2nd Annual Field Technology – 2012

Thanks to all of our Sponsors
Start Date: September 25, 2012
Location: Holiday Inn Airport, Portland, OR

Logo for Field Technology Workshop

Location: Holiday Inn Airport, Portland, OR
Start Date: 2012-09-26
End Date: 2012-09-27

Wednesday – Sept. 26, 2012
8:30 General Session
8:30 Trends and Emerging Technologies: Eric Gakstatter
9:15 UAVs: Joe Paiva
9:30 Mobile Phone and Applications: Jeff Shaner, ESRI
9:45 Open Source GIS Software: Dave Percy
10:00 Break
Field Hardware: A Remote Sensing: B Mapping Software: C
10:30 How in the World Does GPS Work?
Steve Wilent
Overview and Update on Remote Sensing Developments Geoff Peters Overview and Update on Mapping Software Developments, Cy Smith
11:15 Minnesota Dept of AG Case Study: The Evolution of Mapping Equipment Over the last 20 Years Gary Elsner New Developments in Photogrammetry vs. Satellite Imagery Carlos Velazquez Open Source GIS Software Dave Percy
Noon Lunch
Field Hardware: D Remote Sensing: E Mapping Software: F
1:00 Overview & Update on Tablets & Handhelds in the Field
Eric Gakstatter
Mapping With UAVs Joe Piava Surviving the Wave of Technology Financially and Mentally Tom Richards
1:45 Mobile GIS Apps for Android & iOS Roger Bryant Cost Analysis of a LIDAR Project: Does it Pay? Carlos Velazquez How Do I Get My Data to Match Up? Merging Data From Multiple Formats Tim Smith
2:30 Break
Field Hardware: G Remote Sensing: H Mapping Software: I
3:00 I Don’t Know HOw This Works, But Here’s How I Use it in the Field
Doug Allen & Jon Aschenbach
Measuring the World’s Biggest Trees Mario Vaden I’ve Got My Data, Now What? How to Avoid Common Data Management Problems Chuck Vopicka
3:45 How to Maximize GPS Accuracy Under Tree Canopies Jon Aschenbach Overview of Cameras with GPS & Casehistory: Incorporating Digital Photos with GIS Craig Greenwald Unit Mapping & Pesticide Applications with GPS & Helicopters Western Helicopter
4:30 End of Day 1
Thursday – Sept. 27, 2012
8:00 General Session and Q & A
A panel of experts will discuss current and future field technology hardware/software as well as take questions from the audience
10:00 Break
Field Hardware: J Remote Sensing: K Mapping Software: L
10:30 Free High Accuracy GPS Corrections: Coming to a Neighborhood Near You
Tim Smith
Aerial Photos vs. GPS: Which is More Accurate? Dave Shear Base Maps: How Accurate is Accurate Enough? Gavin Schrock
11:15 Laser Rangefinders: Practical Tips From the Front Lines Harley Canaday Landslide Analysis With3D Laser Scans Jeremy Conner Inventory, Mapping & Investigation of Abandoned Chemical Facilities Gary Elsner
Noon Lunch
Field Hardware: M Remote Sensing: N Mapping Software: O
1:00 GPS Errors: How They Affect Measurements & How to Remediate Errors
Lance Andre
Maximizing Wood Flow & Reducing Transportation Costs through Fleet Optimization: An Intro to Trimble FLO Brooks McKee Development of a 3D Static Model From Multiple Disparate Datasets Carrie Beveridge
1:45 GPS in Mobile Phones: How Accurate is it?
2:30 Break
2:40 Conclusion and Door Prizes