager Pay Attention to? An introduction to key sawmill performance metrics and a sample sawmill income statement to illustrate how key metrics impact financial performance.

10:15 Break

10:30 Markets and Manufacturing in North America

  • C. Where Does the Lumber End Up? A review of the primary end users of lumber to include residential building, remodeling and repair and industrial distribution channels. Consumer preferences and green labeling round out the picture of market forces.
  • D. What are the Characteristics of Markets and Manufacturing in the Various Regions of North America? An overview of each major region is provided to cover population trends, characteristics of mills, regional market drivers and species mix.

Noon: Lunch

1:00 Key Sawmilling Metrics in Detail

  • E. A Close-up of Key Metrics: The instructors will draw upon actual sawmill operating statistics from 20 years of benchmarking study data and how those factors impact financial performance.
    • 1. Log Supply and Pricing: Logs are typically 60 to 70 percent of a sawmill’s total operating cost. This session will focus on the characteristics of logs that drive value, and the process of identifying the right log at the right price for the right mill.
    • 2. Lumber Recovery: What forces impact the amount of lumber recovered from each log? This session will focus on how mills measure and maximize the volume and value of lumber produced.
    • 3. Productivity and Manufacturing Costs: This session will review the key factors that drive mill productivity and manufacturing cost including log and lumber mix, technology, labor, energy, maintenance and supplies.
    • 4. Lumber Products and Sales Values: A look at major lumber product categories including commodity and specialty product lines including key characteristics and market values.
    • 5. Sawmill Byproducts: This session will focus on end uses and values for byproducts including chips, sawdust, shavings, bark, and hog fuel.

3:00 Break

3:30 Characteristics of Top Performers

  • F. What are the Characteristics of Top Performing Sawmill Operations? The instructors will draw on more than 20 years of benchmarking experience to illustrate differences in key performance metrics between average and top performing sawmills, and will present several case studies of top performers.

4:30 Adjourn

JOINT HOSTED MEETING OF: Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation & Western Forestry & Conservation Association 2015 Intertribal Nursery Council Annual Meeting Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation & Western Forestry & Conservation Association September 22-24, 2015 • Wildhorse Resort Casino • Pendleton, Oregon Tuesday, September 22 Morning Welcome – Tribal Governance Center … Continue reading 2015 Intertribal Nursery Council Meeting

2015 Intertribal Nursery Council Meeting

Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation &
Western Forestry & Conservation Association

2015 Intertribal Nursery Council Annual Meeting
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation &
Western Forestry & Conservation Association

September 22-24, 2015 • Wildhorse Resort Casino • Pendleton, Oregon

Tuesday, September 22

Morning Welcome – Tribal Governance Center Rotunda

Round Robin Introductions

Tribal Native Plant Nursery Tour

Lunch – Tamastslikt Cultural Institute

Afternoon Technical Sessions – Tamastslikt Cultural Institute

CTUIR Programs – TBA

Native Plant Restoration at theArchipelago Plant Propagation CenterAndrea Stanley, Boarderlands Restoration, Patagonia, AZ

Native Plants, Food, Medicine, and Seed on the Tesuque Pueblo Farm Emigdio Ballon, Four Bridges Traveling Permaculture Institute, Tesuque, NM

Promoting Cultural Sustainability Through Native and Medicinal Plant Production, Organic Gardening, and LandscapingManuel and Cheryl Morales, Aaniiih Nakoda College, Harlem, MT

Achieving Food & Health Sovereignty Through Native Science Linda Black Elk, Sitting Bull College, Fort Yates, ND

Inter-Tribal Gathering Garden in Portland Donita Sue Fry, Portland Youth and Elders Council, Portland, OR

Tamastslikt Cultural Institute Tour

Evening Traditional Dinner – Tribal Longhouse


Wednesday, September 23


Mecham Creek Restoration Site Tour

Lunch – Wildhorse Casino Resort

Afternoon Technical Sessions – Wildhorse Casino Resort

Monarchs and Milkweeds Thomas Landis, Native Plant Nursery Consulting, Medford, OR

Burns Paiute pollinators, milkweeds, and monarchs Brandyn Six, Burns Paiute Tribe

Increasing habitat restoration efficiency using symbiotic microorganisms Rusty Rodriguez, Symbiogenics, Seattle, WA

Improving agricultural sustainability through fungal endophytes Regina Redman, Symbiogenics, Seattle, WA

Nursery Service Learning Opportunities in the Philippines Kenneth Pete, Jr & Danielle Guzman, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID

Using TEK to Define Target Native Plants for Restoration (with discussion) Jeremiah Pinto, USDA Forest Service, Moscow, ID

Discussion – Trials and tribulations of starting a nursery

Thursday, September 24

Morning Training Modules

Water Quality and Irrigation (with discussion) – Jeremiah Pinto, USDA Forest Service, Moscow, ID

Planning Crops and Developing Propagation Protocols (with discussion)Kasten Dumroese, USDA Forest Service, Moscow, ID

Closing Remarks


Wednesday, October 7, 2015 8:00    Weed Mgmt. 101: Designing a Spray Program for Success and Matching Herbicides to Site Vegetation and Conditions – Bruce Kelpsas, Helena Chemical (retired) 9:00     Adjuvants: Understanding Their use for Improving Vegetation Control – Bruce Alber, Wilbur-Ellis, Wilsonville, OR 9:30     Break 9:55     Understanding Pesticide Fate for the … Continue reading Using Herbicides for Site Prep and Release on Forested Lands

Using Herbicides for Site Prep and Release on Forested Lands

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

8:00    Weed Mgmt. 101: Designing a Spray Program for Success and Matching Herbicides to Site Vegetation and ConditionsBruce Kelpsas, Helena Chemical (retired)

9:00     Adjuvants: Understanding Their use for Improving Vegetation ControlBruce Alber, Wilbur-Ellis, Wilsonville, OR

9:30     Break

9:55     Understanding Pesticide Fate for the Protection of Water Resources Jeffrey Jenkins, Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR

10:55     Personal Protective Equipment for Pesticide HandlersCarol Black, Department of Entomology, Washington State University , Pullman, WA

Noon     Lunch

1:00     The Do’s and Don’ts of a Successful Aerial Spraying ProjectJohn Mateski, Western Helicopters (retired)

1:30     Label Changes: New EPA Label Changes Make Forest Herbicide Applications More Challenging Bruce Alber, Wilbur-Ellis, Wilsonville, OR

2:00     Modes-of-Action of Forestry HerbicidesCarol Mallory-Smith, Department of Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR

2:30     Break

2:45     A Survey of Emerging Forest Herbicide Issues in Washington and Oregon

  • Heather Hanson, Washington Friends of Farms and Forests, Olympia, WA
  • Scott Dahlman, Oregonians for Food and Shelter, Salem, OR

3:15     Successful Vegetation Management: The Benefits of Herbicide Treatments in ReforestationEric Dinger, Roseburg Resources, Roseburg, OR

4:00     Adjourn

Thursday, October 8, 2015 8:30    Welcome 8:35    Site Prep Prior to Harvest – Jim Carr, Campbell Global, North Bend, OR 9:00    Minor Species Requirements: From Seed to Seedling Storage – Mark Montville, PRT Oregon, Hubbard, OR 9:30    Benefits of Mixed Species Plantings: Outplanting, Logistics, and Site Selection – Brian Morris, Washington Department … Continue reading 2015 PNW Reforestation Council Meeting

2015 PNW Reforestation Council Meeting

Thursday, October 8, 2015

8:30    Welcome

8:35    Site Prep Prior to HarvestJim Carr, Campbell Global, North Bend, OR

9:00    Minor Species Requirements: From Seed to Seedling StorageMark Montville, PRT Oregon, Hubbard, OR

9:30    Benefits of Mixed Species Plantings: Outplanting, Logistics, and Site SelectionBrian Morris, Washington Department of Natural Resources

10:00    Break

10:30    Public Perception of Forest Management in OregonMike Cloughesy, Oregon Forest Resources Institute, Portland, OR

11:00    Communicating a Positive Forestry Message to the PublicKoshare Eagle, Koshare Eagle Consulting, Olympia, WA

Noon    Lunch

1:00    Making PCT Decisions on Your Stands: Landowner Case histories

1. Evelyn Hukari, Oregon Dept. of Forestry, Philomath, OR

2. Stephanie Wessell, Bureau of Land Management

3. Jerry Anderson, Hancock Resource Management, Independence, OR

2:00    Panel and audience discussion on PCT management and decision makingScott McLeod, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA

2:30    Break

2:45    Covering All the Bases in Spraying ProjectsJim Carr, Campbell Group, North Bend, OR

3:15    The Effects of Herbicide Use on WildlifeGary Roloff, Michigan State University, Lansing, MI

4:15    Adjourn

Annual meeting of the Western Forestry and Conservation Nursery Association: Genetic Considerations for Nursery, Reforestation, and Restoration Programs. Event included a field tour to Dorena Genetic Resource Center.

2015 Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Assoc. Meeting

Monday, October 26, 2015

8:30    Welcome and Introductions – Diane Haase, Western Nursery Specialist, USDA Forest Service, Portland, OR

8:40    Genetic Considerations in the Success of Reforestation and Restoration – Andy Bower, USDA Forest Service, Olympia, WA

9:15    Improving the Genetic Quality of Douglas-Fir Seed with    High-Density Orchard Management– Jeff DeBell, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Meridian Seed Orchard, Olympia, WA

9:50    The Great Whitebark Pine Germination Controversy: A Question for the Ages – Lee Riley, USDA Forest Service, Dorena Genetic Resource Center, Cottage Grove, OR

10:25    Break

10:50    An Update on Cooperative Tree Improvement in the Pacific Northwest: The Genetics in the Seedlings You Grow – Keith Jayawickrama, Oregon State University, Department of Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Corvallis, OR

11:25    An Update from Dorena on the Genetics of Disease Resistance – Erin Hooten, USDA Forest Service, Dorena Genetic Resource Center, Cottage Grove, OR

12:00    Lunch

1:00    Field tour – Dorena Genetic Resource Center DGRC (transportation included)
DGRC, located near Cottage Grove, OR was established in 1966 as the headquarters for the White Pine blister Rust Resistance Program. Over the past 50 years, the Center has worked on many programs including Phytophthora lateralis resistance for Port-Orford-cedar, containerized seed orchards for western larch, and common garden studies to study genetic variation. Through breeding and development of native tree species resistant to non-native invasive pathogens, seed store management, production of seed for regeneration needs, and training workshops the Dorena Genetic Resource Center provides leadership and significant services in the Pacific Northwest Region’s genetic resource and forest health protection programs.

5:30    Evening Group Dinner (Location TBD)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

8:30    Genetic Considerations for Plant Material Policies in the Context of Climate Change: A Forest Service Perspective – Matt Horning, USDA Forest Service, Bend, OR

9:05    Phenology of Pacific Northwest Tree Species – Connie Harrington, USDA Forest Service, PNW Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Olympia, WA

9:40    Native Plant Germination and Growth in a Subirrigation System – Rebecca Sheridan, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID

10:15    Break

10:50    Don’t Worry, Be Appy: Mobile Technologies for Nurseries and Field Personnel – Daniel Drummond, Southern Regional Extension Forestry, University of Georgia, Athens, GA

11:25    Predicting Climate Change Impacts on Bunchgrass Populations Using Common Garden Studies– Francis Kilkenny, USDA Forest Service, Boise, ID

12:00    Lunch

1:00    Effects of Nursery Photoperiod Manipulation on Coastal Douglas-fir Seedling Root Growth after Planting – Mercedes Uscola-Fernandez, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

1:35   Advances in Using Biochar as a Media Amendment – Clarice Matt, University of Montana, Missoula, MT

2:10    Speaker TBA

2:45    Adjourn

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 8:30 – Noon • Private Access Interests – Basics of Easements • Prescriptive Easements and Adverse Possession • Landlocked Parcels and Implied Easements • Express Easements and Drafting Considerations • Not Quite Easements – Licenses, Permits and Contractual Interests • Easement Analysis and Application Issues 10:15 – 10:30 Break • Public … Continue reading Private Forestry Access, Easements, and Forest Management Legal Issues

Private Forestry Access, Easements, and Forest Management Legal Issues

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

8:30 – Noon

• Private Access Interests – Basics of Easements
• Prescriptive Easements and Adverse Possession
• Landlocked Parcels and Implied Easements
• Express Easements and Drafting Considerations
• Not Quite Easements – Licenses, Permits and Contractual Interests
• Easement Analysis and Application Issues

10:15 – 10:30 Break

• Public Transportation and Access Interests
• R.S. 2477 Rights of Way
• Dispute Resolution Mechanisms
• Legal and Political Relations with Local/Federal Governments

Noon –  Lunch (included with registration)

1:00 – 4:00 PM

• Recreational Access – Is There a Balance?
• Options for Attempting to Manage Access
• State Law Topics – Forest Practices and Timber Trespass

2:30 – 2:45 Break

• Federal Law Topics – Endangered Species Act and Federal Forest Management
• Fire – Protection, Suppression, and Liability
• Land Exchanges and Reconfiguration of Land Ownership
• Conservation Easements

4:00 Adjourn

Wednesday – Nov. 18, 2015 7:30 Check-in/Registration 8:30 General Session: Looking Down the Road Eric Gakstatter, contributing Editor to GPS World and Editor of Geospatial Solutions, will lead a discussion on technological trends for mapping/surveying hardware, GPS development, UAVs, and mobile applications. Lorri Bodi, Vice-President for Environment, Fish, and Wildlife, Bonneville Power Administration. Taming Big … Continue reading 5th Field Technology for Data Collection in Forestry, Fisheries, and Natural Resources

5th Field Technology for Data Collection in Forestry, Fisheries, and Natural Resources

Wednesday – Nov. 18, 2015
7:30 Check-in/Registration
8:30 General Session:

Looking Down the Road

Eric Gakstatter,

contributing Editor to GPS World and Editor of Geospatial Solutions, will lead a

discussion on technological trends for mapping/surveying hardware, GPS development,

UAVs, and mobile applications.

Lorri Bodi, Vice-President for Environment, Fish, and Wildlife,

Bonneville Power Administration. Taming Big Data to Guide Program


10:00 Break
10:30 How in the World Does GPS Work?

Steve Wilent, Forestry Source, Society of American Foresters

Uses of Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences: Potential and Limitations

Phong Nguyen,

Smith-Root, Inc.

UAVs in Fish and Wildlife Surveys

Dan Avery, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

11:15 Real-time Mobile GIS Workflows – Practical Considerations in the Esri Environment

Craig Greenwald, GeoMobile


Salmon Spawning Grounds and Mobile Data Collection in Washington State

Are Strom and James Losee, Washington Department of Fish and




Noon Lunch (Included with registration)
1:00 Using iFormBuilder to Design Your Own Field App

Jake Shapley, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

Electronic Reporting – Good, Fast, or Cheap? (Pick Two)

Dave Colpo, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission

Kerry Halligan,

Mason, Bruce and Girard

1:45 Using PdfMaps and OruxMaps for Data Collection on Your Pocket Device

Jim Reed, The Hydrologic Group

Big Data Gets Wet: How Stream Geostatistics, eDNA, and Crowd-Sourcing Massive Datasets is Revolutionizing Aquatic Science

Dan Isaak, U.S. Forest Service

Using New Technology to Improve Timber Cruise Accuracy

Jon Aschenbach, Resource Supply,


2:30 Break
3:00 An Overview of Mobile GIS Apps for Field Data Collection

Matt Alexander, Anatum Field Solutions

Results of Tablet Computer Field Entry Pilot Tests

Michael Banach and Greg Wilke, StreamNet / Pacific States Marine

Fisheries Commission

Montana’s Fish Distribution Editing Tool: Web-based Tools for Complex Spatial Data

Bill Daigle, Montana Fish, Wildlife, & Parks

3:45 Using Dual Frequency GPS Under Tree Canopy

Jon Aschenbach, Resource Supply, LLC

Snorkel Data Capture in the Field Using Portable Hand Held Devices

Chris Harrington, Breanna Anderson and Evan Brown,

Idaho Department of Fish and Game

Joe Kunches, ASTRA, LLC
4:30 Adjourn
Thursday – Nov. 19, 2015
8:00 General session: Panel on

Data Security

9:15 Open


Using UAVS as a Rapid Aquatic Habitat Assessment Tool

Keith Steele, Sitka Technology Group and

Eric Gakstatter, Geospatial Solutions/GPS World


GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) regional meeting(open to all


CGSIC is the only public venue where civilian GPS users have an opportunity to

interface directly with US federal GPS authorities.

Cooperation Between Providers and Common Practices to Benefit GNSS Users

CAPT Russell Holmes, Commanding Officer, U.S. Coast Guard Navigation


GPS constellation status and modernization

U.S. Air Force Second Space Operations Squadron

10:00 Break
10:30 Precision LiDAR and Terrain Mapping with UAVs

Chris McMurtry, Aerial Inspection Resources

A Beginner’s Guide to Learning ArcGIS Collector

Tyler Gakstatter, Resource Supply, LLC

GPS and the

International Committee on GNSS (ICG): Helping build a multi-GNSS World

Jeff Auerbach, Senior GPS Advisor, U.S. Department of State

11:15 BLM and Drone Use in Forestry

Corey Plank, BLM
Using Environmental DNA (eDNA) Analysis to Determine the Presence of Aquatic Species: Protocols, Strengths, and Limitations

Matthew Laramie, U.S. Geological Survey

WAAS Status “ATransformational, Performance Based Navigation (PBN) National Airspace”

Deborah Lawrence, Navigation Program Manager, Federal Aviation


Interpreting NOAA Space Weather Alerts/Warnings from a GPS Mapping/Surveying Perspective

Joe Kunches, Director of Space Weather Services, ASTRA LLC

Noon Lunch (Included with registration)
1:00 Field Forms Builder for Natural Resource Data Collection: DataPlus Mobile Software

Jim Lahm, Elecdata

A Test of 3 Remote Sensing Approaches to Inventory

Zack Parisa, SilviaTerra

Current Research

on UAVs and Forestry Applications

Mike Wing, Oregon State University

1:45 Conference wrap-up and door prizes
3:00 Adjourn

This event was held at Kent Island, MD on July 20-23. The meeting covered applicable Northeastern and Southern Forest Nursery topics and included an Ayton Tree Nursery Tour and Suicide Bridge Dinner Cruise.

2015 Joint Northeast and Southern Forest Nursery Meeting

Monday July 20, 2015

2:00 – 5:00 pm            Registration
6:00 – 8:00                    Opening Reception

Tuesday July 21, 2015

6:30 – 8:00 am             Breakfast
7:00 – 8:00                     Registration
8:30 – 8:45                     Welcome/Opening RemarksDon van Hassent, Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources
8:45 – 9:15                     History of Ayton Nursery – Richard Garrett, Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources
9:15 – 10:00                 The Lawn to Woodland ProgramMarion Honeczy, Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources
10:00 – 10:30               Break
10:30 – 11:15              The Work Camper ProgramJosh McGlaughlin, Virginia Dept of Forestry
11:15 – 11:45              Fumigation UpdateSteve Godbehere, TriEst Ag Group
11:45 – 1:00 pm          Lunch
1:00 – 2:00                    Top Clipping Hardwood SeedlingsDavid South, Auburn University
2:00 – 2:30                    Propagating PollinatorsDave Horvath, Illinois State Dept. of Natural Resources
2:30 – 3:00                    Break
3:00 – 3:30                   Propagating Viburnum – Annetta Ayers, Penn. Game Commission
3:30 – 4:00                   Propagating Aspen Joe Vande Hey, WI State Dept. of Natural Resources
Dinner on your own

Wednesday July 22, 2015

6:30 – 8:00 am             Breakfast
8:15 – 9:00                     Travel to Maryland State Nursery
9:00 – 12:00                  Ayton Tree Nursery Tour
12:00 – 1:00 pm           Lunch at Nursery (included with registration)
1:00 – 2:30                      Continue nursery tour
2:30                                    Return to hotel
4:15                                    Load bus Suicide Bridge Dinner Cruise
5:30-9:00                        Dinner Cruise

Thursday July 23, 2015

6:30-8:00                       Breakfast
8:30 – 9:00                     Speaker TBA
9:00 – 9:30                     Speaker TBA
9:30 – 10:00                  Speaker TBA
10:00 – 10:30               Break
10:30 – 11:00               Apps for the Nursery – Daniel Outlaw
11:00 – 11:30               UPS Shipping Solutions – Speaker TBA
11:30                                Announcements & Adjourn

Tuesday – June 30, 2015 1:00 pm Overview of Forest Management: Concepts and Terminology o What are the major timber producing regions of the U.S?      o What are the major timber types within each region?      o Site productivity: The potential of an area to grow trees      o Timber Stands: A management entity … Continue reading Reviewing a Timberland Appraisal for Accuracy and Credibility

Reviewing a Timberland Appraisal for Accuracy and Credibility

Tuesday – June 30, 2015

1:00 pm Overview of Forest Management: Concepts and Terminology
o What are the major timber producing regions of the U.S?
     o What are the major timber types within each region?
     o Site productivity: The potential of an area to grow trees
     o Timber Stands: A management entity within forestry
     o Timber management strategies: Even-aged and uneven-aged         management
     o Improving the growth of timber through silvicultural practices
     o When to harvest timber: Rotation length and financial vs. biological maturity
     o Logging methods for timber harvest: ground vs. cable and types of equipment
     o Where do the logs go? Timber products, relative values, and their end-use markets

2:15 Counting Your Trees: An Overview of Timber Inventories
     o Measuring nature: Trees are not cans of beans
     o Sampling techniques and statistics used in forestry inventories
     o How do we measure trees? Units of measurement – cubic, board feet,   and weight measures
     o Field measurement techniques for counting trees in the field
     o Back at the office: Compilation of data into inventory programs
     o How often are trees measured? Setting inventory cycles
     o Growing trees between field measurements
     o Integrating inventory data with geographic information systems

2:45      Break

3:00 Counting Your Trees (Continued)

3:30 Drivers of Timberland Value
     o Timber type
     o Site productivity
     o Terrain
     o Age class distribution
     o Stocking of trees
     o Location
     o Road systems
     o Management history
     o Impact of regulatory and environmental issues on value
     o Other cost considerations

4:30      Adjourn

Wednesday – July 1, 2015

8:00 am Key Concepts and Principles of Valuation
     o Fundamental land rights: It is more than just the physical property
     o Different forms of land ownership
     o Value is an opinion as of a specific date
     o The concept of Highest and Best Use
     o Types of value
     o Elements of market value

8:30 ABCs of Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)
     o Applicability
     o USPAP Background
     o Components of USPAP
     o Ethics rule
     o Recordkeeping rule
     o Competency rule
     o Scope of work questions
     o Client and intended users
     o Intended use
     o USPAP Standards
     o Extraordinary assumptions & hypothetical conditions

9:30      Break

10:00 The Three Approaches to Valuation and Their Use in Timberland Appraisal: How does the Appraiser Decide Which Approaches to Use?
     o Income Approach
     o Sales Comparison Approach
     o Cost Approach

10:30 Key Drivers of Value Under the Income Approach
o Using a single stand as an example
o Applying income approach to the whole property
o Key factors affecting discounted cash flow valuations
o Projecting log prices
o Determining market discount rate
o Determining the growth and yield of the forest
o Calculating production and management costs
o Reversion

Noon      Lunch (included with registration)

1:00 Selection of Sales and Adjustments Under the Sales Comparison Approach
     o Selecting “comparable” sales
     o Sale adjustments and analysis

2:00 Is the Cost Approach Appropriate for Timberland Appraisals?
o Example of young stand valuation
     o Use of cost approach in other regions

2:30      Break

2:45 Effective Appraisal Review and Interaction with the Appraiser
     o How to select the right appraiser
     o Providing the right data to the appraiser
     o Complete appraisal review checklist

4:00      Session adjourns

4:15 Optional Session: Emerging International Standards: IFRS and IVS
     o What are International Valuation Standards?
     o Mark to market accounting – IFRS
     o IFRS vs. GAAP
     o IFRS valuation requirements
     o Appraisal standards under IVS: Land value, biological assets and improvements.

5:00      Optional session adjourns

An appraisal review checklist will be provided with the course materials. Use this checklist for a structured and systematic approach to reviewing an appraisal for USPAP compliance as well as evaluating key components of the analysis.

Monday, July 6, 2015 11:00   Field Session orientation and registration – Best Western Hood River Inn parking lot, Hood River, OR 11:30   Group departs for the field from Best Western Hood River Inn. Transportation and lunch provided. Insects and Diseases in Lodgepole Pine: Identification, Life Cycles, Control Measures and Recommended Silvicultural Practices for Controlling Infestations … Continue reading Advanced Insect and Disease Field Session

Advanced Insect and Disease Field Session

Monday, July 6, 2015

11:00   Field Session orientation and registration – Best Western Hood River Inn parking lot, Hood River, OR

11:30   Group departs for the field from Best Western Hood River Inn. Transportation and lunch provided.

Insects and Diseases in Lodgepole Pine: Identification, Life Cycles, Control Measures and Recommended Silvicultural Practices for Controlling Infestations

Lunch (included with registration)

Afternoon topics:

  1. Steps of Diagnosis
  2. Ips beetles
  3. Douglas-fir beetle
  4. Woodborers
  5. SOD and other invasive pathogens
  6. Aerial Survey overview

5:00     Arrive back at Hood River Inn

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

7:30     Depart from Best Western Hood River Inn

Morning Topics:

  1. Armillaria root disease
  2. Annosus root disease
  3. Western spruce budworm
  4. Douglas-fir tussock moth
  5. Indian paint fungus
  6. Mountain pine beetle in ponderosa pine

Lunch (included with registration)

Afternoon topics:

  1. Mountain pine beetle in lodgepole pine
  2. Red turpentine beetle
  3. Fir engraver
  4. Western gall rust
  5. Pine needle diseases (Elytroderma/Lophodermella)
  6. Aspen insects and diseases

5:30     Arrive back at Best Western Hood River Inn

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

8:00     Depart from Best Western Hood River Inn

Morning topics:

  1. Laminated root rot
  2. Red ring rot
  3. Blackstain root disease
  4. Annosus root disease on hemlock
  5. Swiss Needle Cast
  6. Velvet top fungus
  7. Sawflies
  8. White pine blister rust

Lunch (included with registration)

Afternoon activities:

Small groups develop and discuss westside stand prescriptions.

5:30     Arrive back at Best Western Hood River Inn


Thursday, July 9, 2015

7:30     Depart from Best Western Hood River Inn

Morning topics:

  1. Black pineleaf scale
  2. Quinine fungus
  3. Pathways for non-natives
  4. Larch casebearer/larch needle diseases
  5. Balsam woolly adelgid
  6. Dwarf mistletoes
  7. Western pine beetle
  8. Oak insects and diseases

Lunch (included with registration)

Afternoon activities:

  1. Small group exercise to develop a mixed conifer and ponderosa pine stand prescription for sample stand.
  2. Group discussion of stand prescriptions.

5:00         Arrive back at Best Western Hood River Inn and
session adjourns.