The purpose of this survey is to understand practitioner perspectives on adaptive management strategies for reforestation under climate change, such as assisted migration. Survey results will be presented and published in a report to support the development of effective adaptive management strategies to sustain forests into the future.
Assisted migration involves several different management practices that use future climate projections at a site to inform seed source choices for reforestation. In general, this involves planting seedlings from seed sources adapted to historical (20th century) climate conditions at sites that are predicted to have similar climate in the future. There are three distinct types of assisted migration:
- assisted population migration—planting of seed sources from outside seed zones/breeding zones within a species current distribution
- assisted species range expansion— planting of species outside of, but adjacent to, the current range; and
- assisted species migration—planting of species outside of and geographically isolated from their current range
Graphic above provided by Northwest Climate Hub
The survey questions use the term “assisted migration” to mean any of these practices. Questions about any one specific practice use the specific terms above.
The online survey is available through July 21st. We seek participation from forest managers responsible for reforestation of federal, state, tribal, or private industrial forest lands in Washington, Oregon, and/or California. The survey should take 10-15 minutes and will be open for approximately four weeks. Summarized findings will be presented at a workshop and webinar open to all survey participants in fall 2023.
Contact Michelle Agne or Nicole Jacobsen for more information.
Questions? Talk with the Researchers via Zoom
June 20, 2023 at 8:30am PT
Zoom Meeting ID: 816 8573 8560
Passcode: 288166