2016 PNW Reforestation Council Annual Meeting

Start Date: October 4, 2016
Location: Heathman Lodge, Vancouver, WA

8:30     Rise and Shine: How do Northwest Trees Know When Winter is Over? Connie Harrington, PNW Research station, USDA Forest Service, Olympia, WA

9:00     Update on H2B Visas and Labor AvailabilityRobert Zaharie, Alpha Services, Coeur d’Alene, ID

9:30     Testing the Impact of Experimental Herbicide Treatments on Breeding Productivity of Early-Successional Forest SongbirdsJim Rivers, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR

10:00   Break

10:30   Let’s Talk Labels: Information on the Label, Parts of the Label, Why it is Important, and What it MeansMike Odenthal, Oregon Department of Agriculture, Salem, OR

11:30  Lessons Learned From ODA Agriculture and Forestry Enforcement Cases: Emphasis on Drift, Coexistence and Worker ProtectionMike Odenthal

Noon   Lunch

1:00     The Economic Results of a PNW Silvicultural Costs Survey: Are You Swimming Above or Below the Financial Waterline?  Jim Arney, Forest Biometrics Research Institute, Portland, OR

2:00     Further Advancements in Sampling Young Plantations with Super High Resolution ImageryDave Shear, Eagle Imaging, Corvallis, OR

2:30     Break

2:45     What is Your Favorite Hardware or Software for Getting the Job Done? 5 minute lighning talks on the equipment, applications and software used by operational foresters.  We would like to hear of your discoveries . . . see note in other column.

3:15     Update on 2017 Worker Protection Standards – Grant Jackson, Oregon Department of Agriculture, Salem, OR

4:15     Adjourn

Conference Photos

Share your favorite software and technology for a free workshop admission and gift card. Have you found a great app or software or versatile hardware that makes your job easier?

What are you using on your smartphone that you rely on every day?

We would like to hear about it at this year’s workshop. In trade for just a 5-minute description, you will receive a free workshop registration and a $75 Home Depot or Cabela’s gift card . . . and no PowerPoint is needed.

All we ask is for you to share an app or software or hardware that you have found to work well, make your job easier and is available at a reasonable price. Something that you rely on to get your job done more efficiently and effectively. It doesn’t have to be cutting edge, just a daily workhorse that makes your life easier on the job. It may be common to you, but unknown to other foresters.

Each presenter will take just 5 minutes to describe the software/technology, tell the audience what it can do, why it can help with professional duties and where to get it. If interested, send a note to richard@westernforestry.org or 503-226-4562.