2024 Inland Empire Tree Improvement Cooperative (IETIC) Annual Meeting

Start Date: March 6, 2024
Location: Coeur d'Alene, ID


7:00     Registration
8:00     Welcome
8:05     The Story of Select Seed: 25 years of Collaboration, Propagation and Pollination – Brian T. Barber
9:05    Climate Adaptation in Western Larch: Informing Assisted Migration and Breeding for Future ClimatesBeth Roskilly
10:05     Break
10:35     Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change: Diverse Approaches to Ensure Goods from the WoodsJustin Crotteau
11:35     Western Larch Species Group Report Kelsie Grover
11:45     Western White Pine Species Group ReportDon Patterson
12:00     Lunch
1:00    Enhancing Seedling Outplanting Performance with Nursery Cultural PracticesJeremy Pinto
2:00     Projected Impacts of a Warming Climate on Inland ConifersDon Patterson
3:00     Break
3:20    Seed Orchards as Laboratories for Understanding Variability in Tree Physiological FunctionHenry Adams
4:05     Seed Supply Working Group Reports – Marc L. Rust
4.45     Wrap-up & Adjourn


Brian Barber, CEO, Select Seed Co. Ltd.
The Story of Select Seed: 25 years of Collaboration, Propagation and Pollination

Beth Roskilly, Research Geneticist, USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station
Climate Adaptation in Western Larch: Informing Assisted Migration and Breeding for Future Climates

Justin Crotteau, Research Forester, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station
Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change: Diverse Approaches to Ensure Goods from the Woods

Jeremy Pinto, Research Plant Physiologist, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station
Enhancing Seedling Outplanting Performance with Nursery Cultural Practices

Don Patterson, Inventory/GIS Manager, Stimson Lumber Company
Projected Impacts of a Warming Climate on Inland Conifers

Henry Adams, Associate Professor, Washington State University School of the Environment
Seed Orchards as Laboratories for Understanding Variability in Tree Physiological Function

About the Conference
The Inland Empire Tree Improvement Cooperative
50th Annual Meeting
Seed for Change
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Coeur d’Alene Resort Conference Center
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

The IETIC Steering Committee will meet March 7, 2024 and the Inland Empire Reforestation Council will meet March 5, 2024.