Scaling for Non-Scalers

Start Date: October 12, 2016
Location: Springfield, OR

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


9:00     Scaling Bureaus: How they operate and their role in log markets – Tom St. Laurent

  • How bureaus fit into the log buying and selling process
  • Represent both the log buyers and sellers
  • Apply log scaling rules
  • Provide qualified scalers
  • Serve as independent third parties

9:30     What does a log scaler do? Mike Belfry

  • How scalers fit into the log transaction process (only measure volume, not value)
  • What is their relationship to log buyers and sellers
  • Different points in log transport where scaling can occur
  • What is log volume and how is it calculated?
  • What are the specific measurements and data collected on a typical log?
  • Log documentation
  • Understanding gross and net volume
  • Why did my load scale out at a lesser volume? Reasons for volume deductions

10:30   Break

11:00   Northwest Log Scaling Rules: Applying uniformity and standardization within the Doug-fir processing area – Tom St. Laurent

  • Function and role of the rules
  • What they cover
  • How they are maintained and revised

11:30   Special requests: Using procedures in addition to the NW Log Scaling Rules – Tom St. Laurent

  • Why special requests are made
  • Common examples
  • Documenting special requests

Noon   Lunch

1:00     Understanding log grades and sorts – Mike Belfry

  • What is the difference between grades and sorts?
  • Why do sorts vary from company to company?
  • What is the difference between a good #2 sawlog and a rough #2 sawlog
  • What is the pulp sort?
  • What is a cull?

2:00     Break

2:15     Log accountability: Tracking the log load from landing to mill – Mike Belfry

  • How is data collected? Load receipts, weight reports, sample scales, sample expansion,     log tags, scale tickets and certificates
  • Understanding the paperwork: Examples will be provided of load receipts, scale tickets and certificates and each form will be reviewed in detail.
  • What are the standard procedures for documentation and changes?
  • How is the data stored, disseminated and then accessed by clients?

3:45     Catch-all short topics – Mike Belfry and Tom St. Laurent

  • Difference between westside and eastside scaling
  • Understanding cubic measurements
  • Deciphering overrun and underrun
  • Volume conversion factors
  • Using taper factors and actual taper

4:15     Adjourn