2021 PNW Forest Vegetation Management Conference

Location: Wilsonville, OR
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PNW Forest Vegetation Management Conference: December 7, 2021
8:30 Opening Remarks
8:45 Forest restoration from a seedling’s perspective – Steve Grossnickle, NurseryToForest Solutions
9:30 Zone Matcher: A new web application for climate-based seed deployment in the Pacific Northwest – Glenn Howe, College of Forestry, OR State University
10:00 Break
10:30 Aerial spray projects from helicopters to drones – Corey Fransen, Chief Pilot, Wilbur-Ellis
11:15 Bayer update: Current research and results with Esplanade F on PNW forest sites – Harry Quicke, Bayer
12:15 Lunch
1:30 PPE requirements and safe handling of forest herbicides and review of updated EPA regulations on aerial applications near neighbors and workers – Wendy Wheeler, Washington State University Extension
2:30 Break
2:45 Documenting experience with seed source movement: Establishing citizen science demonstration plots for PNW field foresters – Jeff DeBell and Peter Gould, WA Dept of Natural Resources
3:15 Managing aerial spraying projects on private timberlands – John Jayne, Cascade Timber Consulting
3:45 Panel Discussion: With the loss of forestry sites on the Atrazine label, what mixes and timings have you switched to now? At least one forest company has stopped using glyphosate, what changes would you have to make in your vegetation management program to stop using glyphosate?
- Branden Sirguy, Merrill and Ring
- Dale Claassen, Hampton
- Rodney Jacobs, Stimson Lumber
- Joe Newton, Lone Rock
4:30 Reception
PNW Forest Vegetation Management Conference: December 8, 2021
8:00 New spray buffer and aerial application rules: federal and state – Seth Barnes, Oregon Forest and Industries Council and Heather Hansen, Washington Friends of Farms and Forests
9:00 Application Rules Update and Examples of Pesticide Violations – Andrea Sonnen, OR Dept of Agriculture
10:00 Break
10:30 Setting up Roadside Spray Projects – Harrison Hapgood, A&H Forestry
11:30 Fields to Forests: Discussing the interaction between nursery practices, stock types, and young stand management – Brian Morris, Webster Forest Nursery, WA State Dept of Natural Resources
Noon Lunch
1:00 The physiological effects of herbicides within plants – Allan Felsot, Washington State University
2:00 Corteva Agriscience update: Product updates and research activities – Rob LaGrange and Will Hatler, Corteva
3:00 Some things just never go away: Forest pest legacies after harvest and plantation establishment – David Shaw, College of Forestry and Extension, Oregon State University
3:30 Adjourn