2021 Scaling for Non-Scalers
Start Date: October 22, 2021Location: Springfield, OR
Friday, October 22, 2021
9:00 am Scaling Bureaus: How they operate and their role in log markets – Tom St. Laurent
- How bureaus fit into the log buying and selling process
- Represent both the log buyers and sellers
- Apply log scaling rules
- Provide qualified scalers
- Serve as independent third parties
9:30 What does a log scaler do? – Mike Belfry
- How scalers fit into the log transaction process (only measure volume, not value)
- What is their relationship to log buyers and sellers?
- The different points in log transport where scaling can occur
- What is log volume and how is it calculated?
- What are the specific measurements and data collected on a typical log?
- Log documentation
- Understanding gross and net volume
- Why did my load scale out at a lesser volume? Reasons for volume deductions
10:30 Break
11:00 Northwest Log Scaling Rules: Applying uniformity and standardization within the Doug-fir processing area – Tom St. Laurent
- Function and role of the rules
Special Requests: Using procedures in addition to the NW log scaling rules – Tom St. Laurent
11:30 Scaling logs on trucks – Mike Belfry
Noon Lunch (included with registration)
1:00 pm Understanding log grades and sorts – Mike Belfry
- What is the difference between grades and sorts?
- Why do sorts vary from company to company?
- What is the difference between a good #2 sawlog and a rough #2 sawlog?
- What is the pulp sort?
- What is a cull?
2:00 Break
2:15 Log accountability: Tracking the log load from landing to mill – Mike Belfry
- How is data collected? Load receipts, weight reports, sample scales, sample expansion, log tags, scale tickets and certificates
- Understanding the paperwork: Examples will be provided of load receipts, scale tickets and certificates and each form will be reviewed in detail.
- What are the standard procedures for documentation and changes?
- How is the data stored, disseminated and accessed by clients?
3:45 Catch-all short topics – Mike Belfry and Tom St. Laurent
- Miscellaneous Topics (0:00)
- Understanding cubic measurements
- Volume conversion factors
- Using taper factors and actual taper
- Scaler value and cost (17:51)
- Defects (24:28)
- Difference between westside and eastside scaling (49:04)
4:15 pm Workshop Adjourns
About the Conference
The workshop will be held at the Holiday Inn Express at 919 Kruse Way, Springfield, OR. A streaming virtual option is also available under registration. If the streaming option does not fit your schedule, the session will be recorded and available after the event. Both streaming and recordings require a registration to receive the necessary link or password.