Access, Easements, Rights-of-Way and Timber Trespass: What Every Forest Manager Needs to Know

Start Date: September 20, 2017Location: Hotel RL (Red Lion) - Olympia, WA
8:30 am
• Basics of Easement Law
• Duties and Liabilities Grantors and Grantees
• Crafting a Solid Easement Agreement; Pitfalls To Avoid
• Easements of a Different Feather: Licenses, Permits and Profits a Prendre
10:00 – 10:30 Break
• Prescriptive Easements: Avoiding Rights Arising in Others
• Easements By Necessity: Dealing with Landlocked Parcels
• Minerals Issues: Surface and Subsurface Rights
• Conservation Easements
Noon Lunch (included with registration)
1:00 pm
• Road Maintenance Cost Sharing
• Recreational Users and Trespassers: A Primer on Liability
• Timber Trespass Overview
2:30 – 2:45 Break
• Timber Trespass Damages and Insurance
• How to Avoid Timber Trespass
• Forest Dwellings: Permitting and Access
4:00 Adjourn
About the Speakers
Gregory Fullem is a shareholder in the Real Estate group of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, focusing his practice on forest products and timberlands transactions, natural resources law and large scale conservation easement projects. He regularly provides counsel regarding dispositions and acquisitions of real property, leasing transactions, access agreements, financing, long term timber and fiber supply agreements, working forest conservation easements, timber harvest issues, carbon transactions and numerous day-to-day land management operational issues. Greg represents a broad range of clients, including timber investment management organizations, industrial and small woodlands timberland owners, lenders, land trusts and other non-profit organizations.
Janna Davydova is a shareholder in the Real Estate group of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt and advises timber investment management organizations (TIMOs), regional timber companies, and a variety of other private and nonprofit forestland owners and operators regarding acquisitions, dispositions and management of timberlands and mill sites. She has worked on some of the most prominent forestland transactions of the last decade, involving millions of acres of timberlands throughout the United States. Drawing on her background in sustainable development, she has developed a particular focus on cutting-edge legal issues related to forest carbon transactions, conservation easements and sustainable forestry. An experienced real estate transactional attorney, Janna routinely handles transactions involving the purchase, sale, leasing and financing of commercial real property and agricultural and farm property. She also handles a variety of mining transactions.
Gregory Fullem is a shareholder in the Real Estate group of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, focusing his practice on forest products and timberlands transactions, natural resources law and large scale conservation easement projects. He regularly provides counsel regarding dispositions and acquisitions of real property, leasing transactions, access agreements, financing, long term timber and fiber supply agreements, working forest conservation easements, timber harvest issues, carbon transactions and numerous day-to-day land management operational issues. Greg represents a broad range of clients, including timber investment management organizations, industrial and small woodlands timberland owners, lenders, land trusts and other non-profit organizations.
Janna Davydova is a shareholder in the Real Estate group of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt and advises timber investment management organizations (TIMOs), regional timber companies, and a variety of other private and nonprofit forestland owners and operators regarding acquisitions, dispositions and management of timberlands and mill sites. She has worked on some of the most prominent forestland transactions of the last decade, involving millions of acres of timberlands throughout the United States. Drawing on her background in sustainable development, she has developed a particular focus on cutting-edge legal issues related to forest carbon transactions, conservation easements and sustainable forestry. An experienced real estate transactional attorney, Janna routinely handles transactions involving the purchase, sale, leasing and financing of commercial real property and agricultural and farm property. She also handles a variety of mining transactions.
About the Conference
Securing adequate access to your timberland is critical for management activities. And when you grant access over your property, it is just as critical to protect your rights and limit your obligations.This workshop will help you understand the basic issues governing permits, easements, and rights-of-way, as well as help you identify pitfalls in negotiating agreements. This session will also help you understand timber trespass, learn ways to reduce your chances of being a victim or committing timber trespass and cover permitting and access issues for dwellings in the forest.
The workshop will be held at the Hotel RL (Red Lion) in Olympia, WA at 2300 Evergreen Park Dr SW, Olympia, WA.