Do-It-Yourself Accurate Drone Mapping in Natural Resources

Start Date: March 8, 2018
Location: Coeur d’Alene Resort, ID

8:30  Introduction and Overview
How did mobile technologies evolve? Looking at the legacy of devices and operating systems (Windows Mobile, Blackberry, iOS and Android)

8:45  Drone Rules

  • How to obtain a drone pilot certificate.
  • 20 hours of on-line study. Common test questions. Local test centers.
  • Drone flying rules. Where can you fly and not fly?
  • Flying by yourself, flying in the woods and around people.
  • Hobby vs. business flying.

10:30 Break

11:00 Drone Technology: Capabilities, cost and pros/cons

  • Airframes
    • Rotorcraft, fixed-wing, hybrid.
    • Flight controller (tablet/smartphone vs. proprietary).
    • Airframe pros/cons.
    • Batteries.
    • Operating differences.

12:00 Lunch

1:00   Drone Technology (continued)

  • Mission planning software
    • Third-party vs. manufacturer-supplied.
    • iOS vs. Android vs. Windows.
  • Sensors
    • RGB cameras (photogrammetry, Phodar point clouds).
    • Lidar, thermal, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index).
  • Image processing software
    • Matching images effectively and accurately.
    • Using ground control points.
    • Cloud processing vs. Stand-alone processing.
    • Producing orthophotos, DEM (Digital Elevation Model)/DSM (Digital Surface Model), contours, volumes and 3D models.
    • Integrating into GIS (ESRI) systems.

2:30   Break

2:45   The Possibilities. What’s Possible with a $1,500 UAV?

  • Orthophoto example.
  • Elevation contour example.
  • 3D model example.
  • DEM/DSM example.
  • Volume example.

3:30   Wrap up and Q&A

4:00   Adjourn

About the Conference
The meeting will be held at the Coeur d’Alene Resort in Coeur d’Alene, ID.