2016 Inland Empire Reforestation Council
Location: Coeur d’Alene Resort, Coeur d’Alene, ID
Matching Site Conditions and Crop Trees
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
8:00 Welcome & Opening – Julie Donohoe, Idaho Department of Lands and 2016 Chair, Inland Empire ReforestationCouncil
8:15 Reclaiming N. Idaho Mine Disturbed Sites Through Reforestation – Ed Pommerening, Consulting Forester, Pinehurst, ID
9:45 Break
10:15 Matching White Pine to Inland Sites: History, Blister Rust and Yields – Don Patterson, Stimson Lumber, Newport, WA
11:00 Species Selection Guidelines – Dan Miller, Precision Forestry, Moscow, ID
11:45 Lunch
12:30 IERC Business Meeting
1:00 Communicating a Positive Forestry Message to the Public – Koshare Eagle, Koshare Eagle Consulting, Olympia, WA
2:00 Break
2:30 Insect Concerns in Regenerated Stands: Not Just the Usual Suspects – Tom Eckberg, Idaho Department of Lands, Coeur d’Alene, ID
3:15 Updates on New Surfactants: Changing Familiar Products into Better Formulations – Carl Sostrom , Wilbur-Ellis, Spokane, WA
3:45 Vendor Recognition & Closing
4:00 Adjourn & Social