All posts by Richard Zabel

Basic Design Principles and Applied Practices November 1-2, 2012 • Holiday Inn, Springfield, OR Thursday November 1, 2012 9:00 Introduction, Workshop Overview and Scope Common Road Surfacing Issues – Surface Performance, High Costs, Water Quality & Safety Principal Factors Affecting Road Surfacing Performance – Soil Type, Season of Use and Compaction – Road Location and … Continue reading Forest Road Surfacing

Forest Road Surfacing

Basic Design Principles and Applied Practices

November 1-2, 2012 • Holiday Inn, Springfield, OR

Thursday November 1, 2012

9:00 Introduction, Workshop Overview and Scope

Common Road Surfacing Issues – Surface Performance, High Costs, Water Quality & Safety

Principal Factors Affecting Road Surfacing Performance
– Soil Type, Season of Use and Compaction
– Road Location and Traffic
– Aggregate Properties, Gradation, Durability, Depth & Consistency of Product
– Road Maintenance Practices

Noon Lunch
1:00 Understanding the Importance of Subgrade & RoadSubgrade Properties as They Relate to Surface Design
– Soil Classification
– Soil Moisture Content and Density
– Potential Soil Strength vs. Actual Soil Strength
– Geosynthetics
3:30 How to Access Local Rock Sources
– Rock Source Suitability & Rock Classification Methods
– Aggregate Production & Development
4:30 Adjourn for Day 1

Friday November 2, 2012

8:00 Does the Rock Meet My Needs?

Laboratory Tests Used to Determine Compliance with Company/Agency Specifications

Whick Tests are Important & Interpreting the Results
– Gradation
– Durability
– Stabilizing Agents
– Recycling Aggregate

Commonly Used Aggregate Design Methods:
– US Corps of Engineers – Rut Equation
– USDA Forest Service – STP
– OR Dept of Forestry Surfacing Guidance
– Using What Has Worked in the Past

Noon Lunch
1:00 Road Surfacing Maintenance Management
– Road Inventory
– Road Condition Assessment
– Timing of Maintenance Activities
– Low-Cost Storm-Proofing for Surfacing
– Protection
3:30 Adjourn

About the Speakers:

Pete Bolander is a civil engineer with 30 years of geotechnical experience with the USDA Forest Service in providing technical assistance on road surfacing and geotechnical engineering for design, construction and maintenance of Forest Service roads.

Rene’ Renteria is a civil/geotechnical engineer with over 25 years of experience in pavement and geotechnical engineering for the USDA Forest Service, including 10 years with the Oregon DOT. His responsibilities include pavement management guidance for both paved and unpaved roads of the national forests in Oregon, Washington, and Alaska.

Russ Frost (invited) is an Engineering Geologist for the Oregon Department of Transportation, responsible for rock material resource management.

Realizing the Gain: Are We Making the Best Use of Improved Stock? October 11, 2012 • Heathman Lodge, Vancouver, WA 8:30 Introduction and welcome 8:40 Genetic Gain: From Research Through Improved Seed Dan Cress, Regentics, Seattle, WA 9:15 Seed Zones: Should the Future Look like the Past? A Review of Regional Efforts Jeff DeBell, WA … Continue reading 2012 PNW Reforestation Council

2012 PNW Reforestation Council

Realizing the Gain:
Are We Making the Best Use of Improved Stock?

October 11, 2012 • Heathman Lodge, Vancouver, WA

8:30 Introduction and welcome
8:40 Genetic Gain: From Research Through Improved Seed
Dan Cress, Regentics, Seattle, WA
9:15 Seed Zones: Should the Future Look like the Past? A Review of Regional Efforts
Jeff DeBell, WA Dept. of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA
9:45 Break
10:15 Being an Informed Consumer of Improved Seed: Asking the Right Questions
Terry Smith, Weyerhaeuser, Rochester, WA
10:45 Genetic Gain: What is Reasonable and How do You Capture it?
Sara Lipow, Roseburg Resources, Lebanon, OR
11:15 Beyond Cowboy Science: Simple Methods for Conducting Credible and Valid Research
Diane Haase, USDA Forest Service, Portland, OR
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Announce winners of Seedling Beauty Contest
How Do Other Landowners Get Their Trees in the Ground? Inside Look at Two Reforestation Programs
1:15 How Reforestation is Conducted in Clark County, Washington: Growing Green in Urban Areas –
Travis Goddard, Clark County Environmental Services, Vancouver, WA
1:45 How Reforestation is Conducted on the Quinault Indian Nation –
Jimmy Hargrove, Quinault Indian Nation, Tahola, WA
2:15 Break
2:35 Solutions to field issues: Audience discussion of common reforestation field problems and issues
3:00 What are the Silvicultural Operating Costs of a Working Forest? A Regional Survey of Operational Expenses on Private Forestlands
Jim Arney, Forest Biometrics Research Institute, St. Regis, MT
3:30 Estimates of Rotation-length Yield Following Early Weed Control Treatments Within Douglas-fir Plantations
Doug Mainwaring, College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
4:00 Adjourn

Optional Workshop:
Evaluating Seedling Quality: Identifying Seedling Diseases in Nurseries

October 10, 2012 – Heathman Lodge, Vancouver, WA

1:00 The concept of disease in plants
– Pathogen – host – environment interactions
– Fungi as plant pathogens
– Biotic and abiotic diseases
1:30 Fusarium diseases
– Fusarium species causing diseases
– Fusarium biology and epidemiology
– Types of Fusarium diseases
– Fusarium in bare root nurseries
– Fusarium in container nurseries
2:00 Botrytis diseases
– Botrytis biology and epidemiology
– Botrytis in container nurseries
2:15 Cylindrocarpon diseases
– Cylindrocarpon species causing diseases
– Cylindrocarpon biology and epidemiology
– Cylindrocarpon in bare root nurseries
– Cylindrocarpon in container nurseries
2:30 Break
2:45 Water mold diseases
– Water molds vs. fungi
– Pythium biology and epidemiology
– Phytophthora biology and epidemiology
– Water molds in bare root nurseries
3:00 Stem and tip blights
– Sirococcus biology and epidemiology
– Sphaeropsis biology and epidemiology
– Phoma biology and epidemiology
3:15 Disease management in forest nurseries
– Disease prevention
– Pathogen inoculum amelioration
– Chemical control
– Biological control
– Integrated pest management
5:00 Adjourn

Workshop Instructor:
Dr. Robert L. James, Plant Pathologist
Plant Disease Consulting Northwest
520 SE Columbia River Drive, Suite 116
Vancouver, WA 98661

Formerly Plant Pathologist, USDA Forest Service,
Northern Region, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814

9:00 The Big Picture: The Interaction Between Landforms, Roads and Hydrologic Functions – Stan Lubinus, Weyerhaeuser, Pe Ell, WA 9:30 Erosion Control in the Field – Dave Roberts, Port Blakely, Tumwater, WA 10:00 Break 10:30 Surface and Cross Drainage Design – Curt Veldhuisen, Skagit River System Cooperative, LaConner, WA 11:00 Managing for Peak Flows, Debris … Continue reading Road Drainage Workshop 2012

Road Drainage Workshop 2012

9:00 The Big Picture: The Interaction Between Landforms, Roads and Hydrologic Functions
– Stan Lubinus, Weyerhaeuser, Pe Ell, WA
9:30 Erosion Control in the Field
– Dave Roberts, Port Blakely, Tumwater, WA
10:00 Break
10:30 Surface and Cross Drainage Design
– Curt Veldhuisen, Skagit River System Cooperative, LaConner, WA
11:00 Managing for Peak Flows, Debris and Washout Prevention
– John Seward, OR Dept. of Forestry, Roseburg, OR
11:30 Update on National Pollution Discharge Elimination Permits for Stormwater Runoff from Forest Roads
– Greg Corbin, Attorney, Stoel Rives LLP, Portland, OR
Noon> Lunch
1:00 Road Construction and Maintenance
– Julie Dieu, Rayonier, Hoquiam, WA (Invited)
1:45 Fish Passage Field Applications: Lessons Learned, Project Design and Costs, and What Works and Doesn’t Work
– Stephen Dillon, P.E., Hancock Forest Management Cathlamet, WA (Invited)
2:30 Break
3:00 Case History: Importance of Stream Crossing Road Design and Maintenance on Debris Flow Prone Streams
– Jason Hinkle, Weyerhaeuser, Portland, OR (Invited)
3:30 Road Drainage: Research Update and New Field Practices
– Arne Skaugset, College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR (Invited)
4:15 Adjourn
How to Build and Install Vegetative Structures for Reducing Streambank Erosion The same session will be offered at two locations: February 23-24, 2011 in Portland, OR or March 9-10, 2011 in Spokane, WA

Streambank Bioengineering 2011

How to Build and Install Vegetative Structures for Reducing Streambank Erosion

The same session will be offered at two locations:
February 23-24, 2011 in Portland, ORLink to 2011 Streambank Bioengineering  workshop PDF file
March 9-10, 2011 in Spokane, WA

Streambank Bioengineering cover image
Location: Holiday Inn Airport, Portland, OR Start Date: 2012-09-26 End Date: 2012-09-27 Wednesday – Sept. 26, 2012 8:30 General Session 8:30 Trends and Emerging Technologies: Eric Gakstatter 9:15 UAVs: Joe Paiva 9:30 Mobile Phone and Applications: Jeff Shaner, ESRI 9:45 Open Source GIS Software: Dave Percy 10:00 Break Field Hardware: A Remote Sensing: B Mapping … Continue reading 2nd Annual Field Technology – 2012

2nd Annual Field Technology – 2012

Logo for Field Technology Workshop

Location: Holiday Inn Airport, Portland, OR
Start Date: 2012-09-26
End Date: 2012-09-27

Wednesday – Sept. 26, 2012
8:30 General Session
8:30 Trends and Emerging Technologies: Eric Gakstatter
9:15 UAVs: Joe Paiva
9:30 Mobile Phone and Applications: Jeff Shaner, ESRI
9:45 Open Source GIS Software: Dave Percy
10:00 Break
Field Hardware: A Remote Sensing: B Mapping Software: C
10:30 How in the World Does GPS Work?
Steve Wilent
Overview and Update on Remote Sensing Developments Geoff Peters Overview and Update on Mapping Software Developments, Cy Smith
11:15 Minnesota Dept of AG Case Study: The Evolution of Mapping Equipment Over the last 20 Years Gary Elsner New Developments in Photogrammetry vs. Satellite Imagery Carlos Velazquez Open Source GIS Software Dave Percy
Noon Lunch
Field Hardware: D Remote Sensing: E Mapping Software: F
1:00 Overview & Update on Tablets & Handhelds in the Field
Eric Gakstatter
Mapping With UAVs Joe Piava Surviving the Wave of Technology Financially and Mentally Tom Richards
1:45 Mobile GIS Apps for Android & iOS Roger Bryant Cost Analysis of a LIDAR Project: Does it Pay? Carlos Velazquez How Do I Get My Data to Match Up? Merging Data From Multiple Formats Tim Smith
2:30 Break
Field Hardware: G Remote Sensing: H Mapping Software: I
3:00 I Don’t Know HOw This Works, But Here’s How I Use it in the Field
Doug Allen & Jon Aschenbach
Measuring the World’s Biggest Trees Mario Vaden I’ve Got My Data, Now What? How to Avoid Common Data Management Problems Chuck Vopicka
3:45 How to Maximize GPS Accuracy Under Tree Canopies Jon Aschenbach Overview of Cameras with GPS & Casehistory: Incorporating Digital Photos with GIS Craig Greenwald Unit Mapping & Pesticide Applications with GPS & Helicopters Western Helicopter
4:30 End of Day 1
Thursday – Sept. 27, 2012
8:00 General Session and Q & A
A panel of experts will discuss current and future field technology hardware/software as well as take questions from the audience
10:00 Break
Field Hardware: J Remote Sensing: K Mapping Software: L
10:30 Free High Accuracy GPS Corrections: Coming to a Neighborhood Near You
Tim Smith
Aerial Photos vs. GPS: Which is More Accurate? Dave Shear Base Maps: How Accurate is Accurate Enough? Gavin Schrock
11:15 Laser Rangefinders: Practical Tips From the Front Lines Harley Canaday Landslide Analysis With3D Laser Scans Jeremy Conner Inventory, Mapping & Investigation of Abandoned Chemical Facilities Gary Elsner
Noon Lunch
Field Hardware: M Remote Sensing: N Mapping Software: O
1:00 GPS Errors: How They Affect Measurements & How to Remediate Errors
Lance Andre
Maximizing Wood Flow & Reducing Transportation Costs through Fleet Optimization: An Intro to Trimble FLO Brooks McKee Development of a 3D Static Model From Multiple Disparate Datasets Carrie Beveridge
1:45 GPS in Mobile Phones: How Accurate is it?
2:30 Break
2:40 Conclusion and Door Prizes
Location: Vancouver, WA Start Date: 2012-11-27 End Date: 2012-11-28 SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES: This IUFRO symposium is intended to provide a forum for exchange of ideas related to principles of nutrition in nursery seedlings and juvenile forest trees. Emphasis will be placed on the development of effective and environmentally sound technologies to optimize seedling quality and … Continue reading Nutrient Dynamics of Planted Forests

Nutrient Dynamics of Planted Forests

Nutrient Dynamics of Planted Forests conference logoLocation: Vancouver, WA
Start Date: 2012-11-27
End Date: 2012-11-28
This IUFRO symposium is intended to provide a forum for exchange of ideas related to principles of nutrition in nursery seedlings and juvenile forest trees. Emphasis will be placed on the development of effective and environmentally sound technologies to optimize seedling quality and promote reforestation and forest restoration operations. The first day will focus on Nutrition in the Nursery and at Field Establishment and the second day will focus on Juvenile Stand Nutrition. The program is aimed toward an international audience of nursery and forest practitioners, scientists, and educators. Presentations will be of excellent scientific quality while also providing new, useful information which can be readily and widely applied to nursery and forest practices. Selected authors will be invited to prepare a paper for the symposium proceedings to be published in a special issue of the international journal, New Forests.

The symposium is being organized by Western Forestry and Conservation Association, Purdue University, and USDA Forest Service with support from IUFRO divisions 1.01.03 (Temperate Forest Regeneration), 1.06.00 (Restoration of Degraded Sites), and 3.02.00 (Stand Establishment and Treatment).


  • Barbara Hawkins, University of Victoria, Canada
Influence of species and soil temperature on N-form preference and uptake
  • Simon Landhausser, University of Alberta, Canada
The role of carbon reserves in seedling nutrition and stress tolerance
  • Juan Oliet, Politecnica University, Spain
Seedling nutrient loading to improve planting success: A Mediterranean perspective
  • Pedro Villar-Salvador, University of Alcala, Spain
Nursery fertilization of oaks: consequences for plant quality and outplanting performance
  • Joshua Sloan, Purdue University, Indiana, USA
Improved fertilizer use efficiency and growth of tree seedlings on reclaimed oil sands
  • Jordi Cortina, University of Alicante, Spain
The role of nutrients for improving seedling quality in drylands
  • Tom Fox, Virginia Tech University, USA
Juvenile fertilization of loblolly pine plantations
  • Leonardo Gonçalves, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Nutrition and fertilization of short-rotation eucalypt plantations of high productivity
  • Cindy Prescott, University of British Columbia, Canada
Nutrition of cedar and hemlock plantations in coastal BC
  • Shucai Zeng, South China Agricultural University
Comparison of soil properties under plantations and natural forests in South China
  • Rob Harrison, University of Washington, USA
Nutrition management of Pacific Northwest Douglas-fir plantations
  • Owen Burney
The role of seedling nutrition on ungulate herbivory pattern
  • John Turner, Forsci Pty Ltd, New South Wales, Australia
Site specific management and inter-rotational productivity of radiata pine
  • Johanna Riikonen, Finnish Forest Research Institute
Effects of boron fertilization applied in nursery or after planting on the performance of Norway spruce seedlings on boron-poor sites

If you would like to participate in this event with a presentation or poster, please send an abstract (max. 300 words including title, authors and affiliations) to by July 15, 2012.

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This session is an intensive introduction to timber and timberland appraisal for natural resource professionals, appraisal professionals, finance, tax and legal professionals. You will learn how to construct an accurate appraisal for forest assets (timber and land). An accurately performed appraisal will help you receive top dollar when selling forest assets or bid at a … Continue reading Short Course: The Basics of Pine Region Forest Land and Timber Appraisal

Short Course: The Basics of Pine Region Forest Land and Timber Appraisal

This session is an intensive introduction to timber and timberland appraisal for natural resource professionals, appraisal professionals, finance, tax and legal professionals. You will learn how to construct an accurate appraisal for forest assets (timber and land). An accurately performed appraisal will help you receive top dollar when selling forest assets or bid at a competitive price when buying. Confidence in your appraisal will help to minimize business and financial risks, simplify your documentation and reduce the amount of outside appraisal review. The workshop is taught by Vic Mussel man and Norm Elwood, each with 40+ years of experience in forest appraisal, economics and taxation.

Timberlands located both east and west of the Cascade Mountains can be appraised with three generally accepted approaches to value. Each approach will be covered in this workshop and include: The Cost Approach, the Income Capitalization Approach and the Sales Comparison Approach. However, the methodology used in each approach varies between the two regions. This workshop will only cover eastside valuations and use individual tree orientation more in keeping with the uneven-aged forest management practiced in the region. This eastside methodology is not transferrable to westside valuations.

Tuesday • November 6, 2012
8:00 Introduction to Accurate Forest Land Appraisal

  • Workshop overview and introduction to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.
  • What are the various approaches to appraisal? Separating fact from fiction.
  • What data is needed for an accurate appraisal? What to look for and where to find it.
12:00 Lunch (included with registration)
1:00 Defining the class appraisal problem

  • The purpose, scope and details of the “subject property” appraisal to be developed in class.
  • Where to start? Preparing for an appraisal.
  • Collecting appropriate transaction data: What data is needed for an accurate appraisal?
5:00 Adjourn for the day
Wednesday • November 7, 2012
8:00 Using the Cost Approach

  • Review of questions from Day 1.
  • Continuation of transaction data collection for an accurate appraisal.
  • Developing merchantable timber appraisal cost factors: Calculating all costs to harvest and deliver logs.
  • Cost approach valuation of merchantable timber.
12:00 Lunch (included with registration)
1:00 Preparation and allocation of timberland sale

  • Gathering timberland sales data.
  • Preparation and allocation of timberland sales (continued): Verify and allocate inventory and other timberland sales data
  • Developing cost approach: Preparing and calculating value per acre for land, nonmerchantable young growth and other use classes.
  • Completion of the cost approach analysis and calculating percentage weight of all value components of subject property
5:00 Adjourn for the day
Thursday • November 8, 2012
8:00 Using the Sales Comparison Approach

  • Review of questions from Day 2
  • Selecting appropriate sales comparison transactions: Evaluating acreage, timber inventory and sales conditions of all comparable transactions researched.
  • Developing sales comparison approach: Making value adjustments.Completing the sales comparison approach analysis and choosing the final indication of value by this approach.

Using the Income Capitalization Approach
What data is necessary for the income capitalization approach and where to find it?

12:00 Lunch (included with registration)
1:00 Reviewing the basics of timberland discounted cash flow analysis: Putting the pieces together

  • Developing the income capitalization model: Input data needed and output data desired.
  • Calculating present net worth and completing the income capitalization approach.
5:00 Adjourn for the day
Friday • November 9, 2012
8:00 Review of questions from Day 3.Determining the final estimate of value: Compare and reconcile results of the three appraisal approaches.Specialized Appraisal Topics and Techniques
How to value forest land for higher and better use.Class wrap-up, discussion and evaluation.
Noon Workshop Adjourns
Click here for presentation files…. Monday, April 30, 2012 8:30 Greetings and scope of workshop A. Principles of Streambank Bioengineering• Basic principles of using plants as the main structural component to reduce erosion on streambanks • Limitations to vegetation thru streambank characteristics, bank geometry, site preparation, and vegetative types • Advantages of streambank bioengineering B. … Continue reading Streambank Soil Bioengineering 2012

Streambank Soil Bioengineering 2012

Link to 2011 Streambank Bioengineering workshop PDF fileClick here for presentation files….

Monday, April 30, 2012
8:30 Greetings and scope of workshop
A. Principles of Streambank Bioengineering• Basic principles of using plants as the main structural component to reduce erosion on streambanks • Limitations to vegetation thru streambank characteristics, bank geometry, site preparation, and vegetative types • Advantages of streambank bioengineering
B. General Riparian Vegetation Concepts for Stabilization, Shade, Water Quality and Fish/Wildlife Habitat • Vegetation and moisture gradients affect plant species composition • Structure of plant communities • Plant succession within the riparian area • Planting zones: toe, bank, overbank, transitional and upland.
C. Riparian Plant Propagation
• Propagation of herbaceous and woody riparian plants: planting stock types, hardwood propagation, planting recommendations, planting methods, containerized plants, establishment success and planting herbaceous wetland plants.
11:30 Lunch
12:15 Workshop continues
G. Using Streambank Erosion Control Treatments in Riparian Planting Zones
1. Toe Zone Bioengineering Treatments • Fascine• Coir log• Brush revetment

• Brush box

• Root wads

• Lunker

2. Bank Zone Bioengineering Treatments

• Brush mattress

• Brush layer

• Vertical bundles

• Poles

• Vegetated geogrid

3. Overbank Zone Bioengineering Treatments

• Clump plantings

• Erosion control fabric

• Brush trench

• Containerized plants

4. Bioengineering Treatments and Rock

• Deflectors

• Brush spurs

• Vertical bundles behind rock

• Brush mattress with rock toe

• Brush layer with rock toe

5:00 Adjourn
7:00-9:00 pm Newcomers’ Orientation
Borys Tkacz
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
8:00 Questions and discussion from previous day5. Retrofit Established Rock Riprap • Cuttings with ecosoil• The Stinger6. Vegetation and New Rock Riprap • Willows underneath rock

• 45 degree bundles

H. What Were They Thinking?

• Learning from real life mistakes through a review of actual installations and problems encountered.

J. Keys to Successful Streambank Soil Bioengineering

  • Inventory: Characterizing existing conditions
  • Establishing objectives to drive your project planning
  • Selecting appropriate species for the site
  • Season of planting: Finding optimum conditions for best establishment
  • Proper handling to survive transplanting and planting materials
12:15 Closing comments
12:30 Adjourn
8:30 Introduction — Ann Forest Burns, American Forest Resource Council, Portland, OR 8:40 Keynote:  Federal Timber Lands Management is Failing Us: Is Trust Management the Answer? US Representative Kurt Schrader (D-OR) 9:00 What is a Trust? A Review of the Legal Principals and Current Case Law — Elaine Spencer, Graham & Dunn PC, Seattle, WA … Continue reading Trust Management: A Viable Option for Public Forest Lands?

Trust Management: A Viable Option for Public Forest Lands?

8:30 Introduction
Ann Forest Burns, American Forest Resource Council, Portland, OR
8:40 Keynote:  Federal Timber Lands Management is Failing Us: Is Trust Management the Answer?
US Representative Kurt Schrader (D-OR)
9:00 What is a Trust? A Review of the Legal Principals and Current Case Law
Elaine Spencer, Graham & Dunn PC, Seattle, WA
9:45 What is the Role of Other Statutes, Such as Environmental Policy Act, and Endangered Species Act?
Ann Forest Burns
, American Forest Resource Council, Portland, OR
10:00 Break
10:30 Current Public Forest Land Trusts
 Jay O’Laughlin, Policy Analysis Group, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
Washington State Department of Natural Resources Peter Goldmark, Commissioner of Public Lands, Olympia, WA (Invited)
Idaho Department of LandsDavid Groeschl, State Forester, Idaho Department of Lands, Coeur d’Alene, ID (Invited)
Montana Division of Trust LandsShawn Thomas, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Helena, MT (Invited)
11:30 Moderated audience discussion
Noon Lunch
1:00 Alternatives to Current Approaches
Two Trust Proposa
Andy Stahl, Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics, Eugene, OR
Western Governors’ Association Task Force on Trust Lands
Ann Walker, Western Governors’ Association, Denver, CO (invited)
1:45 Moderated audience discussion



Trust Management in Practice
A Structural Proposal: Timber Investment Management Organization Approach
— Matt Donegan, Forest Capital Partners, Portland, OR (Invited)
A Statutory Beneficiary: Washington State Association of Counties
— Josh Weiss, General Counsel/Policy Director, Olympia, WA
A Constitutional Beneficiary: Children’s Land Alliance Supporting Schools
— Anita Boyum, Ellensburg, WA 

3:30 Moderated audience discussion
4:00 Adjourn

Click here for presentation materials …. 8:30 What is an Ecologically Diverse Forest? Defining Your Stand Composition and Characteristics — Jerry Franklin, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 9:30 Stand Development in Natural and Planted Doug-fir Forests — Tom Spies, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, PNW Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Corvallis, OR 10:30 Break 11:00 Managing Doug-fir … Continue reading Forest Export Markets

Forest Export Markets

Click here for presentation materials ….

8:30 What is an Ecologically Diverse Forest? Defining Your Stand Composition and Characteristics
Jerry Franklin, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
9:30 Stand Development in Natural and Planted Doug-fir Forests
Tom Spies, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, PNW Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Corvallis, OR
10:30 Break
11:00 Managing Doug-fir Stands for Structural Complexity
Derek Churchill, School of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
11:30 Growing Older Stands to Mitigate Climate Change: Pros and Cons of Carbon Sequestration in Trees
Olga Krankina, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
1:00 Silvicultural Approaches for Variable Retention Harvesting and Uneven-aged Management: What Have We Learned From Research?
Tim Harrington, PNW Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Olympia, WA
2:00 Ecologically Diverse Stands: Fisheries Habitat and Water Quality
Gordon Reeves, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, PNW Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Corvallis, OR
2:30 Break
2:45 Case History A: Implemented Prescriptions for AccelerationLessons Learned and New Ideas
Bill Lecture, The Nature Conservancy, Astoria, OR
3:15 Case History B: Enhancing Structural Complexity in Douglas-fir Production Forests
Florian Deisenhofer, Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Castle Rock, WA
3:45 Adjourn
Hosted by the Native Forest Nursery Chatsworth, GA Monday, July 16th 1:00 – 5:00 PM Auburn University Forest Nursery Management Cooperative Meeting (Coop members only) 1:00 – 5:00 PM Registration for Southern Forest Nursery Conference (Sheraton Read House Hotel) 6:00 – 8:00 PM Social and icebreaker: Open to all Southern Forest Nursery Conference attendees (Sheraton … Continue reading Southern Forest Nursery Conference

Southern Forest Nursery Conference

Hosted by the Native Forest Nursery Chatsworth, GA

Monday, July 16th
1:00 – 5:00 PM Auburn University Forest Nursery Management Cooperative Meeting (Coop members only)
1:00 – 5:00 PM Registration for Southern Forest Nursery Conference (Sheraton Read House Hotel)
6:00 – 8:00 PM Social and icebreaker: Open to all Southern Forest Nursery Conference attendees (Sheraton Read House Hotel)
Tuesday, July 17th
6:00 AM Breakfast Buffet (included with registration)
7:00 Registration
8:00 Welcome/Housekeeping
8:15 The History of the Nursery Industry – Don Shadow, 4th generation nursery producer in middle Tennessee
9:00 Chilling Hours: Myths and Realities – David South, Auburn University (Retired)
9:30 Rhizoctonia Foliage Blight Control – Tom Starkey, Auburn University Southern Forest Nursery Management Coop
10:00 Vendor Introductions
10:10 Break
10:30 Insects and their Life Cycle: You Had Better Understand Them – Jason Oliver, Tennessee State University
11:00 Fumigation Research & Review – Scott Enebak, Auburn University Southern Forest Nursery Management Coop
11:30 Root Architecture – Kas Dumroese and Susana Sung, USDA Forest Service
12:00 Lunch (included with registration)
1:00 Seed Bed Densities – Chris Rosier, International Forest Company
1:30 Seedling Storage – Richard Garrett, State of Maryland
2:00 Panel: Nursery Do’s & Dont’s
2:45 Methyl Bromide & Buffer Update – Scott Enebak and TriEast representative
3:00 Dendrochronology: What the Trees We Grow Will Tell Us One Day – Henri Grissino-Mayer, University of TN
3:30 Adjourn
Dinner on Your Own
Wednesday, July 18th
6:00 AM Breakfast Buffet (included with registration)
Field Trip
During the field trip, the following research studies will be presented:
• Pendulum AquaCap on Loblolly Pine
• Tolerance of hardwoods of various seed size to Pendulum AquaCap
• Sowing density study
• Sowing depth study
• Morning-glory trial – Pendulum
• AquaCap vs. Dismiss vs. Broadstar
7:00 Buses depart for tour of Native Forest Nursery, Chatsworth, GA
12:00 Noon Lunch at East Tennessee State Nursery, Delano, TN followed by nursery tour
3:00 Return to Hotel
7:00 – 9:00 Dinner & Entertainment on the Bluff at Lookout Mountain (included with conference registration). Additional adult tickets available on registration form and children under 12 eat for free.
Thursday, July 19th
6:00 AM Breakfast Buffet (included with registration)
8:00 Containerized Seedling Production – Wayne Bell, International Forest Company
8:30 Importance of Water Quality in Plant Production – John Rutter, University of Georgia
9:00 Propagation of the More Difficult Hardwood Species – Greg Hoss, State of Missouri
9:30 History of Southern Nurseries – Jim Barnett, Southern Research Station (retired)
10:00 Break
10:30 H2B Worker Litigation Update: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Dan Bremmer, AGWorks
11:00 NRCS Programs: Impact on Future Reforestation Programs – Tim Albriton, Natural Resources Conservation Service
11:30 Business meeting
12:00 Close of Meeting
Sponsored by Washington Forest Protection Association and Western Forestry and Conservation Association 9:00 Overview of Cultural Resources Protection: Why Are These Resources Important? Rich Wood, WA State Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA 9:30 Our Cultural Resources: A Tribal Perspective — Rhonda Foster, Cultural Resources Director, Squaxin Island Tribe, Shelton, WA 10:00 Overview of Washington … Continue reading Cultural Resource Protection for Forest Managers

Cultural Resource Protection for Forest Managers

Sponsored by Washington Forest Protection Association and Western Forestry and Conservation Association

9:00 Overview of Cultural Resources Protection: Why Are These Resources Important? Rich Wood, WA State Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA
9:30 Our Cultural Resources: A Tribal PerspectiveRhonda Foster, Cultural Resources Director, Squaxin Island Tribe, Shelton, WA
10:00 Overview of Washington State Archeological and Historic Resource Protection ProgramsAllyson Brooks, State Historic Preservation Officer, Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation, State of Washington, Olympia, WA
10;45 Break
11:15 Overview of TFW Cultural Resource Protection and Management PlanPete Heide, Senior Director of Forest Policy, Washington Forest Protection Association, Olympia, WA
11:25 How Tribes and the Forest Industry Can Work Together on Cultural Resource Issues — Jim Peters, Habitat Policy Analyst, Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, Olympia, WA
Noon Lunch
1:00 Identifying Cultural Resources in the Field: What to do When You Find a Site and Developing Site Management Plans for Harvest UnitsLee Stilson, State Lands Archeologist, WA State Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA
2:00 Working with an ArcheologistGretchen Kaehler, Assistant State Archeologist, Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation, State of Washington, Olympia, WA
2:20 Break
2:40 WA Private Forestland Cultural Resources Management Case HistoryHancock Forest Management
3:10 WA Private Forestland Cultural Resources Management Case HistoryMerrill and Ring
3:40 Adjourn
Title: Inland Empire Reforestation Council 2012 Annual Meeting Location: Couer d’ Alene, IDLink out: Click hereStart Time: 08:30Date: 2012-02-28 8:30 Introductions and Welcome – Christopher Keyes, University of Montana, Missoula, MT and Anthony Davis, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 8:45 Tree shelter effects on microclimatic conditions and forest seedling development Douglass  Jacobs, Purdue University, West … Continue reading Inland Empire Reforestation Council 2012 Annual Meeting

Inland Empire Reforestation Council 2012 Annual Meeting

Title: Inland Empire Reforestation Council 2012 Annual Meeting
Location: Couer d’ Alene, ID
Link out: Click here
Start Time: 08:30
Date: 2012-02-28

8:30 Introductions and WelcomeChristopher Keyes, University of Montana, Missoula, MT and Anthony Davis, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
8:45 Tree shelter effects on microclimatic conditions and forest seedling development
Douglass  Jacobs, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
9:15 New herbicides and adjuvants for forest vegetation management
Joel Fields, Wilbur-Ellis, Spokane, WA
9:45 Sponsor Talks
10:00 Break
10:30 Surface organic horizons and the impacts of pile burning on Inland Northwest soil productivity
Deborah Page-Dumroese, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Moscow, ID
11:00 Western larch field fertilization: third-year results
Terry Shaw
, Intermountain Forest Tree Nutrition Cooperative, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
11:30 Endophytes as crop protection
Mary Ridout
, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
Noon Lunch – included with registration
1:00 IERC Business Meeting
1:15 Update on spraying seedlings with Plantskydd prior to lifting
Bill Lasuta, Tree World Plant Care Products, Sechelt, BC
1:45 Reforestation needs in the National Forest System
James W. Golden, National Association of Forest Service Retirees, Lincoln, CA


3:00 Silvicultural management of coppice-regenerated redwood stump sprouts
Christopher Keyes, University of Montana, Missoula, MT
3:30 Reforestation in Afghanistan
John Groninger, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
4:15 Closing Remarks and Questions – Christopher Keyes and Anthony Davis

Title: Field Technology, Remote Sensing and Mapping in Forestry and Natural Resources Location: Holiday Inn Airport, Portland, OR Description: SCHEDULE Conference Materials Tuesday, September 13, 2011 8:00 8:30 General Session: “Cutting Edge Technology: A Look Into the Future” 10:00 Break   10:30 Concurrent Technical Sessions Field Hardware: BASIC Remote Sensing: BASIC Mapping Software: BASIC GPS … Continue reading Field Technology, Remote Sensing and Mapping in Forestry and Natural Resources

Field Technology, Remote Sensing and Mapping in Forestry and Natural Resources

Title: Field Technology, Remote Sensing and Mapping in Forestry and Natural Resources
Location: Holiday Inn Airport, Portland, OR
Description: SCHEDULE
Conference Materials
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
8:30 General Session: “Cutting Edge Technology: A Look Into the Future”
10:00 Break


10:30 Concurrent Technical Sessions
Field Hardware: BASIC Remote Sensing: BASIC Mapping Software: BASIC
GPS – The Technology Behind a Versatile Tool for Natural Resource Professionals – Steve Wilent, The Forestry Source Finding and Using Public Domain Imagery:
Mike McGuire, Ascent GIS Intro to Mobile GIS; Using ArcPad in the Field –
Jon Aschenbach, Resource Supply
“I Don’t Know How This Works, But Here’s How I Use It –
Doug Allen, Contract Timber Cruiser and Jon Aschenbach, Resource Supply Introduction to Using Lidar and Combining Lidar With Photogrammetry – Speaker TBA MrSID Compressed Imagery: The Next Generation and 4-Band Imagery – Jim Dielschneider, LizardTech
Solo 360 Toolbar for ArcGIS –
Brooks McKee, Trimble
Noon Lunch (provided with registration
Company 1 Company 2 Company 3
Vendors will offer optional 30 minute presentations on a variety of topics while the attendees enjoy their lunches.
1:00 Concurrent Technical Sessions
Field Hardware: HANDS-ON Remote Sensing: INTERMEDIATE Mapping Software: CUTTING EDGE
Integrating Laser Rangefinders into Mapping
– Craig Greenwald, Geomobile Innovations Color IR, Near-IR and Enhanced Vegetative Index Imagery – Dave Shear, Eagle Digital Imagery Linking ArcPad to ArcGIS –
Pete Zubowitz, ESRI (Invited)
Using a Log Thumper in the Woods for Acoustic Tree Measurements – Don Persyn, Roseburg Resources
Looking Through the Trees – Using Lidar to Evaluate Hydrologic Functions: Oregon Chub Ponds –
Jim Reed, The Hydrologic Group
Data Integrity: Protecting Your Data in the Field and Office – Jim Lahm, Electronic Data Solutions
2:30 Break
3:00 Concurrent Technical Sessions
Field Hardware: CUTTING EDGE Remote Sensing: HANDS-ON Mapping Software: INTERMEDIATE
The GPS Challenge: Nationwide Evaluation of GPS Performance in the Field – Tim Smith, National Park Service Oregon Lidar Consortium – Speaker TBA ArcPad: How Far Can You Push it for Expanded
Data Collection? Craig Greenwald, GeoMobile Innovations
Oregon Real Time GPS Network:
Randy Oberg, OR Dept. of Transportation (Invited) Using Ground-based Lidar for Stem Scanning – Brooks McKee, Trimble GIS Case history-Using Field Hardware Standards for Data Collection – Cy Smith, State of Oregon (Invited)
Surviviing the Wave of Technology and Still Practicing Forestry – Tom Richards, Northwest Management Installing Field Plots In Conjunction With Lidar: Lessons Learned – George McFadden, Bureau of Land Management
4:30 Sessions adjourn
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
8:00 Vendors will offer quick 10 minute presentations
on their products and services..
9:00 Break
9:30 Concurrent Technical Sessions
Field Hardware: INTERMEDIATE Remote Sensing: CUTTING EDGE Mapping Software: HANDS-ON
Using Bluetooth in the Field:
Jean Yves Lauture, Geneq Ground Based Laser Scanning in the Woods:
Matt Lindeman Freely Available Mapping Software: Using Google Earth and Other Applications – Amy Grotta and Tristan Huff, Extension Forestry, Oregon State University
Laser Rangefinders: the Premier Tool for Saving Time in the Field – Joe Cronn, Laser Technologies Lidar Elevation Accuracy in the Woods –
Mike Wing, Oregon State University (Invited)
Using Survey-Grade GPS for High Accuracy GIS –
Jon Aschenbach, Resource Supply
11:30 Lunch (provided with registration)
Noon Concluding remarks and door prize drawings
Date: 2011-09-08