Hybrid NWFSC Forest Soil BMP Update Working Group

Chapter Title Volunteer Reviewers Status Comments
1 Understanding and managing risk Eric Sucre, Nicole Jacobsen, maybe add Rob Slesak Needs Review?
2 Soil characteristics that affect productivity and influence best management practices Cole Gross, Eric Sucre, Jeff Hatten, Mark Kimsey, Kim Littke, Deb Page-Dumroese, JP Fuentes, Marissa Theve Initial review complete by M. Theve
3 Soil survey information for forestland managers/management of soil erosion Mark Kimsey, Steve Campbell, Nicole Jacobsen, Joel Bolin, Chris Chase Initial review complete by C. Chase
4 Managing mass-wasting risk when conducting forest practices Todd Reinwald and Jen Initial review on going see if links to state information can be added and available
5 Managing soil disturbance Eric Sucre, Deb Page-Dumroese, Chris Chase, Marissa Theve Needs Review? LTSP updates and include some of that information. Contract administration and wording of contracts
6 Maintaining adequate nutrient supply principles, decision-support tools, and best management practices Cole Gross, Eric Sucre, Jeff Hatten, Mark Kimsey, Kim Littke, Deb Page-Dumroese Needs Review? expanding the scope of nutrients beyond just N and where you might find nutrition issues
7 Managing Soils to promote carbon sequestration Cole Gross, Jeff Hatten Needs Review? manage soils or vegetation / forests?
8 Conservation of soil biodiversity Marty Kranabetter Complete – maybe technology update?
9 Fire impacts on soils and mitigation strategies Alex Rozin and Britt in progress
10 wetland soils Nicole and Alex update after wetland scientists meeting