2017 Inland Empire Reforestation Council: Reforestation After the Burn

Start Date: March 7, 2017
Location: Spokane Valley, WA

March 7, 2017, Mirabeau Park Convention Center, Spokane Valley, WA
(Note: new location for 2017 meeting)

8:00     Welcome and OpeningNorris Boothe, 2017 Chair, IERC, Forester, Coeur d’Alene Tribe

8:15    How did fires in 2014 & 2015 influence planting programs for 2016, 2017 and beyond? Phil Anderson, CF; Intensive Management Forester, Northeast Region, Washington State Department of Natural Resources

8:45     After the fire: where, when and what do we plant? Panel: Phil Anderson and Jeremy Hunt, Forester, Colville Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs

10:00   Break

10:30   What role does changing climate play in reforestation decisions?Marcus Warwell, Geneticist, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service

11:15   Species and stock type selection, what works best? Jeremy Pinto, Research Plant Physiologist/Tribal Nursery Specialist

12:00   Lunch

12:45   IERC Business Meeting 

 1:00    Reforestation following wildfire and salvage: Effects of herbicides, season of planting and delay since burn on survival and growth of planted conifer seedlings in Central Washington Scott McLeod, Silviculturist, Washington State Department of Natural Resources

2:00    Who is going to do the planting?  Forecast of contract labor issues – Wade Zaharie, Managing Member, Alpha Services, LLC.

 2:30    Break

3:00    So, we have planted; now what?  Patrick Marolla, Silviculture Manager, Hancock Forest Management, NE Oregon Tree Farm

4:15     Vendor recognition and closing

4:30     Adjourn and Social

Conference Photos

The Inland Empire Tree Improvement Cooperative 44th Annual Meeting - Planting the Future - March 8, 2017 The IETIC Steering Committee will meet March 9, 2017 Information is available online at: Click here for meeting announcement & agenda Click here to register for the IETIC meeting
About the Conference
Location (New for 2017)
The meeting will be held at the Mirabeau Park Hotel at 1100 N Sullivan Rd, Spokane Valley, WA 99037.