Southern Forest Nursery Conference

Thanks to all of our Sponsors
Start Date: July 16, 2011
Location: Sheraton Read House Hotel, Chattanooga, TN

Hosted by the Native Forest Nursery Chatsworth, GA

Monday, July 16th
1:00 – 5:00 PM Auburn University Forest Nursery Management Cooperative Meeting (Coop members only)
1:00 – 5:00 PM Registration for Southern Forest Nursery Conference (Sheraton Read House Hotel)
6:00 – 8:00 PM Social and icebreaker: Open to all Southern Forest Nursery Conference attendees (Sheraton Read House Hotel)
Tuesday, July 17th
6:00 AM Breakfast Buffet (included with registration)
7:00 Registration
8:00 Welcome/Housekeeping
8:15 The History of the Nursery Industry – Don Shadow, 4th generation nursery producer in middle Tennessee
9:00 Chilling Hours: Myths and Realities – David South, Auburn University (Retired)
9:30 Rhizoctonia Foliage Blight Control – Tom Starkey, Auburn University Southern Forest Nursery Management Coop
10:00 Vendor Introductions
10:10 Break
10:30 Insects and their Life Cycle: You Had Better Understand Them – Jason Oliver, Tennessee State University
11:00 Fumigation Research & Review – Scott Enebak, Auburn University Southern Forest Nursery Management Coop
11:30 Root Architecture – Kas Dumroese and Susana Sung, USDA Forest Service
12:00 Lunch (included with registration)
1:00 Seed Bed Densities – Chris Rosier, International Forest Company
1:30 Seedling Storage – Richard Garrett, State of Maryland
2:00 Panel: Nursery Do’s & Dont’s
2:45 Methyl Bromide & Buffer Update – Scott Enebak and TriEast representative
3:00 Dendrochronology: What the Trees We Grow Will Tell Us One Day – Henri Grissino-Mayer, University of TN
3:30 Adjourn
Dinner on Your Own
Wednesday, July 18th
6:00 AM Breakfast Buffet (included with registration)
Field Trip
During the field trip, the following research studies will be presented:
• Pendulum AquaCap on Loblolly Pine
• Tolerance of hardwoods of various seed size to Pendulum AquaCap
• Sowing density study
• Sowing depth study
• Morning-glory trial – Pendulum
• AquaCap vs. Dismiss vs. Broadstar
7:00 Buses depart for tour of Native Forest Nursery, Chatsworth, GA
12:00 Noon Lunch at East Tennessee State Nursery, Delano, TN followed by nursery tour
3:00 Return to Hotel
7:00 – 9:00 Dinner & Entertainment on the Bluff at Lookout Mountain (included with conference registration). Additional adult tickets available on registration form and children under 12 eat for free.
Thursday, July 19th
6:00 AM Breakfast Buffet (included with registration)
8:00 Containerized Seedling Production – Wayne Bell, International Forest Company
8:30 Importance of Water Quality in Plant Production – John Rutter, University of Georgia
9:00 Propagation of the More Difficult Hardwood Species – Greg Hoss, State of Missouri
9:30 History of Southern Nurseries – Jim Barnett, Southern Research Station (retired)
10:00 Break
10:30 H2B Worker Litigation Update: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Dan Bremmer, AGWorks
11:00 NRCS Programs: Impact on Future Reforestation Programs – Tim Albriton, Natural Resources Conservation Service
11:30 Business meeting
12:00 Close of Meeting