2024 Scaling for Non-Scalers

Location: Wilsonville, OR
9:00 am What does a log scaler do?
10:00 Scaling Bureaus: How they operate and their role in log markets
10:30 Break
11:00 Northwest Log Scaling Rules: Applying uniformity and standardization within the Doug-fir processing area
11:30 Scaling logs on trucks
Noon Lunch (included with registration)
1:00 pm Understanding log grades and sorts
2:00 Break
2:15 Log accountability: Tracking the log load from landing to mill
3:45 Catch-all short topics
4:15 pm Adjourn
The registration fee for in-person is $395 if received by September 27, 2024 or $495 starting Sept. 28. The in-person registration fee includes a book of speaker materials, coffee, lunch, and other refreshments.
Cancellations on or before September 27, 2024 are subject to a 15% service charge. Cancellations received after that time will be charged the entire registration fee. Substitutions are always welcome.
About the Speaker:
Mike Belfry has been a scaler and cruiser for over 35 years in the PNW. Most recently he was operations manager for the Pacific Log Scaling Bureau where he provided trained scalers for customer job sites. Before that position, Mike was National Forest Regional Measurement Specialist with the Tongass National Forest in Alaska. He also owned his own professional services firm maintaining log inventories and monitoring log utilization. Prior to owning his firm, Mike served as the Alaska Manager for the Pacific Rim Log Scaling Bureau where he maintained and trained a workforce of up to 50 employees and scalers throughout Alaska.
Society of American Foresters CFE credits
Participants will be eligible for 5.5 CFE hours in Category 1 through the Society of American Foresters. You must sign the CFE sheet on-site to obtain credits.