2017 Western Region COFE Seminar – Improving Forest Harvest Operations

Start Date: January 19, 2017
Location: Valley River Inn, Eugene, OR


0815 – 0830 Introduction to WR.COFE & Seminar
Jeff Wimer, Chair, WR.COFE & OSU FERM Department

SESSION 1: Steep Slope Tethered Assist

0830-0900 Operators in Steep Slope Logging and Safety Measurement
John Garland – Garland and Associates

0900 – 0930 The Rapid Evolution of Steep Slope Winch Assist In the Woods of the Northwest
Bruce Skurdahl – Summit Machinery

0930 – 1000 International research on winch-assist equipment
Dzhamal Amishev – FPInnovations

1000 – 1010 Blount / Oregon Cutting Systems Update

1010 – 1040 BREAK (Refreshments Provided)

1040 – 1050 Peterson Cat

1050 – 1120 Proposed changes for streamside shade buffers with Salmon, Steelhead or Bull Trout streams
Greg Wagenblast – ODF

SESSION 2: Forest Practices Update

1120 – 1150 Potential Changes to Industrial Fire Rules
Chet Behling – ODF

1150 – 1200 Triad Machinery / Link-Belt update

1200 – 1240 LUNCH (Provided)

1240 – 1310 ANNOUNCEMENTS, Ticket Raffle, OSU Student Scholarship Awards –
Jerry Sedlak Memorial Scholarship

1310 – 1320 Pape’ Machinery update

SESSION 3: Technological Innovation in Forestry

1320 – 1350 Estimation of volume and products that can be obtained from individual stems using consumer grade cameras
Bogdan Strimbu – OSU College of Forestry

SESSION 4: Road and Water

1350 – 1420 Driving Technologies – Improving operational efficiencies while on the road
Soona Lee and Jeffrey Bowden – EROAD

1420 – 1430 Ponsse Update

1430 – 1500 BREAK (Refreshments Provided)

1500 – 1530 Slope and Abutment Construction using Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil
Michael Frey – Alliance Geosynthetics.

1530 – 1600 Scour and Redeposition in Streambed Simulated Culverts
Anna Vesper – Weyerhaeuser/OSU

1600 – 1630 Forest Bridges and other Structures
Alex Dunn – McGee Engineering

1630 – 1645 Wrap-Up and Evaluation — Jeff Wimer

About the Conference
The Western Region COFE is a regional chapter (western United States and British Columbia) of the COUNCIL ON FOREST ENGINEERING (COFE). COFE is an international professional organization formed to foster the development of forest engineering in industry, government, and education in order to promote the best methods of managing and operating forests, both private and public. COFE serves the forestry profession by disseminating technical information about forest engineering. For more information, see the COFE website at: www.cofe.org