Westside Forest Health Issues: Identification and Management

Location: Holiday Inn Portland South, Wilsonville, OR
8:30 Steps of Diagnosis for Insect and Disease Problems – Beth Willhite, Forest Service, Forest Health Protection, Westside Insect and Disease Service Center, Sandy, OR
9:00 Black Stain Root Disease – Sarah Navarro, Oregon Department of Forestry, Salem, OR
9:30 Armillaria Root Disease/ Laminated Root Rot – Kristen Chadwick, Forest Service, Forest Health Protection, Westside Insect and Disease Service Center, Sandy, OR
10:00 Break
10:25 Swiss Needle Cast: An Epic Tale of Complex Interactions Between Climate, Trees and a Pathogen – Dave Shaw, Extension Forest Health, College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
11:00 Douglas-Fir Beetle – Glenn Kohler, Washington Dept. of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA
11:30 Managing for White Pine Blister Rust: Bringing Western White Pine into Westside Silviculture – Holly Kearns, Forest Service, Forest Health Protection, Westside Insect and Disease Service Center, Sandy, OR
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Identifying Diseases on Seedlings – Anna Leon, Weyerhaeuser, Centralia, WA
1:30 Drought Impacts on Forest Health and Flatheaded Wood Borer Management – Bill Schaupp, Forest Service, Forest Health Protection, Southwest Oregon Service Center, Central Point, OR (invited)
2:15 Bark Beetles and Wood Borers in Drought-Stressed Douglas-Fir – Glenn Kohler, Washington Dept. of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA
2:45 Break
3:00 Sudden Oak Death – Sarah Navarro, Oregon Department of Forestry, Salem, OR
3:30 Invasive Forest Insect and Disease Threats to Oregon and Washington – Wyatt Williams, Oregon Department of Forestry, Salem, OR
4:00 Adjourn