4th Annual Field Technology for Data Collection and Mapping in Forestry and Natural Resources
[WFCAShortLinks Register]http://www.growthmodel.org/wfca/login.asp?theevent=2014%20Field%20Technology%20Conference&eventregistrationurl=./events/field_technology.asp[WFCAShortLinks]
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Wednesday – November 19, 2014 [attr colspan=5 class=”AgendaDateRow”]
8:30 AM|General Session: Looking Down the Road – Overview of emerging technologies 3 lightning talks with speakers invited by Eric [attr colspan=4]
10:00 AM|Break [attr colspan=4]
[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”]|Session A[attr colspan=2 class=”AgendaTopicRow”]|Session B[attr colspan=2 class=”AgendaTopicRow”]
10:30 AM|Timber Cruising Tech From an Old Dog Who Learned New Tricks Doug Allen and Jon Aschenbach [attr colspan=2]|Space Weather Storms and the Impact on Our Technology Joe Kunches [attr colspan=2]
11:15 AM|Introduction to GPS and GNSS: Understanding the Technology Steve Wilent [attr colspan=2]|Overview of Mapping Apps for iOS and Android Mobile Devices Tyler Gakstatter [attr colspan=2]
12:00 PM|Lunch (included with registration)[attr colspan=4]
[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”]|Session C[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”]|Session D[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”]|Hands-on Demo 1[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”]|Hands-on Demo 2[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”]
1:00 PM[attr rowspan=2]|GNSS Case Study Tim Smith (invited)[attr rowspan=2]|In-Depth Review and Field Testing of 4 Mapping Apps Tyler Gakstatter[attr rowspan=2]|Small group demonstrations with time to try out the equipment and ask questions.[attr colspan=2]
Using Laser Range Finders |Using ArcPad With a Variety of Data Collectors
1:45 PM|Open Source GIS: Will it Work for You? Speaker TBA [attr colspan=2]|Dave Shear [attr colspan=2]
2:30 PM|Break[attr colspan=4]
[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”]|Session E[attr colspan=2 class=”AgendaTopicRow”]|Session F[attr colspan=2 class=”AgendaTopicRow”]
3:00 PM|High-Precision GNSS Data Collection Speaker TBA [attr colspan=2]|Help Desks ESRI Consumer Grade GPS Professional Grade GPS Open-Source GIS [attr colspan=2 rowspan=2]
3:45 PM|Comparison of Lasers, Hypsometers and Other Equipment Steve Wilent[attr colspan=2]
4:30 PM|Reception[attr colspan=4]
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Thursday, November 20, 2014 [attr colspan=5 class=”AgendaDateRow”]
[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”]|Session G[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”]|Session H[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”]|CGSIC Civil GPS Service Interface Committee: Regional Meeting[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow” colspan=2]
8:00 AM|When LiDAR Fails: Now What? Jim Reed|Making a Remote-sensing Based Forest Inventory Work Peter Gould|Using LiDAR for Transportation Applications National Geodetic Survey Update[attr colspan=2]
9:00 AM|Current FAA Rules for Using UAVs and an Overview of UAV Emerging Technologies Speaker TBA|Are You Introducing 1.5 Meter GPS Error Without Knowing it? Mark Silver|Update on GPS Satellites by US Air Force: New Satellites and New Signals Update on the NDGPS Program Thru the US Coast Guard[attr colspan=2]
10:00 AM|Break[attr colspan=4]
[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”]|Session I[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”]|Session J[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”]|CGSIC (continued)[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow” colspan=2]
10:30 AM|UAV’s for Mapping: Case History Speaker TBA|City of Hood River Open Source QGIS Case Study Mark Lago and Mike Schrankel (invited)|Experimental Landing System by Boeing Connected Vehicle Highway Network[attr colspan=2]
11:15 AM|Collecting Great GPS Data in Dense Creek Canopies and Canyon Bottoms Jon Aschenbach|Making GPS Data Collection Painless with Quick and Easy Field Data Forms Craig Greenwald|Regional Monitoring of Plate Tectonics [attr colspan=2]
12:00 PM|Lunch (included with registration[attr colspan=4]
[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”]|Session K[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”]|Session L[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”]|Hands-on Demo 3[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”] |Hands-on Demo 4[attr class=”AgendaTopicRow”]
1:00 PM [attr rowspan=2]|ESRI Mobile GIS Products John Sharrard (invited)[attr rowspan=2]|LiDAR, UAVs and Forestry: Emerging Technologies Mike Renslow[attr rowspan=2]|Small group demonstrations to try out the equipment and ask questions.[attr colspan=2]
2:00 PM|4 lightning talks from audience members. Discussion Panel and door prizes[attr colspan=4]
3:00 PM|Adjourn[attr colspan=4]