US Forest Carbon Projects
The development of a US forest carbon project involves many of the same tools, data, and analytical processes as are needed in other complex forestry projects. These include a complete forest inventory, growth and yield models, volume and biomass equations, and the use of a harvest scheduling model. However, in the application of each of these items, there are subtle (or not so subtle) differences when the aim is the development of a carbon project.
In two days, this workshop will focus on forest inventory and modelling considerations specific to the development of a US forest carbon project. The approach taken will be to identify and discuss the needs of a hypothetical project, with consideration given to recommendations on tools to use and approaches to take. Particular points will be made in clarifying differences between the needs of a carbon project and those of a similar project that is focused on more traditional industrial forestry goals.
Attendees will gain insights into the process of developing a forest carbon project, with recommendations and specific suggestions on approach.