2016 Intertribal Nursery Council Annual Meeting

Location: Embassy Suites - Buffalo, New York
Wednesday, October 12
8:30 Welcome and Elder Blessing – Jeremiah Pinto, USDA Forest Service, Moscow, ID; TBA, Seneca Nation of Indians (SNI), Cattaragus, NY
9:00 Round Robin Introductions
9:20 Native Plants on Seneca Nation – Ken Parker, SNI, Cattaragus, NY
9:35 Cultural Landscapes – Jay Toth, Cattaragus, NY
9:55 Clear Creek waterline: protection to restoration – Shannon Seneca, SNI, Cattaragus, NY
10:15 Saving our seeds: 2016 summer internship – Denise Kasprzak, Rebecca Edler, Enos Anton, Ciara Powless – College of Menominee Nation, Sustainable Development Institute, Keshena, WI
10:35 Break
11:00 Bureau of Land Management and Duck Valley greenhouses: overview and update on a successful partnership – Susan Filkins, Kenneth Pete, Jr., BLM, Owyhee, NV
11:20 Tribal nursery and US Fish and Wildlife collaboration for habitat restoration – Jeff Everett, USFWS, Portland, OR
11:40 Ancestral Lands, a conservation corps program model empowering Native youth to lead our Nations back to ecological and cultural well-being: Diné and Acoma Pueblo programs – Andrea Stanley, Aaron Lowden, Southwest Conservation Corps, NM
12:20 Lunch
1:30 Tour departure
Visit 2 restoration sites in Erie County – Vicky Haas, Erie County, Buffalo, NY
Clear Creek restoration site (Seneca Nation Territory) – Shannon Seneca, SNI, Cattaragus, NY
Seneca Nation Administration Building native plant landscaping – Ken Parker, SNI, Cattaragus, NY
5:30 Traditional Dinner (included with registration)
7:00 Depart back to Hotel
Thursday, October 13
8:30 Reduce the risk of introducing plant pathogens into nursery stock and the subsequent outplanting into habitat restoration sites – Karen Suslow, Dominican University, San Rafael, CA
9:30 Preparing for the future impacts of Emerald Ash Borer – Multi Level Planning – Les Benedict, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, Awkwesasne, NY
10:00 Break
10:20 Native plant traits: beautiful adaptations, regional realitites – Dan Segal, The Plantsmen Nursery, Groton, NY
10:40 Sustainable harvesting of culturally-significant plant species: Cherokee and Maliseet examples – Michelle Baumfleck, Tommy Cabe, James Chamberlain, & John Munsell, Virginia Tech, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, & USFS
11:10 Using a bulk soil moisture sensor in small pots to control greenhouse irrigation – Steven Link, Patrick Mills, & Rodney Skeen, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Pendleton, OR
11:30 Regulating seed moisture for optimal germination and storage – Bob Karrfalt, US Forest Service, Dry Branch, GA
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Tour departure to Niagara Falls
5:00 Return to hotel