Northwest Forest Soils Council Summer Field Tour 2016

Start Date: June 23, 2016
Location: Pearrygin Lake State - 561 Bear Creek Road, Winthrop, WA 98862

Thursday, June 23

6:00 PM Welcome Barbeque: Pearrygin State Park site # 139, Winthrop WA – Mark Kimsey, NWFSC President

Friday, June 24

7:00 AM Group Breakfast

8:30 Geology, Geomorphology and Soils of the North Cascades – Carl Davis, Retired USFS Soil Scientist

10:00  The Tripod Fire: History of the Burn, Fire Behavior – Tom Leuschen, Retired USFS

11:00 Fire History of Various Plant Series of the Wenatchee National Forest – Dave Peterson PNW Lab, Wenatchee

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Vegetation Recovery of the Tripod Fire – Dave Peterson PNW Lab, Wenatchee

2:00 Terrain Influences on Patterns of Vegetation Recovery – Caitlin Littlefield, Univ of Washington

3:00 Soil Carbon: Signature of Fire History – Bernard Bormann, Univ. of Washington and Peter Homann, Western Washington University

4:00 Wildland Fire Interface: Ecologically Fire Wise – Heide Anderson, Methow Conservancy

7:00 Group Potluck

Saturday, June 25

7:00 AM Group Breakfast

8:00 Burned Area Emergency Rehab – Tripod BAER Assessment
– Soil Burn Severity
– Vegetation Mortality mapping
– Fire, Erosion and Runoff
– Engineering Issues

Mel Bennett, Retired hydrologist USFS and Luke Cerise, Soil Scientist OKW National Forest

10:00 Monitoring BAER Road Projects – Pete Robichaud, Rocky Mtn. Research Station

11:00 Monitoring BAER Mulching – John Bontrager, Univ. of Idaho

11:30 Native Plant Issues with BAER Treatments – Therese Ohlson, Retired Ecologist USFS

12:00 Group Lunch and Adjourn