All posts by Melinda Olson

8:15 Welcome 8:30 Carbon Trading: Markets, Drivers, Business Climate and California Cap and Trade Program – Arjun Patney, American Carbon Registry, Arlington, VA 9:15 How Does the California Air Resources Board Compliance Offset Protocol Work and Is It the Right Fit for my Business? Steps in the ARB Process And Strategic Considerations in developing a … Continue reading Forest Carbon Offsets Workshop: A Viable Market Opportunity For Timberlands Owners

Forest Carbon Offsets Workshop: A Viable Market Opportunity For Timberlands Owners

8:15 Welcome

8:30 Carbon Trading: Markets, Drivers, Business Climate and California Cap and Trade ProgramArjun Patney, American Carbon Registry, Arlington, VA

9:15 How Does the California Air Resources Board Compliance Offset Protocol Work and Is It the Right Fit for my Business? Steps in the ARB Process And Strategic Considerations in developing a Carbon ProjectDylan Jenkins, Finite Carbon, Wayne, PA

10:15 Break

10:45 Designing and Implementing a Forest Carbon InventoryDave Walters, LandVest, Eugene, OR

11:30 Selling Offsets: How the Market Operates and the Various Products for SalePatrick Pfeifer, Statkraft, San Francisco, CA

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Maintaining Compliance With a Carbon Plan: What are you Signing Up for and What do You Have to do to Prove It? – Jim Clark, North Coast Resource Management, Ukiah, CA

1:30 Preparing for Verification SuccessZane Haxtema, SCS Global Services

1:50 Break

2:10 Risk Management 101: Managing Risk Across the Carbon Value ChainErika Anderson, Anderson Law Firm, Berkeley, CA

3:00 Landowner Case Histories: Presentations covering their first-hand experience from putting a carbon project on their property, evaluating feasibility, and building an inventory to verification, selling offsets and living with the plan.Kaarsten Turner Dalby, The Forestland Group

4:00 Adjourn

Monday, June 19, 2017 11:00 Field Session orientation and registration – Hood River Inn parking lot, Hood River, OR 11:30 Group departs for the field from Hood River Inn. Transportation and lunch provided. Lunch (included with registration) Afternoon topics: 1. Steps of diagnosis 2. Ips beetles 3. Red turpentine beetles 4. Woodborers 5. SOD and … Continue reading Advanced Insect and Disease Field Session: Identification, Life Cycles, Control Measures and Silvicultural Regimes

Advanced Insect and Disease Field Session: Identification, Life Cycles, Control Measures and Silvicultural Regimes

Monday, June 19, 2017

11:00 Field Session orientation and registration – Hood River Inn parking lot, Hood River, OR
11:30 Group departs for the field from Hood River Inn. Transportation and lunch provided.
Lunch (included with registration)
Afternoon topics:
1. Steps of diagnosis
2. Ips beetles
3. Red turpentine beetles
4. Woodborers
5. SOD and other invasive pathogens
6. Aerial survey overview
5:00 Arrive back at Hood River Inn

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

7:30 Depart from Hood River Inn
Morning Topics:
1. Overview of root diseases
2. Armillaria root disease
3. Mountain Pine Beetle
4. Thinning to prevent mt. pine beetle
5. Western spruce budworm
6. Douglas-fir tussock moth
Lunch (included with registration)
Afternoon topics and activities:
7. Indian paint fungus
8. Annosus root disease
9. Fir engraver
10. Dwarf Mistletoes
11. Group Exercise- Eastside Prescription
5:30 Arrive back at Hood River Inn

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

8:00 Depart from Hood River Inn
Morning topics:
1. Pine needle diseases
2. White pine blister rust
3. Stem decays
Lunch (included with registration)
Afternoon topics and activities:
4. Laminated Root Rot
5. Schweinitzii root and butt rot
6. Douglas-fir beetle
7. Team Exercise- Westside Prescription
5:30 Arrive back at Hood River Inn

Thursday, June 22, 2017

7:30 Depart from Hood River Inn
Morning topics and activities:
1. Team Exercise – Pruning Western White Pine
2. Larch casebearer
3. Larch needle diseases
4. Balsam woolly adelgid
5. Tree survival after fire
Lunch (included with registration)
Afternoon topics and activities:
6. Class Exercise – Identify Me!
7. Western pine beetle
8. Dwarf mistletoe recap – ponderosa pine
9. Class Exercise – Rating Dwarf mistletoe
10. Team Exercise – Dry Ponderosa pine Prescription
11. Session wrap – up
5:00 Arrive back at Hood River Inn and session adjourns.

Tuesday – April 18, 2017 1:00 Introduction: Course Overview and Objectives • Welcome • Facilities • Introductions – speakers and attendees • Course Outline • Handouts/Background Reading 1:20 Overview of Forest Management Concepts & Terminology • What are the major timber producing regions of the U.S.? • What are the major timber types within each … Continue reading Reviewing a Timberland Appraisal for Accuracy and Credibility

Reviewing a Timberland Appraisal for Accuracy and Credibility

Tuesday – April 18, 2017

1:00 Introduction: Course Overview and Objectives
• Welcome
• Facilities
• Introductions – speakers and attendees
• Course Outline
• Handouts/Background Reading

1:20 Overview of Forest Management Concepts & Terminology
• What are the major timber producing regions of the U.S.?
• What are the major timber types within each region?
• Site productivity: the potential of an area to grow trees
• Timber stands: the basic units of management
• Management strategies: even-aged and uneven-aged management
• When to harvest: rotation length & financial vs. biological maturity
• Logging methods for timber harvest: ground vs. cable and types of equipment
• Where do logs go? Timber products, relative values, and their end-use markets
• Land Expectation Value
• Stumpage value

2:00 Drivers of Timberland Value
• Biological factors
• Physical factors
• Location
• Access
• Management history
• Regulatory & environmental issues

3:00 Break

3:15 Key Concepts & Principals of Valuation
• Market and other types of value
• Elements of market value
• The concept of Highest & Best Use
• Contributory value
• Economic principles underlying valuation
• Appraisal standards

4:00 The Three Approaches to Value & Their Use in Timberland Appraisal
• Income Capitalization Approach
• Sales Comparison Approach
• Cost Approach

5:00 Adjourn day 1

Wednesday – April 19, 2017

8:00 Application of the Income Approach to Small Properties
• Conversion Return method for merchantable timber
• Valuation pre-merchantable timber
• Contributory value of land
• Sources of data

8:30 Income Approach Exercise
• Split into groups for exercise and compare group results.

9:30 Application of the Income Approach to Large Properties
• Modeling discounted cash flow for large properties
• Key factors affecting discounted cash flow valuations
• Projecting log prices
• Determining the market discount rate
• Determining the growth & yield of the forest
• Calculating production & management costs
• Reversion value

10:15 Break

10:45 Selection of Sales & Adjustments Under the Sales Comparison Approach
• Sources of sale data
• Selecting “comparable” sales
• Elements & units of comparison
• Sale adjustments and analysis
• An example analysis

Noon Lunch (included with registration)

1:00 Sales Comparison Approach Exercise
• Split into groups for exercise and compare group results.

2:15 Reconciling to a Final Value Opinion
• Strengths and weaknesses of each approach – discussion
• Final reconciliation of the group exercise results

2:45 Break

3:00 Effective Appraisal Review & Interaction with the Appraiser
• How to select the right appraiser
• Providing the right data to the appraiser
• Appraisal review checklist

4:00 Wrap up, questions and answers

4:30 Adjourn

March 7, 2017, Mirabeau Park Convention Center, Spokane Valley, WA (Note: new location for 2017 meeting) 8:00     Welcome and Opening – Norris Boothe, 2017 Chair, IERC, Forester, Coeur d’Alene Tribe 8:15    How did fires in 2014 & 2015 influence planting programs for 2016, 2017 and beyond? Phil Anderson, CF; Intensive Management Forester, Northeast Region, Washington State … Continue reading 2017 Inland Empire Reforestation Council: Reforestation After the Burn

2017 Inland Empire Reforestation Council: Reforestation After the Burn

March 7, 2017, Mirabeau Park Convention Center, Spokane Valley, WA
(Note: new location for 2017 meeting)

8:00     Welcome and OpeningNorris Boothe, 2017 Chair, IERC, Forester, Coeur d’Alene Tribe

8:15    How did fires in 2014 & 2015 influence planting programs for 2016, 2017 and beyond? Phil Anderson, CF; Intensive Management Forester, Northeast Region, Washington State Department of Natural Resources

8:45     After the fire: where, when and what do we plant? Panel: Phil Anderson and Jeremy Hunt, Forester, Colville Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs

10:00   Break

10:30   What role does changing climate play in reforestation decisions?Marcus Warwell, Geneticist, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service

11:15   Species and stock type selection, what works best? Jeremy Pinto, Research Plant Physiologist/Tribal Nursery Specialist

12:00   Lunch

12:45   IERC Business Meeting 

 1:00    Reforestation following wildfire and salvage: Effects of herbicides, season of planting and delay since burn on survival and growth of planted conifer seedlings in Central Washington Scott McLeod, Silviculturist, Washington State Department of Natural Resources

2:00    Who is going to do the planting?  Forecast of contract labor issues – Wade Zaharie, Managing Member, Alpha Services, LLC.

 2:30    Break

3:00    So, we have planted; now what?  Patrick Marolla, Silviculture Manager, Hancock Forest Management, NE Oregon Tree Farm

4:15     Vendor recognition and closing

4:30     Adjourn and Social

Start Date: May 15, 2017 or May 18, 2017 8:30  Introduction and Overview 8:45  BYOD – The Future of Field Data Collection What is BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)? Why BYOD makes sense. When BYOD doesn’t make sense. 9:30  GPS/GNSS receivers: Basic operation and technology trends How does GPS work? How accurate is GPS? Different … Continue reading Using your Smartphone/Tablet for High-Precision GPS Data Collection in Forestry and Natural Resources

Using your Smartphone/Tablet for High-Precision GPS Data Collection in Forestry and Natural Resources

Start Date: May 15, 2017 or May 18, 2017

8:30  Introduction and Overview

8:45  BYOD – The Future of Field Data Collection

  • What is BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)?
  • Why BYOD makes sense.
  • When BYOD doesn’t make sense.

9:30  GPS/GNSS receivers: Basic operation and technology trends

  • How does GPS work?
  • How accurate is GPS?
  • Different categories and capabilities of GPS receivers. Recreational vs. Professional
  • GPS Advancements: What can you expect in the next couple of years

10:30 Break

10:45 A look at BYOD hardware and software:

  • iOS, Android, Windows smartphones, and tablets.
  • Screen readability, GPS accuracy, ruggedness, expandability, and flexibility.
  • Open source (free) vs. paid. Esri, tMap, Avenza, GIS Cloud, etc.
  • Cloud vs. on-device software. To download or not to download?
  • What combination works best for you?

12:00 Lunch

1:00   GPS mapping fundamentals and troubleshooting

  • Why doesn’t my data line up?
  • Map projections and datums.
  • GIS data collection structure. Points, lines and polygons.
  • Field data collection forms.
  • Linking photos to data.

2:30   Break

2:45   Using background map data. Sources and cost.

  • Imagery (aerial/satellite/UAV photos).
  • Vector (roads, parcels, contours, etc.).
  • Sources of free and paid data.

3:15   Wrap up and Q&A

4:00   Adjourn

Start Date: May 16, 2017 or May 19, 2017 8:30  Introduction and Overview 8:45  Drone Rules How to obtain a drone pilot certificate. 20 hours of on-line study. Common test questions. Local test centers. Drone flying rules. Where can you fly and not fly? Flying by yourself, flying in the woods and around people. Hobby … Continue reading Do-It-Yourself Accurate Drone Mapping in Natural Resources

Do-It-Yourself Accurate Drone Mapping in Natural Resources

Start Date: May 16, 2017 or May 19, 2017

8:30  Introduction and Overview

8:45  Drone Rules

  • How to obtain a drone pilot certificate.
  • 20 hours of on-line study. Common test questions. Local test centers.
  • Drone flying rules. Where can you fly and not fly?
  • Flying by yourself, flying in the woods and around people.
  • Hobby vs. business flying.
    • The intent, not the drone, is the differentiator.

10:30 Break

11:00 Drone Technology: Capabilities, cost and pros/cons

  • Airframes
    • Rotorcraft, fixed-wing, hybrid.
    • Flight controller (tablet/smartphone vs. proprietary).
    • Airframe pros/cons.
    • Batteries.
    • Operating differences.

12:00 Lunch

1:00   Drone Technology (continued)

  • Mission planning software
    • Third-party vs. manufacturer-supplied.
    • iOS vs. Android vs. Windows.
  • Sensors
    • RGB cameras (photogrammetry, Phodar point clouds).
    • Lidar, thermal, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index).
  • Image processing software
    • Matching images effectively and accurately.
    • Using ground control points.
    • Cloud processing vs. Stand-alone processing.
    • Producing orthophotos, DEM (Digital Elevation Model)/DSM (Digital Surface Model), contours, volumes and 3D models.
    • Integrating into GIS (ESRI) systems.

2:30   Break

2:45   The Possibilities. What’s Possible with a $1,500 UAV?

  • Orthophoto example.
  • Elevation contour example.
  • 3D model example.
  • DEM/DSM example.
  • Volume example.

3:30   Wrap up and Q&A

4:00   Adjourn

  0815 – 0830 Introduction to WR.COFE & Seminar Jeff Wimer, Chair, WR.COFE & OSU FERM Department SESSION 1: Steep Slope Tethered Assist 0830-0900 Operators in Steep Slope Logging and Safety Measurement John Garland – Garland and Associates 0900 – 0930 The Rapid Evolution of Steep Slope Winch Assist In the Woods of the Northwest … Continue reading 2017 Western Region COFE Seminar – Improving Forest Harvest Operations

2017 Western Region COFE Seminar – Improving Forest Harvest Operations


0815 – 0830 Introduction to WR.COFE & Seminar
Jeff Wimer, Chair, WR.COFE & OSU FERM Department

SESSION 1: Steep Slope Tethered Assist

0830-0900 Operators in Steep Slope Logging and Safety Measurement
John Garland – Garland and Associates

0900 – 0930 The Rapid Evolution of Steep Slope Winch Assist In the Woods of the Northwest
Bruce Skurdahl – Summit Machinery

0930 – 1000 International research on winch-assist equipment
Dzhamal Amishev – FPInnovations

1000 – 1010 Blount / Oregon Cutting Systems Update

1010 – 1040 BREAK (Refreshments Provided)

1040 – 1050 Peterson Cat

1050 – 1120 Proposed changes for streamside shade buffers with Salmon, Steelhead or Bull Trout streams
Greg Wagenblast – ODF

SESSION 2: Forest Practices Update

1120 – 1150 Potential Changes to Industrial Fire Rules
Chet Behling – ODF

1150 – 1200 Triad Machinery / Link-Belt update

1200 – 1240 LUNCH (Provided)

1240 – 1310 ANNOUNCEMENTS, Ticket Raffle, OSU Student Scholarship Awards –
Jerry Sedlak Memorial Scholarship

1310 – 1320 Pape’ Machinery update

SESSION 3: Technological Innovation in Forestry

1320 – 1350 Estimation of volume and products that can be obtained from individual stems using consumer grade cameras
Bogdan Strimbu – OSU College of Forestry

SESSION 4: Road and Water

1350 – 1420 Driving Technologies – Improving operational efficiencies while on the road
Soona Lee and Jeffrey Bowden – EROAD

1420 – 1430 Ponsse Update

1430 – 1500 BREAK (Refreshments Provided)

1500 – 1530 Slope and Abutment Construction using Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil
Michael Frey – Alliance Geosynthetics.

1530 – 1600 Scour and Redeposition in Streambed Simulated Culverts
Anna Vesper – Weyerhaeuser/OSU

1600 – 1630 Forest Bridges and other Structures
Alex Dunn – McGee Engineering

1630 – 1645 Wrap-Up and Evaluation — Jeff Wimer

Conference Materials for Attendees (password protected) 7:00     Networking buffet style breakfast 8:30     Welcome 8:35     Wood Raw-Material Price Trends in North America and Beyond – Hakan Ekstrom and Tim Gammell, Wood Resources International 9:00     Wood Fiber Supply Chain Outlook for 2017 – Charles Spiggle, Wells Fargo Securities 9:40     2017 Strategic Issues for US Pacific Northwest … Continue reading Mapping the Course: Timberlands, Forest Products Processing, and Fiber Issues for 2017

Mapping the Course: Timberlands, Forest Products Processing, and Fiber Issues for 2017

Conference Materials for Attendees (password protected)

7:00     Networking buffet style breakfast

8:30     Welcome

8:35     Wood Raw-Material Price Trends in North America and Beyond – Hakan Ekstrom and Tim Gammell, Wood Resources International

9:00     Wood Fiber Supply Chain Outlook for 2017 Charles Spiggle, Wells Fargo Securities

9:40     2017 Strategic Issues for US Pacific Northwest TimberlandsJohn Davis, Green Diamond California Timberlands

10:15   Break

10:45   The British Columbia Wood Supply Base – Albert Nussbaum, BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations

11:15   BC’s Interior Sawmill Sector: Changing Market Opportunities for Lumber and Residuals Walter Matosevic, Canfor Pulp Ltd

11:45   Lunch

1:00     The Game of Thrones: New Ownership and Opportunities in the PNW Pulp Sector  – Pete Foley, Nippon Dynawave Packaging Co

1:25     The PNW Plywood/ Veneer Sector: 2017 Opportunities and ThreatsTyler Freres, Freres Group

1:50     The PNW Lumber Sector: Balancing 2017 Log Costs, Facility Investments, Demand and Lumber Prices – Todd Payne, Seneca Sawmill Co.

2:20     Break

2:45     North American Log Export Markets in Asia – Tom Leeds, PLS International

3:15     Profitability and Production Cost Trends for the Sawmilling Sector in North AmericaBryan Beck, The Beck Group

3:45     U.S. Forest Industry Supply Chain Capacity and Costs in Logging, Hauling and Forest Management Brooks Mendell, FORISK Consulting

4:15     Adjourn and reception.

Tuesday, December 6 – Pre-conference field tour Field tour weather could be cool and rainy; participants should bring sturdy, waterproof walking shoes and clothing suitable for cold, wet, or muddy conditions. 9:00 Load buses and depart from the Heathman Lodge 4:00 Arrive back at hotel The field tour will consist of 3 to 4 stops … Continue reading Seventh Western Native Plant Conference

Seventh Western Native Plant Conference

Tuesday, December 6 – Pre-conference field tour

Field tour weather could be cool and rainy; participants should bring sturdy, waterproof walking shoes and clothing suitable for cold, wet, or muddy conditions.

9:00 Load buses and depart from the Heathman Lodge

4:00 Arrive back at hotel

The field tour will consist of 3 to 4 stops in Clark County to view wetland mitigation sites. These sites include varying strategies to restore and rehabilitate wetland complexes including ditching, draining, log jams, and native plant revegetation. The tour may also include a visit to see restoration projects at a nearby wildlife refuge. Transportation and lunch are included.

Wednesday, December 7


9:00 Welcome and Introductions – Diane Haase, Western Nursery Specialist, USDA Forest Service, Portland, OR

9:10 The Art, Science, and Humility of RestorationLee Riley, USDA Forest Service Dorena Genetic Resources Center, Cottage Grove, OR and Lynda Moore, USDA Forest Service, Deschutes National Forest, Bend, OR

9:45 Novel Seed Treatments to Reduce the Risk of Post-fire Seeding FailureMatt Madsen, Department of Plant and Wildlife Sciences, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT

10:20 BREAK

10:50 The Go Native Project at Bandon High SchoolDarcy Grahek, Bandon, OR

11:25 Chemistry Experiential Learning through Native PlantsMark Wolfenden, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, McCall, ID

12:00 LUNCH

1:15 Need Habitat Restoration for Pollinators, Monarchs, and Sage-Grouse? Forbs are the Answer Kas Dumroese, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Moscow, ID

1:50 Revegetation with an Emphasis on Pollinator Conservation:  Resources for PractitionersLynda Moore, USDA Forest Service, Sandy, OR and Matt Horning, USDA Forest Service, Deschutes National Forest, Bend, OR

2:25 Using Native Plants to Create Pollinator Habitat: Lessons Learned and New PerspectivesTom Landis, Native Plant Nursery Consulting, Medford, OR

3:00 BREAK

3:30 Advances in Using Biochar as a Media AmendmentClarice Matt, Botanist, Plains, MT

4:05 Early Results from the Oxbow Center Native Plant Research ProgramAnthony Davis, College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR


Thursday, December 8


8:15 The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly… Novel IPM Strategies for Bugs in the NurseryMargaret Skinner, Entomology Research Laboratory, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT

8:50 Phytophthora Diseases in Native Plant Production – Why Should I Care and What Can I Do About It? Marianne Elliott, College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences, Washington State University, Puyallup, WA and Jennifer Parke, Oregon State University, Dept. of Crop and Soil Science & Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology, Corvallis, OR

9:25 The Ecology and Management of Plant Invasions: The Role of RestorationDean Pearson, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Missoula, MT

10:00 BREAK

10:30 Effects of Logging Debris and Herbicide Treatments on Plant Community Development after Forest Harvesting  – Cancelled

11:05 Roadside Management of Cheatgrass and Medusahead with Tygh Valley Milkvetch, a Rare PlantCarolyn Menke, Institute for Applied Ecology, Corvallis, OR

11:40 What’s Wrong with Worms?Clay Antieau, Seattle Public Utilities, Seattle, WA

12:15 LUNCH

1:30 A Site for Sori: Growing Locally Adapted Ferns from Spores for Restoration Haley Smith, USDA Forest Service Dorena Genetic Resources Center, Cottage Grove, OR

2:05 Keeping it Real: Strategies to maintain wildness in agriculturally increased native seedSierra Smith, Center for Natural Lands Management, Olympia, WA

2:40 A new mobile app for off-line use of provisional seed zones for native plants Andrew Bower, USDA Forest Service, Olympia, WA

(NOTE: Following this presentation, there will be a hands-on demo of this app for those who would like to stay and learn more about it.)


Wednesday, October 12 8:30 Welcome and Elder Blessing – Jeremiah Pinto, USDA Forest Service, Moscow, ID; TBA, Seneca Nation of Indians (SNI), Cattaragus, NY 9:00 Round Robin Introductions 9:20 Native Plants on Seneca Nation  – Ken Parker, SNI, Cattaragus, NY 9:35 Cultural Landscapes – Jay Toth, Cattaragus, NY 9:55 Clear Creek waterline: protection to restoration … Continue reading 2016 Intertribal Nursery Council Annual Meeting

2016 Intertribal Nursery Council Annual Meeting

Wednesday, October 12

8:30 Welcome and Elder Blessing – Jeremiah Pinto, USDA Forest Service, Moscow, ID; TBA, Seneca Nation of Indians (SNI), Cattaragus, NY

9:00 Round Robin Introductions

9:20 Native Plants on Seneca Nation  – Ken Parker, SNI, Cattaragus, NY

9:35 Cultural LandscapesJay Toth, Cattaragus, NY

9:55 Clear Creek waterline: protection to restorationShannon Seneca, SNI, Cattaragus, NY

10:15 Saving our seeds: 2016 summer internship Denise Kasprzak, Rebecca Edler, Enos Anton, Ciara Powless – College of Menominee Nation, Sustainable Development Institute, Keshena, WI

10:35 Break

11:00 Bureau of Land Management and Duck Valley greenhouses: overview and update on a successful partnership  Susan Filkins, Kenneth Pete, Jr., BLM, Owyhee, NV

11:20 Tribal nursery and US Fish and Wildlife collaboration for habitat restorationJeff Everett, USFWS, Portland, OR

11:40 Ancestral Lands, a conservation corps program model empowering Native youth to lead our Nations back to ecological and cultural well-being: Diné and Acoma Pueblo programs Andrea Stanley, Aaron Lowden, Southwest Conservation Corps, NM

12:20 Lunch

1:30 Tour departure

Visit 2 restoration sites in Erie County Vicky Haas, Erie County, Buffalo, NY

Clear Creek restoration site (Seneca Nation Territory) Shannon Seneca, SNI, Cattaragus, NY

Seneca Nation Administration Building native plant landscapingKen Parker, SNI, Cattaragus, NY

5:30 Traditional Dinner (included with registration)

7:00 Depart back to Hotel

Thursday, October 13

8:30 Reduce the risk of introducing plant pathogens into nursery stock and the subsequent outplanting into habitat restoration sitesKaren Suslow, Dominican University, San Rafael, CA

9:30 Preparing for the future impacts of Emerald Ash Borer – Multi Level Planning Les Benedict, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, Awkwesasne, NY

10:00 Break

10:20 Native plant traits: beautiful adaptations, regional realitites – Dan Segal, The Plantsmen Nursery, Groton, NY

10:40 Sustainable harvesting of culturally-significant plant species: Cherokee and Maliseet examplesMichelle Baumfleck, Tommy Cabe, James Chamberlain, & John Munsell, Virginia Tech, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, & USFS

11:10 Using a bulk soil moisture sensor in small pots to control greenhouse irrigation Steven Link, Patrick Mills, & Rodney Skeen, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Pendleton, OR

11:30 Regulating seed moisture for optimal germination and storage Bob Karrfalt, US Forest Service, Dry Branch, GA

12:00 Lunch

13:30 Tour departure to Niagara Falls

5:00 Return to hotel

8:30     Rise and Shine: How do Northwest Trees Know When Winter is Over? Connie Harrington, PNW Research station, USDA Forest Service, Olympia, WA 9:00     Update on H2B Visas and Labor Availability – Robert Zaharie, Alpha Services, Coeur d’Alene, ID 9:30     Testing the Impact of Experimental Herbicide Treatments on Breeding Productivity of Early-Successional Forest Songbirds – … Continue reading 2016 PNW Reforestation Council Annual Meeting

2016 PNW Reforestation Council Annual Meeting

8:30     Rise and Shine: How do Northwest Trees Know When Winter is Over? Connie Harrington, PNW Research station, USDA Forest Service, Olympia, WA

9:00     Update on H2B Visas and Labor AvailabilityRobert Zaharie, Alpha Services, Coeur d’Alene, ID

9:30     Testing the Impact of Experimental Herbicide Treatments on Breeding Productivity of Early-Successional Forest SongbirdsJim Rivers, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR

10:00   Break

10:30   Let’s Talk Labels: Information on the Label, Parts of the Label, Why it is Important, and What it MeansMike Odenthal, Oregon Department of Agriculture, Salem, OR

11:30  Lessons Learned From ODA Agriculture and Forestry Enforcement Cases: Emphasis on Drift, Coexistence and Worker ProtectionMike Odenthal

Noon   Lunch

1:00     The Economic Results of a PNW Silvicultural Costs Survey: Are You Swimming Above or Below the Financial Waterline?  Jim Arney, Forest Biometrics Research Institute, Portland, OR

2:00     Further Advancements in Sampling Young Plantations with Super High Resolution ImageryDave Shear, Eagle Imaging, Corvallis, OR

2:30     Break

2:45     What is Your Favorite Hardware or Software for Getting the Job Done? 5 minute lighning talks on the equipment, applications and software used by operational foresters.  We would like to hear of your discoveries . . . see note in other column.

3:15     Update on 2017 Worker Protection Standards – Grant Jackson, Oregon Department of Agriculture, Salem, OR

4:15     Adjourn

8:30     Watershed Structure and Functions: How Does a Watershed Accommodate the Life History-based Fish Habitat Needs?  Terry Cundy, Potlatch 9:15     The Functions of Riparian Areas – Maryanne Reiter, Weyerhaeuser 9:45     Break 10:15   The Effects of Forest Management Impacts on Hydrology, Sediment, Fish Habitat and Water Quality – Doug Martin, Martin Environmental and Maryanne Reiter  11:15   … Continue reading Fish Habitat 2016

Fish Habitat 2016

8:30     Watershed Structure and Functions: How Does a Watershed Accommodate the Life History-based Fish Habitat Needs?  Terry Cundy, Potlatch

9:15     The Functions of Riparian AreasMaryanne Reiter, Weyerhaeuser

9:45     Break

10:15   The Effects of Forest Management Impacts on Hydrology, Sediment, Fish Habitat and Water QualityDoug Martin, Martin Environmental and Maryanne Reiter

 11:15    Application of Herbicides Near Aquatic Systems George Ice, NACSI Fellow

Noon   Lunch

1:00     Resident Fish Passage: Have we Been Asking the Right Questions?Phil Peterson, West Fork Environmental

 1:30     Case History: The Double Duty of Quality Fish Habitat and Drinking Water for Urban Use – Jennifer Bakke, Hancock Natural Resources Group

2:00     Break

2:15    Case Study of a Successful Partnership: Analytic/Holistic Approach Cary Hart, Giustina Land and Timber, Eugene, OR

2:45     Water Law: Growing Fish and Trees in a Legal FrameworkElizabeth Howard, Schwabe, Williams and Wyatt, Portland, OR

3:30     Public Perception of Forestry in Oregon Mike Cloughesy, Oregon Forest Resources Institute, Portland, OR

4:00     Adjourn