2021 Joint Annual Meeting: Northeast and Southern Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations

Start Date: July 19, 2021
Location: St. Charles, MO
Monday, July 19: Travel day

4:00 – 8:00 Registration (meeting room)
5:30 – 7:00 Icebreaker/Social Food and drinks provided by the hotel in lobby

Tuesday, July 20

6:30 am Continental breakfast
7:00 am Registration table opens

8:00 am WelcomeMike Fiaoni, GOW Nursery Supervisor and Justine Gartner, MO State Forester

8:45 am Community Forestry Issues and how the nursery can serve urban landownersDaniel Moncheski

9:30 am Partnership with GOW nursery and serving urban communitiesMeridith Perkins, Director of Forest Releaf

10:15 am Morning Break

10:30 am Restoring the Ozark Chinquapin Chestnut treesSteve Bost

11:15 am Native trees and shrubs for bees and other pollinatorsEdward Spevak

12:00 pm Lunch

1:00 pm Forest and nursery health issuesRobbie Derhoff, MO Forest Entomologist

1:45 pm Interstate trade and regulationsCollin Wamsley, State Entomologist, MO Dept. of Agriculture

2:15 pm Vendor Introductions

2:40 pm Afternoon break

3:00 pm Laura Dewald, White oak Initiative

3:45 pm Eric Lovelace, Forest Keeling Nursery

4:00 pm Ron Cordsiemon, Plant Materials Center

4:30 pm Meeting of Northeast Nursery Association (Cancelled)
6:15 pm Load bus to head to Butterfly House for dinner banquet
9:00 pm Load bus to head back to hotel

Wednesday, July 21: Field Tour

6:30 am Breakfast
7:45 am Board buses
8:00 am – 10:45 am Travel to GOW State Forest Nursery
11:00 am – 12:00 pm Tour
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch at GOW Nursery
1:00 pm- 2:30 pm Tour
2:30 pm – Load buses to return to hotel
5:15 pm Arrive back at hotel – Dinner on your own

Thursday, July 22: Field Tour

6:30 am – 7:45 am Breakfast
8:00 am Load buses or folks take their own vehicles to Forest Keeling Nursery (FKN)
9:00 am – 12:00 pm Tour Forest Keeling Nursery
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Lunch at FKN
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Tour Plant Materials Center
3:00 pm Load bus and vehicles to head back to hotel or home
4:00 pm Arrive back at hotel