2018 Southern and Northeastern Forest Nursery Association Joint Meeting

Start Date: July 16, 2018
Location: Pensacola, Florida

Monday, July 16th

1:00 P.M Auburn University Forest Nursery Management Cooperative Meeting
1:00 Registration

6:00 – 8:00 Social (Sponsored by Harrell’s Fertilizer)

Tuesday, July 17th

6:00 A.M Breakfast Buffet
7:00 Registration
8:00 WelcomeJim Karels, Director, Florida Forest Service
8:30 Recruiting for the FutureShelby Pyatt, Rayonier
9:00 Developing and Supporting Quality Nursery Facilities and StaffDiane Haase, National Reforestation, Nurseries and Genetic Resources Program, USDA Forest Service
9:30 Vendor Introductions
9:45 Break
10:00 Nursery Fertility Trials for the Next Generation of ResearchersDavid South, Auburn University, Emeritus
10:30 Biofumigation with Dominus®: Latest Results from Arkansas, Oregon and WashingtonAnna Leon, Weyerhaeuser
11:00 Trends in Production of Hardwood Seedlings in the Northeast US (2008-2016)Carrie Pike, National Reforestation, Nurseries and Genetic Resources Program, USDA Forest Service
11:30 Genetic Integrity of Longleaf and Shortleaf Pine Seed Orchards and SeedBarbara Crane, USDA Forest Service
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Evaluation of Sowing Methods to Detect Sonderegger Pine SeedlingsPaul Jackson, Louisiana Tech University
1:30 Growing Containerized Southern Pines in a Biochar-amended SubstrateKas Dumroese, National Reforestation, Nurseries and Genetic Resources Program, USDA Forest Service
2:00 Effect of Pisolithus tinctorius Nursery Treatment on Long-term Loblolly and Longleaf Survival and Growth in South Carolina Sand HillsMichelle Cram, USDA Forest Service
2:30 Vendor Introductions
2:40 Break
3:00 Seedling Storage and SurvivalRyan Nadel, Auburn University
3:30 Using Seedling Root Length to Determine Seed Vigor of Longleaf PineVictor Vankus, USDA Forest Service
4:00 Fumigation updateJohn Washington, Triest Ag Group
4:30 Adjourn
6:00 Dinner and Entertainment at the Grand Hotel (Included with registration)

Wednesday, July 18th

6:00 A.M. Breakfast Buffet
7:00 Field Trip and visit to Rayonier bareroot nursery in Elberta, AL
   Visit to PRT Atmore container nursery in Atmore, AL
   Lunch provided
5:00 P.M. Return to Hotel, Dinner on Your Own

Thursday, July 19th

6:00 A.M. Breakfast Buffet
8:00 The Response of Loblolly Pine Families to Root-feeding Bark Beetle-vectored FungiPratima Devkota, Michigan State University
8:30 Longleaf Accomplishments and Future ChallengesTim Albritton, Natural Resources Conservation Service
9:00 Bringing Innovation to RealityJim Fischer, Fischell Machinery
9:30 Break
10:00 Precision Agriculture and GPS Guidance SystemsRuss Worsley, Sunsouth
10:30 Seeder Technology and Precision AgricultureSteve Spooner, S&S Marketing
11:00 Panel Discussion: Future Technology Requirements of Forest Tree Nurseries
11:30 Business Meeting
Noon Adjourn

About the Conference
All conference events will take place at the Pensacola Grand Hotel in Pensacola, FL.