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**Click on the speaker names below to see their presentation title and biosketch.
Draft List of Co-Leaders for Breakout Sessions
Tuesday, April 10
8:30 am Introduction and Welcome Address
Opening Address 1: Brian Ferebee, Regional Forester, Rocky Mountain Region, Lakewood, CO (Abstract PDF)
Opening Address 2: Keith Sexson, First Vice-President, Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Pratt, KS (Abstract PDF)
9:30 Review of Summit Goals – Deborah M. Finch, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station (Abstract PDF)
Join us to learn more about challenges and opportunities facing land managers of Great Plains grasslands. Take part in our discussion by providing input on ideas for future actions and research needed to sustain and restore the grasslands you care about.
10:00 Break
Science-Management Syntheses – What Do We Know and What Can We do About the Following Key Issues and Drivers in the Great Plains?
10:30 Working Lands Presentation – Ken Tate, Univ. California, Davis (Abstract PDF)
11:00 Invasive Plants – John Gaskin, USDA Agricultural Research Service (Abstract PDF)
11:30 Native Species & Biodiversity – David Augustine, USDA Agricultural Research Service (Abstract PDF)
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 Fire Presentation – Sam Fuhlendorf, Oklahoma State University (Abstract PDF)
1:30 Climate, Weather and Water Presentation – Dennis Ojima, Colorado State Univ. (Abstract PDF)
2:00 Energy Development – Jackie Ott, USDA Forest Service Research (Abstract PDF)
2:30 Overview of Objectives for Break-out Sessions
- Working Lands
- Invasive Species
- Native Species
- Fire
- Climate, Weather and Water
- Energy Development
3:00 pm Break and Move to Breakout Groups
3:30 Continue in Breakout Groups
5:30 Adjourn
6:00 pm Poster Session and Social
Wednesday, April 11
8:00 am General Session: Review of Day 1 Session
8:30 Break into Concurrent Breakout Sessions
- Working Lands
- Invasive Species
- Native Species
- Fire
- Climate, Weather and Water
- Energy Development
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 General Session: Report-out of Breakout Groups
1:00 Working Lands
1:15 Invasive Species
1:30 Native Species
1:45 Fire
2:00 Climate, Weather and Water
2:15 Energy Development
2:30 Break
3:00 Full Group Discussion of Action Plan
4:30 Review of Follow-up Plans
5:00 Close