3rd Annual Pacific Northwest Forest Vegetation Management Conference
Location: Wilsonville, OR
Click on any of the green titles below to view the PDF of that presentation.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
8:15 Opening Remarks – Julie Woodward, Oregon Forest Resources Institute
8:30 Personal Protective Equipment for Dermal Protection in Forestry – Carol Black, Washington State University
9:45 Break
10:15 Sustaining Site Productivity: Lessons Learned From 25 years of the North American Long-Term Soil Productivity Experiment – Debbie Dumroese, USDA Forest Service
10:45 Everything You Have Always Wanted to Know About Using Mastication for Site Prep – Terrie Jain, USDA Forest Service
11:15 The State of Fear and How it Affects your Ability to Grow Trees – Heather Hansen, WA Friends of Farm and Forests
12:00 Lunch
1:30 One Landowner is Thinning While the Adjoining Landowner is not: Which One is Losing Money? – Greg Latta, University of Idaho
2:00 Does a Liability Jury Decision Change the Toxicology of Roundup? – Alan Felsot, Washington State University
3:00 Break
3:15 Red Alder Growth Model – Andrew Bluhm, Hardwood Silvicultural Coop., Oregon State University
3:45 Herbicide Applications in Lincoln County, OR With an Aerial Spray Ban – Joe Steere & Luke Bergey, Miami Corp
4:15 Managing Troublesome Weeds North of the 45th Parallel – Branden Sirguy, Merrill & Ring
4:45 Political Issues in Oregon – Katie Fast, Oregonians for Food and Shelter
5:15 Reception
Thursday, December 5, 2019
9:00 Forest Vegetation Management Mixes Without Glyphosate in the Inland Empire – Joel Fields, Wilbur-Ellis
9:30 Forest Vegetation Management Mixes Without Glyphosate in the West Side of the Cascades – Eric Hippler, Wilbur-Ellis
10:00 Break
10:30 Beyond Aerial Applications: Alternative Herbicide Application Methods – Bonnie Covell, Weyerhaeuser
11:00 Beyond Averages: Transforming Your Regeneration Plots into Useful Information – Bruce Ripley, Hancock Forest Management
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Noxious and Invasive Weeds: Identifying and Reporting – Wyatt Williams, OR Dept of Forestry
2:00 Results of a PNW Reforestation Cost Survey – Dan Opalach, Forest Biometrics Research Institute
2:45 Break
3:00 Labels, Handling, and PPE Use Rule Updates – Andrea Sonnen, OR Dept. of Agriculture
4:00 Adjourn
Conference Photos
Optional Workshop: Effective Messaging on Pesticide Use
12/3/19 | 1-5 PM | Holiday Inn Wilsonville, OR
It can be difficult to talk with neighbors or other community members when they are concerned about pesticide use. The session will help you feel confident by learning new tactics and messages to communicate effectively. How best to get your message out in support of forestry and vegetation control . . . both face-to-face and thru social media. How best to respond to bad posts based on inaccurate information. How best to act and communicate when you feel attacked? Foresters are the experts among your peers, friends, and acquaintances and they are the believable voice on these issues. Use that believability and expertise to make important points in personal conversations, public speaking, letters to the editor, and social media. Genevieve O’Sullivan from CropLife American will be the instructor. CropLife America is the national trade association that represents the manufacturers, formulators and distributors of pesticides. CLA's member companies produce, sell and distribute virtually all the vital and necessary crop protection and biotechnology products used by farmers, ranchers and natural resource professionals. Registration is free for this optional workshop on 12/3/19.