Seedling Success in the Field: Linking Nursery and Outplanting Practices

Start Date: October 11, 2017
Location: CH2M Hill Alumni Center, Corvallis, OR

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

8:00 Continental breakfast
8:30 Welcome and Introductions
8:40 Monitoring and Maintaining Seedling Quality to Optimize Outplanting PerformanceDiane Haase, Western Nursery Specialist, USDA Forest Service, Portland, OR
9:15 Using Side x Side Trials to Evaluate Outplanted Nursery StockRobbie Lefebvre, Oregon Department of Forestry, Salem, OR
9:50 Forest Regeneration and Density Management Issues Associated with Droughty, Glacial-Origin Soils in Western Washington – Tim Harrington, USDA Forest Service, PNW Research Station, Olympia, WA
10:25 Break
10:50 Assisted Migration Planting Efforts for Pinus ponderosa on a Post-Fire Environment in Northern New MexicoOwen Burney, New Mexico State University, Mora, NM
11:25 Remote Monitoring of Outplanting Sites Using Cameras and Environmental Sensors to Identify Planting WindowsEd Messerlie, USDA Forest Service, National Technology and Development Program, Missoula, MT
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Nursery Soil Fumigation and Outplant PerformanceNabil Khadduri, Washington Department of Natural Resources Webster Nursery, Olympia, WA
1:35 Two Years Post-Wildfire Reforestation with Ponderosa Pine and Mycorrhizae: Did it Work?Florian Deisenhofer, Hancock Forest Management, Vancouver, WA
2:10 Responses of PNW Conifer Plantations to Chemical Vegetation Management TreatmentsMaxwell Wightman, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
2:45 Break
3:10 Contracting, Communication, and Pricing Trends for Forest SeedlingsJohn Trobaugh, Washington DNR Webster Nursery, Olympia, WA
3:45 Where Does Backpack Spraying Fit Into Your Vegetation Management Program? The Costs, Benefits, Efficacy, and Practicality Comparisons between Aerial Spraying and Ground Herbicide ApplicationsBruce Alber, Wilbur-Ellis Company, Wilsonville, OR
4:20 Adjourn
6:00 Evening Social at McMenamins (included with registration)

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Optional Field Trip
As of Oct. 4, 2017 the Optional Field Trip registration is at capacity and CLOSED to further registrations.
8:00 – 4:00 Field tour with stops hosted by Oregon State University, Oregon Department of Forestry, and Starker Forests. Stops will focus on established field trials for evaluation of short- and long-term nursery and site-prep effects on seedling growth and survival. See top right-hand column for field tour schedule.

Conference Photos

Optional Field Tour Schedule: 10/12/17

As of Oct. 4, 2017 the Optional Field Trip registration is at capacity and CLOSED to further registrations.

8:00Depart from conference site

8:45Stop 1 and Stop 2
The two ODF sites are replicates of an annual stock trial. The units were site prepped (glyphosate, oust, escort, rotary, and syltac) in late summer / fall of 2016 and planted in February 2017. Stock includes plug, plug+1, and 1+1 samples of Douglas-fir and western hemlock. The sites have been measured and observed monthly throughout the 2017 growing season (May through September). Preliminary stock trial data will be available.

10:45Stop 3
The third stop will demonstrate the effect of different vegetation management regimes on the growth and survival of four Pacific Northwestern conifer species 17 years after stand establishment. The effects of vegetation management regimes on ecosystem biomass, including crop trees, understory and midstory, will also be discussed.

12:00Lunch at Stop 4
The fourth stop will examine how Douglas-fir seedlings of different stock sizes perform under conditions of operational vegetation management eight years after stand establishment. Stock sizes tested at this site include Styro-8, Styro-15, and Styro-60.

2:00Stop 5
The last stop on the Starker Forests site will cover the following topics: 1) Pacific dogwood planting, a species that is difficult to transplant and propagate; 2) mixed conifer planting with cedar spacing and a nutrient cycling experiment; 3) Pacific madrone genetic research; and 4) Starker’s western redcedar growing strategies.

4:00  Return to Corvallis and adjourn.
About the Conference
The conference will be held at the CH2M Hill Alumni Center on the Oregon State University campus, Corvallis, OR. The Center is at 725 SW 26th St.

OSU Campus Visitor Parking:
The meeting site is across the street from the Reser Stadium on the OSU campus and parking is available by the stadium. The cost of parking is $10/day, payable at the kiosk of b/c lots or the parking garage south of Reser Stadium the day of the event or payable online in advance. For additional information (including hourly rates) or to purchase a daily parking permit online please click here.