Streambank Soil Bioengineering 2012

Thanks to all of our Sponsors
Start Date: April 30, 2012
Location: Grand Mound, WA

Link to 2011 Streambank Bioengineering workshop PDF fileClick here for presentation files….

Monday, April 30, 2012
8:30 Greetings and scope of workshop
A. Principles of Streambank Bioengineering• Basic principles of using plants as the main structural component to reduce erosion on streambanks • Limitations to vegetation thru streambank characteristics, bank geometry, site preparation, and vegetative types • Advantages of streambank bioengineering
B. General Riparian Vegetation Concepts for Stabilization, Shade, Water Quality and Fish/Wildlife Habitat • Vegetation and moisture gradients affect plant species composition • Structure of plant communities • Plant succession within the riparian area • Planting zones: toe, bank, overbank, transitional and upland.
C. Riparian Plant Propagation
• Propagation of herbaceous and woody riparian plants: planting stock types, hardwood propagation, planting recommendations, planting methods, containerized plants, establishment success and planting herbaceous wetland plants.
11:30 Lunch
12:15 Workshop continues
G. Using Streambank Erosion Control Treatments in Riparian Planting Zones
1. Toe Zone Bioengineering Treatments • Fascine• Coir log• Brush revetment

• Brush box

• Root wads

• Lunker

2. Bank Zone Bioengineering Treatments

• Brush mattress

• Brush layer

• Vertical bundles

• Poles

• Vegetated geogrid

3. Overbank Zone Bioengineering Treatments

• Clump plantings

• Erosion control fabric

• Brush trench

• Containerized plants

4. Bioengineering Treatments and Rock

• Deflectors

• Brush spurs

• Vertical bundles behind rock

• Brush mattress with rock toe

• Brush layer with rock toe

5:00 Adjourn
7:00-9:00 pm Newcomers’ Orientation
Borys Tkacz
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
8:00 Questions and discussion from previous day5. Retrofit Established Rock Riprap • Cuttings with ecosoil• The Stinger6. Vegetation and New Rock Riprap • Willows underneath rock

• 45 degree bundles

H. What Were They Thinking?

• Learning from real life mistakes through a review of actual installations and problems encountered.

J. Keys to Successful Streambank Soil Bioengineering

  • Inventory: Characterizing existing conditions
  • Establishing objectives to drive your project planning
  • Selecting appropriate species for the site
  • Season of planting: Finding optimum conditions for best establishment
  • Proper handling to survive transplanting and planting materials
12:15 Closing comments
12:30 Adjourn