Inland Empire Reforestation Council 2012 Annual Meeting

Thanks to all of our Sponsors
Start Date: February 28, 2011
Location: Couer d' Alene, ID

Title: Inland Empire Reforestation Council 2012 Annual Meeting
Location: Couer d’ Alene, ID
Link out: Click here
Start Time: 08:30
Date: 2012-02-28

8:30 Introductions and WelcomeChristopher Keyes, University of Montana, Missoula, MT and Anthony Davis, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
8:45 Tree shelter effects on microclimatic conditions and forest seedling development
Douglass  Jacobs, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
9:15 New herbicides and adjuvants for forest vegetation management
Joel Fields, Wilbur-Ellis, Spokane, WA
9:45 Sponsor Talks
10:00 Break
10:30 Surface organic horizons and the impacts of pile burning on Inland Northwest soil productivity
Deborah Page-Dumroese, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Moscow, ID
11:00 Western larch field fertilization: third-year results
Terry Shaw
, Intermountain Forest Tree Nutrition Cooperative, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
11:30 Endophytes as crop protection
Mary Ridout
, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
Noon Lunch – included with registration
1:00 IERC Business Meeting
1:15 Update on spraying seedlings with Plantskydd prior to lifting
Bill Lasuta, Tree World Plant Care Products, Sechelt, BC
1:45 Reforestation needs in the National Forest System
James W. Golden, National Association of Forest Service Retirees, Lincoln, CA


3:00 Silvicultural management of coppice-regenerated redwood stump sprouts
Christopher Keyes, University of Montana, Missoula, MT
3:30 Reforestation in Afghanistan
John Groninger, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
4:15 Closing Remarks and Questions – Christopher Keyes and Anthony Davis