The development of a US forest carbon project involves many of the same tools, data, and analytical processes as are needed in other complex forestry projects. These include a complete forest inventory, growth and yield models, volume and biomass equations, and the use of a harvest scheduling model. However, in the application of each of these items, there are subtle (or not so subtle) differences when the aim is the development of a carbon project. In two days, this workshop will focus on forest inventory and modelling considerations specific to the development of a US forest carbon project. The approach taken will be to identify and discuss the needs of a hypothetical project, with consideration given to recommendations on tools to use and approaches to take. Particular points will be made in clarifying differences between the needs of a carbon project and those of a similar project that is focused on more traditional industrial forestry goals. Attendees will gain insights into the process of developing a forest carbon project, with recommendations and specific suggestions on approach.

US Forest Carbon Projects

The development of a US forest carbon project involves many of the same tools, data, and analytical processes as are needed in other complex forestry projects. These include a complete forest inventory, growth and yield models, volume and biomass equations, and the use of a harvest scheduling model. However, in the application of each of these items, there are subtle (or not so subtle) differences when the aim is the development of a carbon project.

In two days, this workshop will focus on forest inventory and modelling considerations specific to the development of a US forest carbon project. The approach taken will be to identify and discuss the needs of a hypothetical project, with consideration given to recommendations on tools to use and approaches to take. Particular points will be made in clarifying differences between the needs of a carbon project and those of a similar project that is focused on more traditional industrial forestry goals.

Attendees will gain insights into the process of developing a forest carbon project, with recommendations and specific suggestions on approach.

March 15, 2016 8:00  Course welcome and introductions Priority skills for career development and profitable business management Six skills for “getting smart” in forestry and forest business A day in the forestry life: land management vs. wood procurement vs. analyst 1: Conducting basic financial analysis in forestry Key tools and metrics for forest finance and … Continue reading Financial and Business Management Skills for Forestry and Natural Resource Leaders

Financial and Business Management Skills for Forestry and Natural Resource Leaders

March 15, 2016 8:00  Course welcome and introductions Priority skills for career development and profitable business management Six skills for “getting smart” in forestry and forest business A day in the forestry life: land management vs. wood procurement vs. analyst 1: Conducting basic financial analysis in forestry Key tools and metrics for forest finance and … Continue reading Financial and Business Management Skills for Forestry and Natural Resource Leaders

Thursday, January 14, 2016   0700 – 0815    Registration and Continental Breakfast (Included with registration) 0815 – 0830    Introduction to Western Region COFE & Seminar Jeff Wimer, Chair, WR.COFE & OSU FERM Department SESSION 1: STEEP SLOPE TETHERED ASSIST 0830-0900       Protecting the Logging Workforce: Development of Innovative Logging Techniques for a Safer Working Environment Kevin Boston, … Continue reading Western Region Council on Forest Engineering Seminar

Western Region Council on Forest Engineering Seminar

Thursday, January 14, 2016   0700 – 0815    Registration and Continental Breakfast (Included with registration) 0815 – 0830    Introduction to Western Region COFE & Seminar Jeff Wimer, Chair, WR.COFE & OSU FERM Department SESSION 1: STEEP SLOPE TETHERED ASSIST 0830-0900       Protecting the Logging Workforce: Development of Innovative Logging Techniques for a Safer Working Environment Kevin Boston, … Continue reading Western Region Council on Forest Engineering Seminar

9:00 Sawmilling Overview A. What are the Basic Manufacturing Processes? Follow a log along the manufacturing processes from delivery to the mill, through sawmilling and kiln drying, and on to the planer and shipping. B. What does a Successful Sawmill Manager Pay Attention to? An introduction to key sawmill performance metrics and a sample sawmill … Continue reading Sawmilling 101: Introduction to Softwood Sawmill Operations and Financial Performance

Sawmilling 101: Introduction to Softwood Sawmill Operations and Financial Performance

9:00 Sawmilling Overview A. What are the Basic Manufacturing Processes? Follow a log along the manufacturing processes from delivery to the mill, through sawmilling and kiln drying, and on to the planer and shipping. B. What does a Successful Sawmill Manager Pay Attention to? An introduction to key sawmill performance metrics and a sample sawmill … Continue reading Sawmilling 101: Introduction to Softwood Sawmill Operations and Financial Performance