9:00      Scaling Bureaus: How they operate and their role in log              markets – Tom St. Laurent o How bureaus fit into the log buying and selling process o Represent both the log buyers and sellers o Apply log scaling rules o Provide qualified scalers o Serve as independent third parties 9:30      What does a log … Continue reading Scaling for Non-Scalers: Understanding the Scaling Process, Log Rules, Sorts, Grades, and Accountability

Scaling for Non-Scalers: Understanding the Scaling Process, Log Rules, Sorts, Grades, and Accountability

9:00      Scaling Bureaus: How they operate and their role in log              markets – Tom St. Laurent o How bureaus fit into the log buying and selling process o Represent both the log buyers and sellers o Apply log scaling rules o Provide qualified scalers o Serve as independent third parties 9:30      What does a log … Continue reading Scaling for Non-Scalers: Understanding the Scaling Process, Log Rules, Sorts, Grades, and Accountability

JOINT HOSTED MEETING OF: Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation & Western Forestry & Conservation Association 2015 Intertribal Nursery Council Annual Meeting Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation & Western Forestry & Conservation Association September 22-24, 2015 • Wildhorse Resort Casino • Pendleton, Oregon Tuesday, September 22 Morning Welcome – Tribal Governance Center … Continue reading 2015 Intertribal Nursery Council Meeting

2015 Intertribal Nursery Council Meeting

JOINT HOSTED MEETING OF: Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation & Western Forestry & Conservation Association 2015 Intertribal Nursery Council Annual Meeting Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation & Western Forestry & Conservation Association September 22-24, 2015 • Wildhorse Resort Casino • Pendleton, Oregon Tuesday, September 22 Morning Welcome – Tribal Governance Center … Continue reading 2015 Intertribal Nursery Council Meeting

Wednesday, October 7, 2015 8:00    Weed Mgmt. 101: Designing a Spray Program for Success and Matching Herbicides to Site Vegetation and Conditions – Bruce Kelpsas, Helena Chemical (retired) 9:00     Adjuvants: Understanding Their use for Improving Vegetation Control – Bruce Alber, Wilbur-Ellis, Wilsonville, OR 9:30     Break 9:55     Understanding Pesticide Fate for the … Continue reading Using Herbicides for Site Prep and Release on Forested Lands

Using Herbicides for Site Prep and Release on Forested Lands

Wednesday, October 7, 2015 8:00    Weed Mgmt. 101: Designing a Spray Program for Success and Matching Herbicides to Site Vegetation and Conditions – Bruce Kelpsas, Helena Chemical (retired) 9:00     Adjuvants: Understanding Their use for Improving Vegetation Control – Bruce Alber, Wilbur-Ellis, Wilsonville, OR 9:30     Break 9:55     Understanding Pesticide Fate for the … Continue reading Using Herbicides for Site Prep and Release on Forested Lands

Thursday, October 8, 2015 8:30    Welcome 8:35    Site Prep Prior to Harvest – Jim Carr, Campbell Global, North Bend, OR 9:00    Minor Species Requirements: From Seed to Seedling Storage – Mark Montville, PRT Oregon, Hubbard, OR 9:30    Benefits of Mixed Species Plantings: Outplanting, Logistics, and Site Selection – Brian Morris, Washington Department … Continue reading 2015 PNW Reforestation Council Meeting

2015 PNW Reforestation Council Meeting

Thursday, October 8, 2015 8:30    Welcome 8:35    Site Prep Prior to Harvest – Jim Carr, Campbell Global, North Bend, OR 9:00    Minor Species Requirements: From Seed to Seedling Storage – Mark Montville, PRT Oregon, Hubbard, OR 9:30    Benefits of Mixed Species Plantings: Outplanting, Logistics, and Site Selection – Brian Morris, Washington Department … Continue reading 2015 PNW Reforestation Council Meeting

Annual meeting of the Western Forestry and Conservation Nursery Association: Genetic Considerations for Nursery, Reforestation, and Restoration Programs. Event included a field tour to Dorena Genetic Resource Center.

2015 Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Assoc. Meeting

Annual meeting of the Western Forestry and Conservation Nursery Association: Genetic Considerations for Nursery, Reforestation, and Restoration Programs. Event included a field tour to Dorena Genetic Resource Center.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 8:30 – Noon • Private Access Interests – Basics of Easements • Prescriptive Easements and Adverse Possession • Landlocked Parcels and Implied Easements • Express Easements and Drafting Considerations • Not Quite Easements – Licenses, Permits and Contractual Interests • Easement Analysis and Application Issues 10:15 – 10:30 Break • Public … Continue reading Private Forestry Access, Easements, and Forest Management Legal Issues

Private Forestry Access, Easements, and Forest Management Legal Issues

Wednesday, October 28, 2015 8:30 – Noon • Private Access Interests – Basics of Easements • Prescriptive Easements and Adverse Possession • Landlocked Parcels and Implied Easements • Express Easements and Drafting Considerations • Not Quite Easements – Licenses, Permits and Contractual Interests • Easement Analysis and Application Issues 10:15 – 10:30 Break • Public … Continue reading Private Forestry Access, Easements, and Forest Management Legal Issues

Wednesday – Nov. 18, 2015 7:30 Check-in/Registration 8:30 General Session: Looking Down the Road Eric Gakstatter, contributing Editor to GPS World and Editor of Geospatial Solutions, will lead a discussion on technological trends for mapping/surveying hardware, GPS development, UAVs, and mobile applications. Lorri Bodi, Vice-President for Environment, Fish, and Wildlife, Bonneville Power Administration. Taming Big … Continue reading 5th Field Technology for Data Collection in Forestry, Fisheries, and Natural Resources

5th Field Technology for Data Collection in Forestry, Fisheries, and Natural Resources

Wednesday – Nov. 18, 2015 7:30 Check-in/Registration 8:30 General Session: Looking Down the Road Eric Gakstatter, contributing Editor to GPS World and Editor of Geospatial Solutions, will lead a discussion on technological trends for mapping/surveying hardware, GPS development, UAVs, and mobile applications. Lorri Bodi, Vice-President for Environment, Fish, and Wildlife, Bonneville Power Administration. Taming Big … Continue reading 5th Field Technology for Data Collection in Forestry, Fisheries, and Natural Resources

This event was held at Kent Island, MD on July 20-23. The meeting covered applicable Northeastern and Southern Forest Nursery topics and included an Ayton Tree Nursery Tour and Suicide Bridge Dinner Cruise.

2015 Joint Northeast and Southern Forest Nursery Meeting

This event was held at Kent Island, MD on July 20-23. The meeting covered applicable Northeastern and Southern Forest Nursery topics and included an Ayton Tree Nursery Tour and Suicide Bridge Dinner Cruise.

Tuesday – June 30, 2015 1:00 pm Overview of Forest Management: Concepts and Terminology o What are the major timber producing regions of the U.S?      o What are the major timber types within each region?      o Site productivity: The potential of an area to grow trees      o Timber Stands: A management entity … Continue reading Reviewing a Timberland Appraisal for Accuracy and Credibility

Reviewing a Timberland Appraisal for Accuracy and Credibility

Tuesday – June 30, 2015 1:00 pm Overview of Forest Management: Concepts and Terminology o What are the major timber producing regions of the U.S?      o What are the major timber types within each region?      o Site productivity: The potential of an area to grow trees      o Timber Stands: A management entity … Continue reading Reviewing a Timberland Appraisal for Accuracy and Credibility

Monday, July 6, 2015 11:00   Field Session orientation and registration – Best Western Hood River Inn parking lot, Hood River, OR 11:30   Group departs for the field from Best Western Hood River Inn. Transportation and lunch provided. Insects and Diseases in Lodgepole Pine: Identification, Life Cycles, Control Measures and Recommended Silvicultural Practices for Controlling Infestations … Continue reading Advanced Insect and Disease Field Session

Advanced Insect and Disease Field Session

Monday, July 6, 2015 11:00   Field Session orientation and registration – Best Western Hood River Inn parking lot, Hood River, OR 11:30   Group departs for the field from Best Western Hood River Inn. Transportation and lunch provided. Insects and Diseases in Lodgepole Pine: Identification, Life Cycles, Control Measures and Recommended Silvicultural Practices for Controlling Infestations … Continue reading Advanced Insect and Disease Field Session

This registration link is for exhibitors and additional booth staff only. If you’d like to register as a regular attendee, please go to the PACT 2015 website and register through their registration page. Exhibitor registration includes: – Registration for the primary attendee – 10′ wide by 6′ deep exhibit space – Table – Electricity – … Continue reading PACT 2015 Exhibitor and Additional Attendee Registration

PACT 2015 Exhibitor and Additional Attendee Registration

This registration link is for exhibitors and additional booth staff only. If you’d like to register as a regular attendee, please go to the PACT 2015 website and register through their registration page. Exhibitor registration includes: – Registration for the primary attendee – 10′ wide by 6′ deep exhibit space – Table – Electricity – … Continue reading PACT 2015 Exhibitor and Additional Attendee Registration

Agenda April 13, 2015 1:00 PM Understanding the types of forest growth and yield models with an emphasis on FVS, ORGANON and FPS. Why are model classifications important? Understanding the ramifications from using the various models. Compare and contrast model parts and components, strengths and weaknesses. Data requirements for each model. Basic mechanics of the … Continue reading Forest Growth and Yield Models: What Makes Them Work and What Makes Them Fail?

Forest Growth and Yield Models: What Makes Them Work and What Makes Them Fail?

Agenda April 13, 2015 1:00 PM Understanding the types of forest growth and yield models with an emphasis on FVS, ORGANON and FPS. Why are model classifications important? Understanding the ramifications from using the various models. Compare and contrast model parts and components, strengths and weaknesses. Data requirements for each model. Basic mechanics of the … Continue reading Forest Growth and Yield Models: What Makes Them Work and What Makes Them Fail?

Agenda 8:00     Instructor introduction and course overview 8:15     Timber Market Frameworks: What are We Trying to Answer? What are the Tools of the Trade? 8:45     Defining “Operable” and Analyzable” Markets: Group exercise on drafting geographic wood and timber markets. How do we account for size, location, operations, and data collection? 9:30    Break 9:45     Detailing Wood … Continue reading Analyzing Forest Products Markets and Forecasting Log Prices in the PNW

Analyzing Forest Products Markets and Forecasting Log Prices in the PNW

Agenda 8:00     Instructor introduction and course overview 8:15     Timber Market Frameworks: What are We Trying to Answer? What are the Tools of the Trade? 8:45     Defining “Operable” and Analyzable” Markets: Group exercise on drafting geographic wood and timber markets. How do we account for size, location, operations, and data collection? 9:30    Break 9:45     Detailing Wood … Continue reading Analyzing Forest Products Markets and Forecasting Log Prices in the PNW