Container Tree Manual – Volume 2

Container Tree Manual Volume 2
Link to order a Container Tree Nursery Manual
Volume 2 – Containers and Growing Media
The authors describe the variety of containers and growing media available and help the nursery manager choose the right combinations for their nursery operations.

USDA Forest Service, Agricultural Handbook 674. 1993
Thomas Landis, Richard Tinus, Stephen McDonald and James Barnett

Table of Contents

Chapter 1-Containers: Types and Functions
Pages 1-40

  • Introduction
  • Characteristics of Containers for Forest Nurseries
  • Types of Containers
  • Chemical Root Pruning
  • Conclusions and Recommendations
  • Literature Cited
Chapter 2-Growing Media
Pages 41-86

  • Introduction
  • Functions of a Growing Medium
  • Characteristics of an Ideal Growing Medium
  • Components Used in Formulating Growing Media for Tree Seedlings
  • Selecting a Growing Medium
  • Procedures and Considerations for Custom Mixing Growing Media
  • The Importance of Proper Growing Medium Compaction
  • Conclusions and Recommendations
  • Literature Cited

Index of Common and Scientific Names